As John said, the killing of Security Council ministers in the United States and the headquarters building of S.H.I.E.L.D. in full view of the public caused a violent sensation.

The military, parliament, high-level consortiums and other forces have obtained first-hand information.

Just seeing that the teenager in the expansion pack had such terrible power, just standing there, thousands of agents in the audience did not even dare to move, and even lightly destroyed dozens of fighters.

Everyone was shocked.

The first reaction was that it was too casual.

Yes, too casual, this understatement is the most frightening, side description of the point, that is, the strength displayed by this teenager is only the tip of the iceberg.

In other words, a flight that can break through the sound barrier alone can analyze a lot.

First of all, with the ability to fly beyond the speed of sound, the speed is absolutely terrible, flexible, and can withstand the huge resistance brought by the breakthrough of the speed of sound, it can be said that the physical fitness is absolutely beyond the titanium alloy.

What concept?

That is to say, even if the bullet hits such a body, there is no response.

Not to mention the terrifying ability to stop tens of thousands of bullets in mid-air, the terrifying lightning that destroyed dozens of warplanes, and the terrifying ability to inexplicably turn Security Council Secretary Pierce into ashes.

In the end, the conclusion was only a brief demonstration of strength, and the heat weapon had no effect.

The only thing you can expect is nuclear weapons…

But that is of little significance, because it is not yet known whether the other side is afraid of nuclear weapons, and if it is not afraid, then even the United States cannot bear the consequences.

Not to mention, there are mysterious sanctuaries.

After investigation, this teenager named Alonso was just one of the tens of thousands of orphans who had been absorbed into Antonia five years ago, and after five years, he had such a power, so how many people still had this kind of power?

So how scary is Karen who raised such a terrible guy??

No one knows, but no one wants to provoke such a mysterious and powerful being.

Therefore, after the analysis, all the forces almost at the same time made up their minds, they could only make good friends, not provoke, if they made good friends with the Holy Domain, maybe it was possible to find an opportunity to get such a force.

Thinking of the teenagers of such terrifying powers, the big guys’ hearts were hot.


A week later.

The endless desert is like a yellow sea, the sun shines on it, and the light shines brightly.

The undulating sand dunes are really like waves in the sea.

The wind blows in the desert, the sand grains fly, and the sky is dark, this is simply the world of sand, so that people have no foothold.

The piping hot air in the desert is enough to roast people.

And in such a cruel environment, a group of terrorists occupied a hill basin.

Armed terrorists patrolled the area under the scorching sun, wearing tangled revealing cloth hats.

“How’s it going??” Not far from the cave, the leader of the terrorists asked a strong man with a weapon on the side.

“Very good, he is very honest…

“That’s fine, but he’s not an honest guy, so keep an eye on me and don’t let him make small moves.”


The bald leader with a cigar in his mouth looked at the cave in the distance, his hideous face smiles across his face.

“Oh, what’s that?”

Just when the leader was in a beautiful mood, the voice of doubt came through his ears, and he saw his men pointing to the sky, and his expression suddenly became frightened.

He subconsciously looked up at the sky.

At this look, the pupils shrank suddenly.

It was actually a figure that fell like a meteorite at a terrifying speed.


With the roar of the heavens, the earth shook like an eighth-magnitude earthquake, and the yellow sand of the sky turned into a wave that rolled backwards toward the sky, and the terrible air waves swept in all directions, and the fierce wind flew everyone, cars, and even everything nearby.

The leader and his men tumbled backwards twice in the terrifying storm.

The physically fit leader shook his sleepy head and jerked up to look at the place where he had fallen not far away.

However, after a while, the yellow sand wave that rolled up the sky drifted away, and only a trace of smoke filled the air.

A figure loomed in the dust and smoke, although he did not know what kind of monster the comer was, but the leader who smelled the breath of death shouted at a group of men who also got up: “Fire, all fire for me… ”


Without hesitation, all the terrorists pulled the trigger, and thousands of bullets poured down on the looming figure.

The muzzle of the gun was constantly blazing, and the shell casings were constantly being ejected under the feet.

“Hey, who are you beating?”

Just as the fire was fired, a slightly childish voice was heard in everyone’s ears.


Everyone’s pupils narrowed, and at the same time they turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, and they saw a dark-haired teenager in green armor on the mountainside not far away, with a chill on his face with his hands on his chest, and at his feet, there were several dead terrorist corpses.

The sunken mouth of the Moon Hun had obviously suffered a terrible impact, and the blood was still flowing under the corpse.


Everyone took a breath of cool air and looked sluggishly at the dusty open ground, where there was only a huge pit and dense cracks, where there were still human figures.

(Thank you very much for the VIP points of the “sai” big guy, thank you big guy… )

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