But no matter what, the Sacred Realm also disappeared completely.

Because of this, the Sacred Realm has also completely become legendary, mysterious, powerful, and unknown.

The most important thing is that the videos that were originally circulating wildly on the Internet did not know when, but seemed to be on the shelves one by one, and were banned one by one, as if someone did not allow videos about the Sacred Realm and Saint Seiya to appear on the Internet.

The portal established for the Holy Domain was not banned, but traffic to the portal was limited to Antonia, and other countries were also banned at all.

This surprised people, but more people vaguely guessed something.

Other countries have adopted a posture of co-opting the Sacred Realm that is useful beyond the power of mortals, and they are also jealous of the power of the Sacred Realm allowing them to maintain a detached posture, but they are also afraid that their people will only believe in the Sacred Realm and disdain their own country, which will cause turmoil.

Especially those videos show the power of the metaphor of the Holy Land, the incompetence of its own kingdom.

But the more forbidden it is, the easier it is for people to cause a desire for mysterious unknown forces, and human instincts to pursue the powerful, especially witnessing the invasion of the devil.

Skye is one of them.

She was originally a hacker, she had experienced the battle of demons invading New York, she knew the horrors of demons, and she could not forget the day when the gates of hell opened, when terrible demons and undead came, and she was almost about to be devoured by evil undead.

A young boy descends like a god at the moment of a thousand gunshots.

Beautiful, gorgeous snowflakes drift away, freezing all evil spirits and demons.

After that, she was evacuated by the army, and also witnessed the teenager in the live broadcast, under the threat of a powerful lava behemoth, exert a strong force, completely freeze the lava behemoth, and even turn the entire New York into an ice age.

He also witnessed the disappearance of the man named Karen for three days, and then let the world know that it was this man who fought alone with the powerful demon king Mephisto.

Again appearing covered in blood, desperate to seal the gates of hell with the last force of the loyal Golden Saints.

Then even fainting fell from the sky.

That in order to protect mankind at the cost of life, that kind of heroism, she will never forget in her life.

To this end, she also went to Antonia to find the Holy Land, but disappeared, but she did not give up, trying to find the Holy Land on the Internet.

So Huské came to the city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.

Dar es Salaam, Swahili meaning “port of peace”, alias Dar Rae, is the former capital of Tanzania, located on the eastern coast of Tanzania, and the language is Swahili.

Two days ago, Skye found a post on the Internet saying that she had met a strange teenager here, and even took a back photo, as a loyal little fan, she could see at a glance that this familiar back was the Saint Seiya named Joyson who had saved her.

But I searched hard for two days, but Mao didn’t find it.

Then the most painful thing was that she found that her wallet and other things had been stolen, even the laptop that she never left was stolen.

Skye simply wanted to swear.

Wallets, computers, that thief is also too rampant, such a beautiful girl steals, is there still human nature?? Is there still a law?

Fortunately, I paid for a week in advance at the hotel, so I didn’t even have a place to stay.

In desperation, I could only find a factory to work in a bag of food and housing.

Fortunately, his colleague was quite kind, a white middle-aged man named Bruce, who was polite in speech, gentle in his behavior, and obviously very tutored, which made Skye feel good about him.

At work, Skye also talked to Bruce about policing when he chatted.

“There are security problems in every place, because the economic development is not balanced, the gap between the rich and the poor is very large, resulting in many people at the bottom will become gangsters, theft and robbery are endless, perennial tourists are stolen often, even those law enforcers are afraid to check because of the gangster forces, so … ”

Bruce smiled softly and explained for the Asian girl.

Skye was suddenly clear, but still displeased: “This is the problem of governance, if there are so many things in Antonia, no one dares to rob at all, even if there is a theft for half an hour, it will be caught.” ”

“Antonia?” That’s a really good place. Bruce had a meal of life in his hands, thoughtful.

Skye was unaware of Bruce’s anomaly and gushed excitedly: “Of course, under the rule of His Highness Karen, Antonia is already the richest island in the world, and… ”

Thinking of something, his eyes swept around, and his voice suddenly lowered a lot, and he whispered mysteriously: “You should know about the Sacred Domain founded by His Highness Karen, right?” ”

“Of course, I was concerned about the demon invasion before.”

Bruce looked at this mysterious cute girl with a big secret to tell you and knew what the girl wanted to say.

“Hey, I was the one who experienced the demonic invasion of New York at that time.”

“I don’t know, it’s said that a lot of people died at that time, but you are very lucky.”

“Yes, but it was dangerous at that time, and I was almost given food by that evil demon.” Skye remembered the situation and had palpitations, but then the little face crossed the crimson excitement and continued, “But just when I was dying, a teenager saved me.” ”

“Juvenile? Could it be… ”

“That’s right, it’s Saint Seiya, I also saw a post on the Internet saying that I seemed to have met the teenager here, I just came, but I was stolen after two days of searching.” Skye was still excited at first, and the more he said later, the more depressed he became.

The girl with the change of face is really cute.

Bruce was also dumbfounded.

(Thank you very much for the tip of the big guy of “Divine Comedy” and “Dumping Her in the City”, thank you very much… )

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