At the same time, the gates of hell in other parts of the world opened, and countless waves of ugly and vicious undead and demons screamed to break through the gates of hell in an attempt to occupy the new world.

However, it was subjected to a strong suppression by the Golden Saints.

Just after breaking through the hell, it was overwhelmed by the endless golden radiance frenzy and turned into ashes.

This picture was also filmed by the brave and fearful media, and all the nervous people could not help but start cheering at this moment.

“Is this Saint Seiya?” Too powerful. ”

“Even if you buy Karma, those damn demons can’t break through the defenses of the gold…

“With the suppression of these Golden Saints, no demons can pass.”

“So handsome, these little brothers are so handsome, the old aunt who never chases the stars is a fan.”

Through the live broadcast footage filmed by the media helicopter scene, the demon that was suppressed by the Golden Saint Fighters could not break out of the gates of hell, and his heart was much calmer.

With the presence of these Golden Saints, perhaps, the demons are not so terrible.

However, as an ordinary ordinary person, how can you know the horror of the hell dimension.

“My lovely children, tear everything apart and wake up!!!”

A low voice that seemed to be able to devour souls was heard in the ears of all the people of the world, and with it, above the entire planet, a huge demonic shadow looked down on the sky, greedy and indifferent eyes, and people could not help but scream in fear.

“Roar ~~~~~”

All the gates of hell are located, conveying the roar, tyranny, brutality, and desolation of the ancient demons from the abyss of hell.

With the breath of endless darkness, a huge terrifying demon beyond a thousand meters rushed out of the gate of hell, and even the golden pillar of light that suppressed the heavens was destroyed by this terrible and vicious giant demon.

The terrifying and huge body emitted thick monstrous hellish flames, and the blood basin full of sharp teeth roared up to the sky.

There are also female demons with petite bodies and full of evil charms, and their glances and lines are full of the breath of surrender.

There are three heads of hell like the mythical description, and each head roars with a thick blood.

But there is no doubt that the most terrible demons in hell have appeared.

It also means that a real disaster has come.


The earth-shattering breath accompanied by this roar and ferocity set off a terrifying wave, sweeping in all directions, the ground, ice, trees, flowers, even the clouds in the sky were all thrown under this terrible momentum.

This is the real demon from hell.

Brutal, vicious, terrible.

When these demons first appeared, the sky of the entire planet was completely invaded and covered by the black wave of black oppression, and in this black and evil wave, it seemed that hundreds of millions of undead and demons could be seen waving their hands, pulling, struggling, and screaming with excitement in the wave.

“Hiss, Coulson, I really didn’t think I’d one day fight a mythical demon, that’s not what I said when I first joined S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Thrown away by the terrifying air waves, Patton struggled to hide behind a boulder and looked up at the vicious and terrifying demon that was thousands of meters high.

Coulson crouched down behind the armored car and said wordlessly, “Me too, I will resign after this matter is over, but now is not the time for you to complain, do you think your attack has an effect on everyone??” ”

“You’re teasing me guy, my arrow is only qualified to give it teeth.”

“Well, damn smash, let you taste the enthusiasm from Earth, all pay attention, all fire on me!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a single order, missiles, artillery fire, bullet storms continued to bombard the huge demons of thousands of meters from all directions, and fighter planes in the sky roared through the black tide, allowing the demons to enjoy the enthusiastic artillery fire.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Boom!

The incessant sound of explosions and flames exploded on the terrifying giant demon’s body, and powerful waves of air rolled in all directions, and the hot heat of the explosion even distorted the air around it.

Also completely submerged in endless artillery fire.

“Roar ~~~~~”

The attacked demon let out a roar of rage, and although it was covered by endless artillery fire and it was not clear what the situation was, it could be seen from the huge roar without the slightest pain, that it had experienced such a dense and majestic artillery fire and had not suffered any damage at all.

“How is this possible? Damn, keep attacking, don’t stop! ”

Although Coulson had long guessed in his heart that Rewu did not have much effect on the demon, but it was too much of a dog to do no harm at all, he gritted his teeth and continued to roar.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The same is true of the terrifying artillery fire that covers the gates of other regions.

The war between man and hell began in the eyes of the whole world.

“Here is the live report from Lake Subilia, everyone can hear the incessant artillery fire and thousands of fighter gunships firing shells in the sky, but from the scene effect, it seems that there is not much left and right, to destroy the demons, whether human weapons are useful, we are here to put a question mark.”

“Here is a live report from Eastern Europe, through which you can see that a three-headed dog similar to the Bible’s description has appeared at the gates of hell, and our latest new anti-ship missiles and fighters have been unveiled here…

“Here it is…

Countries around the world are tense together through the computer or television set to watch the live report, the picture of the huge explosion and fire almost destroyed the picture, showing the intensity of the battlefield.

(Adjusting the jet lag, sleep is completely upside down, I’m sorry but the update won’t fall… )

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