Are you an ambitionist? Or is it a God who has otherworldly mercy on the world?

The van drove to a large manor house in an elegant environment.

At the mouth of the manor, there were more than a dozen strong men with weapons and solemn patrols.

It seemed that there were only a dozen guards on the surface, but Fury saw more guards through the inside of the iron gate of the manor, and even the sensory madness tempered by years of life and death experience was alarming.

Dozens of extremely terrifying breaths were hidden in the shadows, ready to move.

Especially after they got out of the car, Fury felt dozens of pairs of eyes focused on him at the same time, and the strong and terrible breath made his fur explode.

Definitely not ordinary people.



Fury inhaled a cool breath inside.

This is just a manor, so as the most core sacred place of Antonia, how many terrible powerful people are hidden in the Holy Land?

It is no wonder that Antonia has become a forbidden place for all the world’s major powers.

No wonder the daring underworld, killers, mercenaries, and bounty hunters don’t dare to be brazen here.

“Permission to let go…

After scanning the two men’s passes with a trait instrument, the guard shouted at the back.

I have to say that this manor covers a really large area, even if the two people’s cars took more than twenty minutes to reach the destination.

Eventually, Fury and Coulson arrive at the manor house with mixed looks.

Manor backyard lawn.

The two finally meet the Lord, the master of the island and the Holy Land, Karen. York.

Somewhere on the lawn, the old housekeeper and the maid Louise and a beautiful teenager in gold armor stood respectfully aside, and Karen sat in a rocking chair in casual clothes, watching the book and drinking coffee from the table next to him from time to time, in an elegant and peaceful posture, next to him was a well-behaved and docile male lion, and the hairy tail yawned from time to time in a hazy way, and the picture looked very friendly.


Suddenly, as if smelling a stranger, the male lion, who had been docile and almost asleep, jerked his head up with a fierce light in his eyes, proving that this was not a big cat, but a real beast.

Faced with the beast that ordinary people feared, Coulson and Fury walked forward without changing their faces.

“Well, Finn…

The increasingly beautiful maid, Louise, caressed the lion’s big head with her small hand, softly soothing.

“Mr. Karen, John Butler, Ms. Louise, and this gentleman…

“The two gentlemen welcome you to the Secien Manor.”

The old butler and maid gracefully gave a salute, as for Ogsig’s direct disregard, indifference and abnormality, Fury and Coulson did not care, the identity of the other party is obvious, the gold-level Saint Seiya, one of the top sequences of the Holy Domain, this god-like existence is not surprising in how arrogant.

“I’m curious how you’re going to convince me, and I’m not interested if you rely on what’s in the box in your hand… Karen’s attention was still on the classical book in his hand, and he whispered without turning his head back.

Fury frowned, “Does Mr. Karen know what it is?” ”

“The Shield of Medusa, once activated with its powers, is petrified, but this thing is not a mythological thing…”

Karen is somewhat amused, the Medusa Shield in the box does have some strange powers, but it has nothing to do with Athena, and since talking to Gu Yi, he has determined that the ancient moon myth has no real god in the Marvel world, nor Athena.

This shield is powerful to ordinary people, but it has no effect on him.

Most importantly, in Fury’s house, the only thing that could make him look at was the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, that is, the Space Gem, and the others were even Kree Stones that he didn’t bother to look at.

“Mr. Karen, S.H.I.E.L.D. is so grateful to Sanctuary for finding out those damn Hydras…

“I have to remind you, Mr. Fury, as a mortal, the thoughts in your heart cannot be hidden from me, let alone from Your Highness, please do not waste Your Highness’s precious time… Listening to these high-sounding words, Augsgow frowned and opened his mouth to warn.

“Ok。。。。 So can you tell me Mr. Karen whether your existence with the Sanctuary is good or bad for this world? ”

Walt? Coulson’s originally slightly nervous mood instantly exploded when he heard this.

A very bad feeling of foreboding suddenly came.


With the roar of anger, the overwhelming pressure suddenly struck, and the huge and vast breath made Fury and Coulson have no ability to resist, and their faces turned pale in a short moment and fell to the ground.

It’s like the despair of the end when the end comes.

Fury and Coulson finally felt the horror at the top of the battle power sequence.

(The mentality has exploded, yesterday uploaded three chapters need to be reviewed and modified, so there is no update, is sorry, the content of several chapters have all been modified a change… )

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