A Ford is traveling at a high speed.

“There are still more than a hundred kilometers, and it won’t be long before we encounter a few robbers on the way to strengthen the wallet, otherwise we don’t even have the money to refuel.”

“Uncle, will it become like this when you are angry?”

A crisp chirping curiosity echoed in the car, and the co-pilot was Bruce Banner, who had changed back to his original form.

A face of autism.

When Bruce woke up, he was sitting in the car with only his shorts and a twittering girl next to him.

When asked what had happened before, Bruce sent out a soul question.

“Where are we going now?”



“Yes, Antonia… The girl nodded her head confidently, glanced at the thoughtful Bruce and analyzed: “Those people are obviously military people, even if there is such a big movement in Dar es Salaam, no one cares, obviously there is collusion, you are targeted by the military, so you and I must flee to a safe place.” ”

“Not afraid of the strong military of the United States, there are no more than a limited few, only the ancient oriental country can take in the uncle, but the censorship system is very strict, the uncle must have entered the blacklist of the database, all the airports and ports to the east must be guarded, then the only thing left.”

“The only thing left is Antonia, which is not far away and does not dare to offend even the United States.” Bruce understood at one point and suddenly realized.

“Bin Dog… The girl smiled brightly and snapped her fingers.

“You’re smart…

“Hey, of course…

Port of Antonia is one of the largest ports in the world, with 100,000 tons of mineral deposits, coal terminals, oil terminals, natural gas terminals and container terminals, with a total of more than 80 berths, a shoreline of more than 18 kilometers, and 25 groups of moorons. The annual throughput of the port is about 50 million to 60 million tons. The port is equipped with a large dry dock of one million tons and two 250,000 tons of single-point mooring facilities.

Skye and Bruce arrive in Antonia on a transport ship.

Originally, there were two ways to enter the Antonia islands, one by plane and one by merchant ship to the coastline.

However, as two people did not dare to take risks, they could only enter Antonia by smuggling.

However, the most critical thing is that entering Antonia requires identity verification, which is the biggest problem for the two people, fortunately, Skye is a genius hacker, and forcibly hacked into Antonia’s security system to forge two identities.

But even so, it is almost detected by the security system.

Even if Skye had come to Antonia before, but also to find the sanctuary, did not pay close attention to the beauty of the island, the two entered Antonia, had to exclaim, the island has many monuments, there are various goddess shrine churches, bell towers and countless palaces.

The combination of ancient and modern styles, there is also a huge large waterway in the island is the longest street running through the entire island, it divides the island into two parts, sightseeing along the water is one of the best ways to visit the scenery, there are many famous buildings on both sides of the island, full of writers, painters, musicians left footprints.

The Place des Vasiours is the central square of Antonia, and the east side of the square is the architectural Temple Star Tower, majestic and magnificent.

The carvings in the Star Tower are said to be frescoes of ancient mythology where the goddess fought Saint Seiya and evil, and the marble carvings are very luxurious.

The most amazing thing is that a bridge of sighs that runs through the great waterway, according to legend, is the goddess Athena who saw the hard work of all sentient beings in ancient times and sighed with pity, so it is also called the bridge of sighs of the goddess.

It is also one of the favorite spots for tourists and painters.

All these scenery can make all visitors feel as if they are back in time.

Walking through these beautiful landscapes along the way, the sea of people full of happiness and joy also made Skye and Bruce nervous mood much better.

However, Skye, who was immersed in the beautiful scenery, did not notice that Uncle Bruce seemed to be a little pale, and a restless green light flashed in his pupils.


Under the blue sky.

Beyond Antonia’s waters, a carrier fleet of more than a dozen destroyers and frigates floated on the surface, and a middle-aged general frowned in the centermost hub of the carrier command and wondered what to think.

“General, we confirmed, knowing the Hulk’s whereabouts, and he and the girl named Skye entered Antonia.”

A commander in naval costume walked over and reached for the tablet, which showed the girls Skye and Bruce entering the harbor.


The general rubbed his head, a headache on his face: “Damn, it’s still not too late. ”

“General Ross, Mr. President wants me to cooperate with you in capturing that monster, but that doesn’t mean that we need to clash head-on with Antonia, and this time the United States has made a deal with President Helikihi at great cost to allow our fleet to enter the sea.”

The white naval commander in his forties and fifties reminded: “But one of them is that a conflict with Antonia is absolutely not allowed, and if a conflict is initiated, then all the consequences are borne by ourselves.” ”

“You should know what that means.”

Obviously, the naval commander knew in mind that the United States’ aircraft carrier fleet was ahead of the world, but it did not mean that it was invincible, especially against Antonia.

Anyone who sends a Saint Seiya to his carrier fleet will be buried at sea.

(Thank you very much for the tip of the “KDA is my wife” guy, and thank you for the monthly pass and flowers that the big guy tipped, don’t stop ah.) )

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