The Supreme Mage Gu Yi left, Karen was still looking at the sky, and the corners of his mouth were wiped with an elusive smile.

Guarding all mankind on the earth, he really didn’t have that heart, from the beginning to the end, the positioning of the Sacred Domain was to be as detached as the Mage Temple, but he needed faith, and at this stage, if he wanted to strengthen the Sacred Domain, the divine power was extremely important.

This time the gates of hell are opened at the best time to earn prestige and earn faith.

And this time is also a very good experience for the Saint Seiya, and it is safe to make a profit.

“Maybe… Something interesting is going to happen… ”

His eyes glowed with gold, and Karen smiled as if he had seen something interesting.

Lion:???? The host couldn’t touch it and it was very comfortable.


Headquarters of military bases in southern Serbia.


“The two military bases are gone, and Pierce has been killed in public?” A middle-aged man with short brown hair slapped the table, his face full of anger.

At the huge table sat a group of generals in military uniform with their heads bowed and silent.

“Sir, according to the data, the other two military bases were destroyed in just a few minutes, and there were no living mouths.”

“Damn, Pierce was killed like this, are S.H.I.E.L.D. and the United States authorities eating shit?” And both of our military bases were destroyed, and there was no reaction at all? ”

“Sir, what should we do, the other side obviously has very strong intelligence, and the target is directly at us.”

“Fark, what can I do?” The other two military bases are equipped with weapons and military strength that are not worse than ours, and the personnel are not less than ours, and they have been destroyed in such a short period of time, with this ability … The middle-aged man was furious and almost wanted to kill, but there was also a hint of fear in his heart after saying it.

With such terrifying power, how did that damn Sanctuary do it?

How could he have cultivated such a freak after only five years of development?

Could it be that it has been passed down from the gods in some ancient mythology?

Is it really the same as the high-level analysis, which has been passed on by the gods of war and wisdom?

At the same time, he was afraid of this kind of power in his heart, but the York family could cultivate a warrior comparable to nuclear weapons in five years, so if the Hydra heritage was inherited, then it would be possible to cultivate a more powerful Hydra warrior, and it would be easy to unify the world.

But now is the time to think about how to get through this difficult time.

The one in the Sacred Realm was obviously retaliating against Hydra, how could he, as a high-ranking person, not know what had happened five years ago? Even he was the participant at the time.

And just thinking about it, when he first learned that there was a survivor in that family, he advocated cutting the grass and roots, as far as Pierce was afraid of this and that, now it is good, and the result is that he died at the hands of others, and this shameful way also involved him.


“Sir, according to your orders, the base defense system has been fully turned on, has been raised to the highest alert, and even equipped with that weapon, but if it is exposed, then…

“Hmmm, do you really think we didn’t expose it?” Our two military bases were destroyed, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the bastards in the United States could not have guessed it without any reaction, and even the S.H.I.E.L.D. had launched a major purge. The middle-aged man shook his head, the Hydra that was originally hidden in the shadows, because Pierce’s death was all exposed, it can be said that even if the freak does not come, they will be purged by the United States and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Can’t escape.

Beep ~ beep ~ beep ~ beep ~ beep ~ bee

Thinking directly, suddenly there was a red siren, and suddenly everyone stood up violently, and their looks became tense.


The sound of terrifying shaking and explosions was heard in the ears of everyone in an instant, and the violent shaking made everything in the conference room shake, and everyone began to stand unsteadily.

Screams, gunshots, and explosions intertwine to form a symphony of death.

I don’t know how long it lasted, the shaking stopped, the screams stopped, the gunshots disappeared completely, everything seemed to be calm again, and if it weren’t for the messy everything in the conference room and the dust falling from the ceiling, they would even think it was just an illusion.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into an eerie dead silence.

Stir up panic in everyone’s heart.

“This, you go out and see…

“I’m not going, I’m going to go.”

“Damn, what’s going on out there, that freak is coming??”

“Fark, long live Hydra.”

The atmosphere of terror made everyone look at each other, and after waiting for a long time without hearing a single movement, finally some people could not bear to rush out.


The closed conference room door was suddenly opened, which shocked everyone, and everyone pointed their weapons at the door, but then they breathed a sigh of relief, only to see a soldier with a head full of blood, and said anxiously: “Sir, someone has invaded, and we can’t see each other’s figures, our people have all been killed in a short time. ”

Pedal ~ pedal ~ tread ~

(Thank you very much for the VIP points of the “Reader Brave Boy” tip, thank you very much to the big guys, although a little talkative, but still want to take a leave, after all, the Tao Bo Little Lion Game, hey hey, tomorrow really resume the update… )

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