“Your Excellency, Odin, has come to visit!!!”

An old and majestic voice sounded in Karen’s ear, with a smile on his lips.

I don’t know when, space ripples.

The whole heaven and earth seemed to stand still.

The nearby guards and the maids waiting for Karen to eat seemed to be stationary in their minds and bodies.

At this moment, accompanied by golden waves, a white-haired old man dressed in exquisite and gorgeous clothes appeared on the other side of Karen’s desk out of thin air, and Karen put down the white jade chopsticks in his hand and said with great interest: “It turned out to be Odin, the king of the gods, I don’t know what noble work it is to suddenly come to the earth?” ”

Odin impassively perceived the entire island, a dormant and terrible breath made his heart freeze, and then he smiled heroically: “I found out that Midgart had another strong man besides the Supreme Mage and had always wanted to visit, but he was delayed by some things, so let’s see who the strong man who can kill Mephisto is.” ”

“But it was amazing to see His Excellency Karen himself, not only because he was strong, but also because his men were as strong as clouds.”

This was indeed the real thought in Odin’s mind, and when he had sensed the arrival of Dormammu before, he felt a strange and terrible strong force.

Later, the demon king Mephisto actually came to earth and died at the hands of this strange and powerful man, which could not help but shock him.

This is very different from what he will see in the future.

He had to come to visit when it came to his future plans.

When he really faced this strange Heavenly Father-level strongman, he still found himself underestimating the newly rising strongman, not to mention the danger that just facing this man made Odin feel terrible.

Even on that tiny island, there were more than a dozen powerful breaths.

Not to mention the thousands of powerful warriors who are also terrifying.

Odin can say without hesitation that this alone is enough to make this island a new hegemonic power in the universe.

In the vast universe, the strength of power is not only based on the number of people, in the face of the real strong, the number of people is not worth mentioning at all.

“Thanks for the compliment, as long as your son won’t do anything to the earth, I can agree!!!” Karen took a sip of the red wine on the side and gave him some advice.

Odin was not surprised that Karen knew of his plan, after all, standing at their level of the strong, foreseeing the future is just an ability, nodding his head in thanks: “I am grateful for your tolerance… ”


Strange fluctuations sounded, only to see a dark black metal about a meter in diameter appear in Odin’s hand.

Karen saw the metal and said unexpectedly, “Good stuff.” ”

“Uru Metal, from Neidwiglil, can only be forged by the master forge of the dwarven kingdom, has a powerful and standing, and can be endowed with magic, and the weapons made from it can communicate with the user’s mind and repair themselves.”

“Good to see, this is a meet and greet gift to Your Excellency Karen.” Odin placed the metal on the wooden table, and after a moment of silence continued, “I hope you will be able to give some help to my son in the future, of course, only when he is most decadent and confused. ”

“Yes, but your other son is not a fuel-efficient lamp.”

Odin smiled bitterly, “I believe in him, and just teach that child some lessons.” ”

“A child over a thousand years old… Cullen did not comment.

“He will never grow up without going through something, they have endless potential, Thor will become the new king…

“I’m looking forward to their growth, but my warriors won’t allow anyone to wreak havoc on Earth.”

Odin got the answer he wanted, smiled with satisfaction, and with the ripples of golden brilliance, the man disappeared into place.

“Thank you, sir, I will warn them…

And the originally stationary space was restored, and the guards and maids seemed to be completely unaware, but there was some difference in how a dark black metal appeared in front of His Highness’s desk.

Karen picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat gracefully.

“Odin, Thor, Loki… Also, the reality gem. ”


Time passed slowly, and the wounds caused by the demonic invasion seemed to be slowly repaired with time.

New York, at no cost to the United States, began to rebuild.

The support of major consortia, under the trillions of US knives, beckons construction companies around the world, just a few short months, New York has basically taken on a new look.

Millions of people are re-occupied.

Everything is in order, work, life will make people forget the pain of losing loved ones.

Only the legend of the Sacred Realm circulates in the world.

Many people want to become saints and have the power to surpass mortals and get the god-like power, so they go to Antonia in an attempt to enter the Holy Land.

But people were surprised to find out.

The newly established island that had been built behind Antonia disappeared ~~~

Yes, it disappeared out of thin air, as if the sanctuary did not exist with this world.

Searching, probing, and even military satellites could not find the Holy Land, and even the inhabitants of Antonia did not know where the Holy Land was.

This made people who were already interested in the legend of the Sacred Realm start to speculate.

Some believe that the Sacred Realm migrated to the kingdom of the gods.

Some people think that the Sacred Realm is just hidden in an unknown corner of the world, while others think that the Sacred Domain is shrouded in a layer of magic enchantment but no one can see it with the naked eye.

(Thank you very much for the tip of the big guy of “Divine Comedy” and “Dumping Her in the City”, thank you very much… )

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