“I can’t really see that…

Barton looked at the aura of peace and tranquility and shook his head.

“Just like that, he has not leaked mountains or waters for five years, who knows that he has cultivated so many terrible strong people… Coulson sighed.

“Well, Barton, what do you see?”

“The magnetic field is becoming more and more disordered, although there is a mid-air suppression, but it is still obvious that the strange atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, and it should not be suppressed for long.”


In the middle of other sinkholes all over the world, there stood a Golden Saint Fighter, and because of these presences, the warriors of various countries were a little calmer in their hearts.

The momentum of every Golden Saint Fighter looking at everything raised a trace of worship in the hearts of the warriors who had always admired the strong.

Even if these teenagers are only teenagers.


As time passed, the skies around the world grew darker, and even some of the places near these sinkholes were cloudy at noon, and the ominous atmosphere was constantly emitted.

If you look at it from outer space, the originally beautiful blue planet is shrouded in vast darkness.

The vision grew more frightening.

All the guards of the gold looked more and more solemn.

The media companies that were not afraid to die also used helicopters to shoot pictures in the area not close to the sinkhole.

The huge sinkhole that emits a thick black aura is evil and dark, even through the screen, you can’t help but feel cold in your heart, afraid of it, only the god-like figure in mid-air has no fear color.

Seeing the figure standing on this road, this gives people hope in their hearts.

I also pray for these fearless warriors who guard the earth.

The day that is finally enough for the world to remember has arrived.

The gates of hell are open.

The sky of Lake Superior unconsciously began to converge unceasingly, the black pressure suppressed a depressed and dull breath across the sky, and a pair of greedy scarlet eyes appeared in the sinkhole.

“Thanks… The gates of hell are about to open. ”

“I smell countless sweet and delicious flesh and blood, so wonderful, so good.”

“Soul, I want soul…”

A piercing scream spread from the sinkhole, an ominous red-black light began to shine, and a thick black aura began to spread in all directions.

Everywhere I went, the ice, the land, the trees began to wither and decay, turning into a frightening gray.

The demonic undead lurking in the underworld obviously couldn’t wait any longer and wanted to enjoy the delicious food.

“Coulson, I don’t think there’s something wrong with the situation, maybe the gates of hell have been opened… In his ear, Colson heard Patton’s heavy voice.

Coulson looked at the terrible scene in the distance, his face darkened, and took out a communicator to issue an order: “Attention all the troops, the war has begun, and once a demon breaks through the gates of hell, ready to open fire, understand?” ”

“The first echelon of raptors to prepare.”

“Second echelon to prepare.”

“Third Echelon…

Both the air and ground forces surrounding Lake Superior have begun their highest alert, waiting for orders from their commanders to open fire.

Some of the warriors touched their Huns’ mouths in prayer, their faces full of determination.

Maybe they will die, but they will never surrender.

“Good luck to us, gentlemen


“Thank you, sir…

The high battle intent of all the people in the city made Zhuo Lu in mid-air move, and he nodded secretly.

“Roar ~~~~~~”

With the earth-shaking roar, countless huge and vicious demons, the undead began to break through the gates of hell, turning into a monstrous wave, and the evil and venomous breath invaded the entire sky.

“Finally out, hahahahahaha…”

“Soul, many souls, delicious souls ~~~~”

“Is this the human world?” It’s so beautiful, and if I devour my soul, I’ll become stronger, stronger. ”

“Oh, what’s that?”

“The breath of disgust, aa

The billions of demons and undead who broke through the seal of the gates of hell roared with joy, but before they could really enjoy the food, the real death came.

The golden light shone brightly, turning into endless ripples that swept in all directions, and the wave of demons and undead that had just broken through the coming to the human world completely withstood this holy and mighty force that could not withstand it in a desperate roar.

The murmur that did not know where it came from seemed to be that Buddha was reciting a scripture, and the instinctive fear that all the warriors had originally generated was completely dissipated.

Everyone looked up at the shining golden figure in the sky.

“O greedy spirits and demons, you who have deep karmic obstacles, please bask in repentance under the holy stars.”


With the sound full of tranquility falling, the vast and majestic golden light turned into a pillar of light with a diameter of thousands of meters, piercing through the gates of hell and connecting heaven and earth.

Waves of terror swept in all directions.

The heavens and the earth seemed to be shaking


“What is this power?”

“Aaa I don’t want to die, so many souls are still waiting for me to devour ah. ”

In the golden pillar of light connecting heaven and earth, the countless dark figures were slowly purified and annihilated in struggle and roar, and all evil dissipated in this holy light.

This is the power of the Twelve Golden Saints Zoro.

The demons and undead who had originally broken through the gates of hell were once again suppressed strongly, and all the warriors who had been preparing for the death battle were stunned by the people on the helicopter who kept shooting pictures from afar.

(Chapter Thirty-Five is in contact with the editor, I’m really sorry, and I don’t know what’s going on… Whew, uncomfortable, right, noon a more, the rest of the update in the evening, the comments of the big guys to the power ah, and really think that no one to see it… )

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