
All the gold forcibly stopped the body, but the sea under their feet seemed to experience an explosion, sinking to a diameter of ten meters.

The corners of his mouth spilled blood, Zhuo Lu raised his head, his right hand was erect in front of Hun, and his closed eyes moved slightly, as if he was about to open.

The other Golden Saints stood in the waves, the surging small universe rolling around, their eyes filled with high war will to look into the distance.

Thousands of meters away, the hellish flames emitted by the hell lord had already burned the sea water under his feet, and the wisps of white smoke were floating and then burned out.

The demonic figure stood in the sea of hell’s flames, the momentum covered everything, and countless lightning bolts in the sky seemed to be afraid and did not dare to split.

“Hum ~ ~ ~ very powerful moves, very powerful power, this kind of power has never been seen before, but in the face of me still have spare strength, is it looking down on me Mephisto?”

The terrifying sound waves rolled in all directions.

The other golds frowned, and the afterglow glanced at the distant island of Antonia, where the aftershocks of the power and the waves that had just been set off had been blocked by an invisible barrier that had also alarmed the inhabitants of the island.

“Truly worthy of being the Lord of Hell, not only powerful, but also cunning enough.”

“Che, if I hadn’t been afraid of the aftermath of the power hitting the island, I would have erupted a long time ago.”

“But what to do now, the other party has obviously seen through our jealousy.”

“No, with that move, the rest of the people guard the island.” Benson Taurus proposed.

“The power of that move is too strong to be contained in our current realm, although we can guard the island, but the direction of hundreds of kilometers is estimated to be completely shattered… Zhuo Lu frowned his good-looking brow, and the red mole at the center of his brow was even more obvious.

“Damn… This can’t work, that can’t work, what to do. ”

The grumpy himself gritted his teeth to suppress his anger.

Strength is useless but really uncomfortable, and it is hard to be beaten, it is simply amazing.

“Hahaha, are you really like those hypocritical guys who want to protect that ridiculous group of humans?” It’s ridiculous. Mephisto laughed wildly, the flames of the devil were fierce, and the momentum was more and more surging and erupting, and he had to admit that these teenagers were really strong.

Although his individual strength was far inferior to his, he could completely counter him with his combat techniques and exquisite move explosions.

But because of the so-called protection of mankind, he has repeatedly retained his strength.

It was simply ridiculous and fueled his ferocity, and the demons themselves were adept at grasping at the weaknesses of human nature, not to mention Mephisto as the Lord of Hell.

Take advantage of this weakness, grab these damn guys, and then sign a soul contract to become your own slave.

Not only can we ask the source of this power system, but also a dozen more powerful slaves.

At that time, he would not be jealous of those hypocritical guys and Gu Yi.

It’s just that it’s really not easy to get rid of these guys, especially if there is an unknown strong person behind them…

Inside Antonia, huge fluctuations have alarmed all residents.

Millions of people, some on the top floor of their houses, some standing just outside the street, all staring at the sky, only to see the waves rushing to the island, but blocked by an invisible energy shield.

One after another, the mighty waves were heavy enough to destroy the entire island of Antonia, but such a terrible wave could not break through the thin shield of light blue energy.

It’s a stunning image.

“Athena and Her Royal Highness Karen are on top, it’s incredible…

“My God, this is simply the power of God.”

“This kind of power, which must have been brought by His Highness Karen, can stop such a terrible wave, hahaha…”

“Long live Athena, long live Her Royal Highness Karen…

“It’s amazing, it’s really amazing…

Both the original residents and tourists sincerely admire the magic of the island and Karen and can stop this terrible natural disaster, which must not be done by mortals.

The residents were fine and were themselves obsessed with Karen and Athena.

And the tourists are really conquered.

When everyone was talking, some of the brave tourists involuntarily took their mobile phones to shoot incredible pictures, which were even more magical than the scenes in the movie.

This trip is not worth the trip and must go back to brag about a wave.

But there is also a large number of tourists who are worried about whether the thin energy barrier can block it.

After all, manpower is powerful, and it can’t stop this terrible natural disaster, right?

Especially that wave is still going on.



With a huge roar, the unstoppable aftermath carried hundreds of millions of tons of impact waves and bombarded the energy barrier, a crisp cracking sound was transmitted to everyone’s ears, and everyone’s face changed, and their eyes were fixed on the energy barrier that had a crack.

In this case, it is clear that it will not last long.


Many even couldn’t help but scold, with a look of despair on their faces.

After all, the waves were enough to overthrow the entire island, and once the defensive barrier was broken, everyone was bound to die under this terrible natural disaster.

(Very grateful for some “Sing a good day at her funeral” big guy tipped ten thousand VIP points, thank you very much, big guy cowhide, here to give you a kowtow, bang!) Bang! Bang! Today will not add more to, tomorrow must add more ~~~) for the big guy).

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