But from the picture.

Whether it is missiles, tanks, bullets and other thermal weapons do not seem to have much influence on those powerful demons.

Not even to cause any damage.


Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!

On Lake Superior, the huge demons of thousands of meters seemed to be enraged by these nasty insects, and the bloody basin roared angrily, and the flames of hell suddenly surged like a volcanic eruption.

The fiery red flames of hell turned into a monstrous sea of fire and spread out in all directions.

Any artillery fire and bullets and everything else that came along the way was burned in the hot flames of hell, and even the fighters that were slightly closer to the battlefield were actually ignited and directly incinerated into ashes.

“Damn, it didn’t work at all.”

“Too strong…

“It’s over, are we going to die?” Alice, goodbye. ”

“Guys, the next life is in between.”

“Damn the smash…

The scorching heat, the monstrous sea of fire continued to spread and burn, everything along the way was burned, all the warriors were sweating on their foreheads, and the weapons in their hands were scalding by the terrible heat, which stung their hands, but they did not care, because they were already desperate.

The monstrous sea of fire was already less than a thousand meters away from them.

They have no fear, no fear, only unwillingness.

Even Coulson and Barton were desperate, standing in place, crimson light imprinted on their faces, and the sea of fire reflected in their eyes, helplessly smiling bitterly.

“Is it over?”


The White House of the United States.


“These damn smashing ~~~~” The president’s right fist slammed into the table with an angry roar, and the projection hanging on the wall in front of him was the scene of the battle in the sinkhole of Lake Superior in the United States.

The United States, which prides itself on being the most powerful country, is absolutely the best in the world in terms of weapons.

However, the proud weapon had no influence on the abominable demon at all.

The most crucial thing is that it is very likely that his brave boys will be killed in battle, and once the defensive position is lost, the defense line in the United States will be lost, and then it will be like the back garden of the demons to get what they want.

The United States cannot afford such consequences.

Suppressing his anger and uneasiness, the president covered his head and said, “What else can I do?” ”

“Sir, if the line of defense is lost, please authorize the launch of nuclear bombs!!”

“Prophesiedly, we must not allow the situation to decay, Lake Superior is on our own soil.”


“Mr. President, Parliamentarians, gentlemen, we have not lost the line, on the contrary, we can hold the line!!!” In the midst of the discussion among the top brass of the conference room, a low voice came from behind the crowd, and everyone turned to look at it, and their eyes flashed clearly, it turned out to be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury.

“Why do you say that, Fury…

“Gentlemen, the line of defense has not fallen, our weapons do not work against the big guy, but don’t forget, there are still people who can deal with it…

Fury pointed to the demon in the picture sitting in the void with his eyes closed.

Standing still, like a Buddha.

Everyone’s face was a little unnatural, how could they forget, just negligible, if they could, they were more willing to show the strength of the United States in such a time of crisis, even the demons could not hurt the powerful United States.

“Fury, you have to know that in the fight against the demons are our brave and fearless soldiers, not the so-called Saint Seiya who dresses like a circus clown.” Suddenly a middle-aged, white-haired general spoke, and the tone was extremely bad.

The same is true of other generals.

As a military, they are always strong, and they must not let the world see that they need to rely on outsiders to fight the devil, which is a great shame.

Even if nuclear weapons are launched on the mainland.

This is probably the case with the other top legislators.

“Gentlemen, please see clearly the current situation, not only the United States, but the whole world is experiencing a disaster, and if we do not step on it, we, and even this planet, will turn into hell.” Fury didn’t have any expression, but there was a trace of anger in his eyes, and he looked at the thoughtful crowd and continued, “Do you really think that you can destroy that guy with a heat weapon?” ”

Stretching out his right hand, he pointed sharply at the shadow of the planet outside the window.

“No, not just us, but the whole of humanity can’t do it, please see the reality, gentlemen.”

“Here, I have a piece of advice to you, don’t do stupid things to anger that one, because the only thing that can save this damn world is the Holy Land!”

Rumble ~~~

A huge bolt of lightning slashed through the torn sky, and the light imprinted the intricate faces of a group of high-ranking people in the conference room.


“Dirty evil, tell me, will you be afraid?”

When the monstrous sea of hellfire was about to overthrow hundreds of thousands of soldiers and soldiers, a word floated in the sky, and with the fall of this sentence, the heavens and the earth seemed to stand still in an instant.

In particular, the divine Zhuo Lupan sat in the void, and his handsome face was quiet and peaceful.

The sea of fire, the artillery, the planes, the rolling clouds, everything came to a standstill, and only he finally stood up.

Along with this, the terrifying atmosphere that soared straight into the sky broke out.

The young man who guarded the gates of hell day and night will finally bloom his own light and declare to all the demons that no evil can cholerade in front of him.

(Thank you very much for the tips of the big guys of “I am you”, “**”, “せ道martyrdom morning Ж”, thank you very much Mo Da, I feel that I still did not write well, vomiting!) )

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