Countless bullets hit the big green monster like a rainstorm of guns.

But it didn’t work.


The big green monster was furious, and its angry roar rushed towards the encirclement.

Rumble! Rumble! ”

The muzzle of the armed tank spewed out fire.

But the sensitive green monster directly dodged, and the footsteps shook fiercely, and the ground suddenly cracked and jumped towards the sky.

Like a cannonball, it slammed into the tank body.


More than six hundred kilograms plus the impact force, like a meteorite, almost directly squashed the tank.

Both hands clenched into two siege hammers and slammed into the barrel of the gun.

With a loud bang, the muzzle of the gun was smashed.

The shells in the tank also exploded, and the Hulk was violently thrown away by the impact of the explosion.

The other soldiers also took the opportunity to shout and shoot wildly at the Hulk.

The bullets kept bouncing on Hulk’s body, stirring up countless sparks as if they were hitting metal.

The roaring Hulk flew up with a thud, and the terrible force bombarded the smashed tank wreckage.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The terrifying bombardment caused the wreckage of the tank and its terrifying speed to fly, and all the soldiers and vehicles that stood in the way were crushed, creating a long ditch on the ground with blood and corpses.

The brutal force made the soldiers in the vicinity sweat on their foreheads.

These hard-willed soldiers produced fear.


The Hulk Hulk let out his most triumphant roar at the soldiers surrounding him, a deafening roar filled with tyranny.

“This is, Uncle Bruce?”

Skye, who saw everything in the hotel room, looked sluggish, and she couldn’t imagine that the terrible green monster was actually a gentle uncle.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The bullets sputtered at the hotel, the cannon fire bullets, and the roar also woke Skye in a daze, and she realized that the place where she was now seemed to be dangerous, and without hesitation, she quickly picked up the notebook and turned around and fled.

But as soon as she opened the door of the room, she saw that several dark muzzles of guns had been pointed at her.

Looking at the grim look of these soldiers, Skye smiled, quickly raised his hand, and held up the notebook in his hand, which looked very funny.

“Commander, do you think it will be useful to have caught this girl?”

The soldier looked at the girl coldly and said to the communicator.

“Bring it here.”

“Got it, sir.”

Yikes! Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!

Rumble! Rumble!

“He’s coming, God, hurry up…

“Stephen killed, Stephen killed…

“The second team makes up the formation, the second team makes up the formation…

Roars, gunfire, and gunfire overwhelmed the night sky into a symphony, and the flesh of the huge green monster was constantly bearing the endless gunfire.

Every punch and every kick is mixed with countless tons of strength, and every minute and every second there are soldiers dying.

Bronsky was indifferent to the dead soldiers, and his only goal was to capture the Hulk, and no matter how many people died, he would not be distressed.

“Sir, the girl brought… ”

At this time a group of soldiers grabbed Skye and came to Bronsky.

“oK, congratulations ma’am, you’ve been conscripted.” Bronsky pulled a terrible smile that made Skye shrink his head with some fear.

“Let go of me, I’m a citizen of the United States, you can’t do that.”

“Hey, big guy, see who this is?” Ignoring the struggling Skye, she grabbed the girl and yelled at the angry Hulk who wanted to destroy everything.


Hulk kicked a soldier and turned his head sharply to look at it, his vicious face revealing a hint of doubt, and the figure of the girl reflected in his green eyes, as if he was thinking about which one this female was.


However, the anger overwhelmed the Hulk, mixed with terrible killing intent, and with his thick legs, he rushed towards Bronsky a hundred meters away.

The unmatched momentum of the mixture surprised everyone.

Yikes! Yikes!

And Bronsky did not hesitate in the slightest, coldly pushed the girl forward, pulled out the gun and opened fire continuously, while retreating backwards.


When everyone thought that the girl was dead, the big green monster picked up the girl in surprise and jumped into the distance, like a cannonball, and disappeared into the vast night sky under the girl’s crazy screams.

Smashing the headset on the ground, Bronsky looked at the Hulk’s vanished position with an iron face, and he was actually teased by an irrational monster, which was a huge shame for the conceited him.

“Sir, the general told us to evacuate as soon as possible, after all, this is not the United States, and he can’t control the situation for too long.”

“Withdraw, let the intelligence service continue to track.”



Under the dark night sky, in the streets of the city, a big green monster gallops at a terrifying speed holding a girl who is constantly screaming.


I don’t know how long it took, the two ran to the deserted outskirts of the city, Hulk will be the girl rough, / violent still aside, gasping for breath . .

Crouching on the ground, a pair of green pupils stared dead at the girl who collapsed on the ground: “Hulk… ”

“Oh, your name is Hulk… As an optimistic Skye, he seemed to feel that the big monster in front of him would not hurt himself, and his heart of death rose and he hesitated for a moment and asked.


“Well, just call it Hulk, why did they arrest you?”

“The Hulk doesn’t know that the Hulk is going to smash them to death.”

Hearing the bad news, Hulk punched his Hun twice in the face to show his anger.

“okok, smash them to death, but what’s your situation?” Variation? Or what are the descendants of demons and demons?? ”

“The Hulk is the Hulk.”

“Well, I can’t go back now, what now?” I think they’ll still be looking for you. ”

“Or we’ll leave first.”

“Wow, look, a Ford muscle car, good how I learned it before… Cough, don’t look at me, I’ve got to take you away. ”


(Thanks for the flowers and monthly passes…) )

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