The center of Antonia is surrounded by trees in an elegant manor house.

Karen sat on the couch in a delicate and luxurious suit and drank coffee gracefully.

A strong man behind him began to report.

“Your Highness, Lord Leon has received news that he has encountered a demon of unknown origin in Maine, and according to the demon’s death, the Demon King is plotting to turn the human world into hell, and he and Lord Inna are still being investigated.”

“Alonso killed Pierce at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters and now heads west to prepare to destroy the remaining Hydra military base.”

“The results of the selection came out, and three people successfully awakened the small universe, the constellations are Whitebird, Unicorn, and Hound Dogs, and go to their respective places to obtain the Holy Cloak.”

Karen took a sip of his coffee, put it in the cup, and muttered thoughtfully, “Demon King? What does Mephisto want to do?? ”

Suddenly, an eyebrow was raised.

Pedal ~ pedal ~ tread ~

At this moment a slow footstep came, and looking up, I saw the old butler John coming.

“John Butler…

The strong man shouted respectfully, but he knew the position of this John in the heart of His Highness Karen, even though he was already a Saint Realm Supplemental Warrior, and his strength was beyond that of mortals.

“Joseph, I didn’t expect you to really give up your position to participate in such a cruel training…”

Old John had a gentle smile on his face.

The strong man Joseph was originally the top warrior of the army established by the York family, commanding tens of thousands of troops, but he did not expect to request to participate in the Saint Seiya Supplementary Training, and even successfully persevered, and even received the reward of the young master’s divine power baptism.

You know, this cruel training, only a thousand of the original 10,000 people persisted.

And Joseph also belongs to the top batch among the latecomers, and it is also a step away from awakening the small universe.

“It’s not enough, my goal is to become a true Saint Seiya…

Joseph’s eyes were firm.

Having seen the power of Saint Seiya, his gaze was long gone from the world.

“Okay, let’s go down.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Looking at the departing Joseph, old John frowned and asked with a little concern, “Young master, is this kind of power really easy to impart?” And to give the Holy Vestments?”

In contrast, the children that John preferred to be raised from an early age, were these people who had been tempered by time really completely loyal to the young master? Won’t ambition arise?

Karen shook his head dumbly and didn’t explain.

Want to betray it? Leaving aside the rest, as the master of the divine personality, the warriors who have been baptized by divine power are not only washing and reshaping their qualifications, but also loyal, as for the warriors who have not been baptized, they want to betray them?

How strong can an unqualified baptism of divine power be?

Seeing the confident look of his young master, John did not say much, but began to report: “Young master, after Alonso killed Pierce in S.H.I.E.L.D., MANY FORCES GOT THE NEWS, AND President Xi Yuexi sent a message saying that he wanted to visit.” ”

“You decide, I don’t have time to pay attention to this…”

“See, young master, by the way, Miss Pepper of Stark Industries has just sent a text message asking us to come and find Tony Stark.”

“She’s so well informed?” Karen was surprised.

“Young master, after all, is an oligarchic company, there are contacts on all sides in the United States, the Security Council minister was killed in full view of everyone, and there are dozens of warplanes, and the strength shown by Alonso is not a secret to the high-level.”

“And so how long has that playboy been kidnapped?”

“It’s been a month.”

“Well, I remember that Luo that little guy just got the Holy Cloak back from Lushan, just let him go.”

“Oh, young master, he hates the arms dealer the most, and his parents were killed by missiles in the first place, are you sure?”

“That’s interesting, isn’t it?”

“Oh, is it really good that you are so dark?”

“John, have you actually learned to joke?” The news had to be told to Louise. ”

“No, young master, this is my true word.”



In the Pisces Palace, which is full of various varieties of roses, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old black-haired teenager knelt on one knee on the ground and looked up at this beautiful mess in front of him with a surprised face.

What the? Let me go save Tony Stark that guy??

Augsig’s eyes flashed a black smile and then disappeared, and his expression was solemn: “What, your order to Your Highness is meaningful?” ”

“Don’t dare, it’s just Lord Ogsger, I’m this…”

“Your Highness’s orders are greater than everything, go ahead and do it…”

“Oh… Be…. ”

Luo Youqi weakly performed a salute, and then turned to leave the Pisces Palace, his childish face was full of entanglements, and he suddenly felt that he was not so happy to obtain the Holy Dress.

“I’d like to see what you’ll do too, Luo…”

Ogsig still knew the personality of his only bronze and silver brothers and sisters, how could he not know the life of this little guy, he was very much looking forward to the result.

Kill Tony Stark, or save it?

(Thank you very much for the VIP points of the “sai” gangster, thank you very much… )

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