“These damn monsters, go… The middle-aged man yelled angrily and slapped it somewhere on the table.

The tens of billions of dollars military base is about to be abandoned, the heart is dripping blood, and the York family is even more hateful, vowing to find an opportunity to take revenge.


With a muffled sound, a dark door behind him was opened, apparently a hidden passageway to be used for “tactical retreat” at a critical moment.

Just as everyone was about to retreat through the secret door, a mighty momentum filled the entire conference room in an instant.

All the people stopped walking, and the body stood still uncontrollably.

A bitter chill crossed everyone’s heart, as if in the middle of winter, the soul would be frozen.

“It’s over…

Lightning flashed through the words in everyone’s hearts.

Step on ~~

The calm footsteps also stopped, and in front of the door, a dark-haired teenager in a black jacket looked with interest at the desperate but immovable high-ranking people in the conference room, and the handsome face was none other than Leo Golden Saint Seiya Alonso.

“Sigh, your Hydra’s brainwashing work is really good, it took a little time to be afraid of life and death, and it took a long time…”

Everyone froze in place, cold sweat dripping from their foreheads, the fear in their hearts became more and more intense, the strong breath of death had wrapped around their hearts, and they knew that the time of death was coming

“The time has come, the abyss of hell is inviting you, don’t let it wait too long.”

Cold as the cold ice of eternity, people can’t help but feel chills in their hearts when they hear it.

“Wait, don’t kill me, we can cooperate, the man behind the scene is Pierce, he has been killed by you, cooperating with us can make your York family stronger, we have relations with all forces, you will need us, killing us will only make all sides more jealous of you, and even unite against you.” 」 The breath of death became more and more intense, and the middle-aged man shouted with fear and anxiety on his face.

“A bunch of frogs at the bottom of the well, weak and weak, do you really think you can target the Sacred Realm?” Anyone who dares to offend the Holy Realm, to offend His Highness, will be judged. ”

The cold voice was like the final judgment of the gods.

A golden glow swept through the pupils, and a majestic and holy light shone through the entire conference room, drowning out everyone’s figure.


A terrible scream resounded in all directions, making people can’t help but be afraid.

The ripples of brilliance did not know how long they lasted, and finally, the terrible scream slowly disappeared, and the light also dissipated, and the figure of the teenager had disappeared and the empty conference room was empty.

Everything became dead silent, and only the messy home and the flickering lamp confirmed what had just happened.

An hour later, a group of men in suits arrived at a dead military base.

Some people take pictures of dead bodies, some people scan with machines, and so on.

“Sir, dead light, no more than three minutes from start to finish, and found something interesting.” The hairline has begun to crisis, and the middle-aged man in the black suit has a dignified face holding a strangely shaped gun in his hand, and said to the communicator.

“Coulson, something you think is interesting looks like a big problem.”

“I’m going back to headquarters now.”

“No, don’t worry, you leave for Antonia now, and I’ll be there waiting for you.”

“Oh, sir, to be honest, can you not go?” I might have nightmares about actually facing that one. ”

“Oh well. . .


Coulson looked at the hung communicator with a bitter smile on his face.

“It’s been a really fun trip.”


Located in the southern part of the Western Moon, Antonia Island has undergone several years of development, perfectly modernized and technology, and is even called the world’s most beautiful island by the world’s most well-known media reports.

The population explosion did not put a huge burden on the island, but because of the construction of the island, it became the world’s most famous tourist resort, resulting in the residents here will make a lot of money, coupled with the excellent security capabilities, so that tourists will not be worth the trip, the daily flow of people on the island can reach a high peak.

Fury and Coulson sat in a business van, passing through the beautiful streets, looking at the ancient European style buildings outside the window, and the smiling residents and tourists, and even the childish and cute smiles of the children led by the teachers.

Perhaps a smile is the easiest to infect a person’s heart.

Even Coulson, who had been nervous, became relaxed.

“Looks like you like it here, Coulson…

“I love smiles and especially the innocent smiles of the cute kids, and it’s the persistence that makes me feel like it’s been rewarded for all these years.”


Fury looked a little complicated, jealous? Admire?

(Tao Bo lost, as a fan of mixed feelings, and finally Largo covered his eyes and felt that the whole person was not good, the yard was a little slower, sorry… )

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