“You can easily say this?”

“It’s not too secretive…

“You don’t seem to be worried?” According to the calculated images, the location of the energy explosion is only about ten kilometers away from Antonia, and that level of energy explosion will definitely affect there. ”

“You don’t even understand the power of the Sacred Realm, Saint Seiya casually punches through the sky, his feet shatter the earth, and the powerful Golden Saint Seiya can even punch hundreds of millions of punches in a second, do you think anyone can resist this kind of power?”


Hearing this, the three of them couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air and punch hundreds of millions of punches in a second?? Is this still human?

The law of dynamic acceleration, when the speed reaches a certain level, the force will expand to a terrible extent.

How could Tony and Ethan, as scientists, not understand this?

With the speed of the human body to punch hundreds of millions of punches in one second, the two instantly realized that it must have reached the speed of light, and the human body reached the speed of light, not only the speed but also the physical defense, not to mention the strength.


Is this really human?

It is truly worthy of being the Golden Saint of the top sequence in the Sacred Realm, and the one who rules the Sacred Realm is named Karen. How strong is York?

In particular, Tony’s mood is extremely complicated, using a mortal body to create a war armor that is beyond the times, which is extremely proud of itself, but now in comparison, this armor is estimated to be a punch in front of these guys.

Luo came to the huge balcony, ignoring the constant beating of the waves and the wind blowing his hair, and closed his eyes and looked up.

“Come on.”


The huge energy fluctuations are not only Tony, but basically detected by various other countries, but the helpless thing is that military satellites simply cannot observe anything through the thick clouds.

It’s just that the rising energy has shocked everyone.

How terrifying are tens of millions of tons of nuclear-armed explosions?

And the detected energy has exceeded this value, which is simply devastating.

Especially at this critical juncture, when all sorts of weird times occur frequently, it is clear that there must be a connection between them, especially when the energy fluctuation detection is close to Antonia.

“Damn, what the hell is going on here?”

“Ask me about it immediately, and the Ministry of Foreign Education will immediately contact the Antonia side and must ask what happened.”

“Quick, connect to the Antonia Island Foreign Education Department, be sure to ask clearly.”

“This delicate time, this energy fluctuation… ”

“Is it really the end of the world? Damn it… ”

Leaders are beginning to issue orders, and they must be more aware of what is happening, especially the mysterious and powerful island of Antonia, which erupts in such terrible energy fluctuations, and if the other side cannot stop it, what about their country?

Can it be blocked?

Tension and panic are already pervasive in the national leadership.



“Galactic Starburst…

The vast small universe burst out from the two brothers of Charles Gemini, and the boundless momentum was like a prison, and the dazzling golden light actually melted the dark forces nearby.

In the surrounding body even formed a huge galactic form composed of energy, the American wheel


The terrifying energy was released in an instant, and two huge meteorites mixed with the earth-destroying energy roared towards the hell lord Mephisto, and everywhere they went, all the space was destroyed and torn out of a long crack.

The space seems to have become somewhat unbearable.

“Stardust rotation work…

“Giant Horn…

“Escaliba …

“Corpse Qi Nether Wave…

“Diamond Star Fist…

A group of golden and incomparably powerful inheritance combat skills bombarded out at this moment, each terrifying combat technique was so powerful that it could even destroy anything, and the majestic and terrifying energy, ice falls, space, meteorites, and so on burst out at the same time.

“Roar ~~~~~”

The Hell Lords are no longer human bodies, huge red skin wearing red cloaks, and the vicious devil reveals that the flames of hell are burning.

The terrible energy of the sky gushed out, an angry roar, and a terrifying magic erupted.

The raging flames of hell turn into a sea of burning fire that infects everything around it.

At the moment of the collision of energy, everything in heaven and earth was still, and time seemed to have stopped for a few seconds.

Then came a terrible upheaval.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Terrible and violent waves spread in all directions, the surrounding sea water was pulled and turned into hundreds of meters and thousands of meters of earth-shattering waves sweeping through everything, terrible winds turned into waterspouts raging, dark clouds in the sky were thunderous and flickering, and lightning cracked and tore the air.

Everything within a radius of several kilometers was annihilated and destroyed.

Space is vibrating wildly.

Within miles, the sea water was annihilated, and even a huge crater of soil from the seabed thousands of meters below could be seen from the meteorite, like a sunken basin, but in the next few seconds, the endless sea water flooded the basin again.


In the center of the battle, the sea of hellfire in the sky, and the ice waterfall that froze everything, golden figures flew backwards in all directions like cannonballs.

All the golden warriors stepped on the waves, stepping out of the white waves of thousands of meters.

(Very grateful for some “Sing a good day at her funeral” big guy tipped ten thousand VIP points, thank you very much, big guy cowhide, here to give you a kowtow, bang!) Bang! Bang! )

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