“You are really clever, the small universe refers to the potential cosmic energy inside the human body, which is the source of the power of the Saint Seiya, and the real Saint Seiya exerts the superhuman power of breaking the stars and tearing the earth apart by detonating the small universe in the body.”

“There is indeed some kind of biological energy in human beings, but how do you draw him out?” Or even expansion? ”

“You have a lot to say.”

“This is the spirit of science, this release form is very similar to a nuclear fusion reaction, heating and compressing the surrounding air to make it expand rapidly, producing a high-pressure shock wave, simple and rough, but you can control this release method, it is incredible, right, can I give you a full body scan?” You’re curious too, Ethan? ”

“To be honest, I’m looking forward to it.”


“Then I’ll give you your consent.”

“I swear, if you don’t shut up, I’ll let you enjoy a day of sunbathing in the desert.”

In the vast desert, three people walk together in the hot sun.


The largest villa estate in the center of Antonia.

“Tony Stark, who was rumored to have been kidnapped for forty-four days, was sent back to New York by the Yorkist Family Bodyguard Company in the early hours of yesterday, according to the information we received…

“In addition, Greenland’s Russell Glacier inexplicably appeared in a sinkhole with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters, according to the picture, aerial cameras, helicopters, etc. can not get close to a distance of 10,000 meters, and overlooking the shooting picture, from time to time there is a roar and wail of fear, and the people who hear it fall into fainting for a short time, accompanied by the symptoms of twitching mouth spitting white foam.”

“In addition, this kind of sinkhole has appeared separately in the west and the east, and there is also a message from the east.”

“Whether this is a natural disaster or man-made, we have invited experts to answer.”

Drop ~~

Turning off the TV, Karen turned and walked to the huge balcony, not paying attention to the elegant lawn, touching the big hairy head of the lion who was resting on the side, as if thinking about something.


The male lion was obediently lying on his stomach, squinting his eyes and enjoying a low roar.

“Master, I guess you’re here to explain this to me?”

“Mr. Karen, you guessed it compared to that, didn’t you?” The supreme mage in a white robe, Koichi, did not know when he appeared next to Karen.

The male lion smelled the strange smell and just wanted to roar, but he saw a pair of eyes full of wisdom, and suddenly it was as if the mouse saw the cat and continued to lie down.

Karen glanced at the lion and smiled softly, “You should have an agreement with that one.” ”

“This agreement doesn’t make any sense, he shouldn’t know where to know I’m dying.”

“But he wasn’t sure, so he started to test you, didn’t he?”

“I think so, Mr. Karen.”

Gu Yi’s answer allowed Karen to confirm the thoughts in his heart, and he gently raised his head, looking at the sky in his jewel-like eyes, and he saw that the original blue and immaculate sky did not know when a wisp of black breath appeared that could not be seen by the naked eye.

The breath revealed evil, darkness.

That’s from the hell dimension…

“Dormammu’s strange movements, which made it impossible for the mage to free his hands, seemed to have some inevitable connection.”

“I understand that the mage, the Sacred Domain will strike…”

Karen replied categorically that the earth would obviously be in crisis, that Dormammu was involved in the Supreme Mage, and that the one in hell was no longer willing to be lonely, and this time it was obviously his handiwork, and even came down in person to try to turn the earth into a paradise for the devils.

The gates of the Hell dimension have been opened, and countless demons and demons will descend on Earth.

The Sacred Domain must intervene in this regard, otherwise, the earth will be in crisis.

This time, it is bound to let the whole world know the power of the Sacred Domain, and it can also be regarded as a piece of faith.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Karen… The mage was also very satisfied with this, she had always been concerned about the Sacred Domain, and of course knew how terrible the little ones in the Sacred Domain were.

Originally, the Mage Temple could be said to be the largest defense line against enemies in other dimensions of the universe.

Then now the Sacred Realm is.

The potential of the Sacred Domain is too terrifying, and as time goes on, a large number of powerful god-level strongmen will emerge in the Sacred Domain.

At that time, the earth will also survive in the future catastrophe.

She also believed that this time, the Sacred Realm would bloom with its own light.

(Brother Meng, sorry sorry, to see the game, tomorrow to restore the update, today take a leave, G2 to the grandfather rush rush, dry break the big turtle … .) )

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