“They, who suddenly and mysteriously appeared half a year ago, were only three men, as if looking for something important, and half a year ago these men came across Saratu’s fleet.”

The alien woman in her arms explained in a soft voice.

“Saratu? Is that Safia Star of Sarato? ”

“Yes, it was the tyrannical Empire, for unknown reasons, that the two sides clashed, and as a result, one of them wiped out the entire fleet of thousands of Saratus, including a large warship equipped with Star Destroyer weapons.”


Hearing this, everyone immediately inhaled a cool breath.

The boss glanced jealously at the people who were approaching and asked in a low voice, “What means were used?” What weapons can wipe out thousands of search fleets? Saratu’s technology is not weak. ”

“I don’t know, but then these three people directly killed the Saratu Star, one of them destroyed the entire planet, and a bounty hunter on a mission recorded an image, showing that one of them used his fist to shoot an energy light comparable to a Star Destroyer cannon in an instant, penetrating the core of the planet, and finally the planet exploded and turned into powder.”


Several people here took another breath of cool air.

“It’s not unusual to punch out energy with your fists, but it’s scary to be able to destroy the planet directly.”

“Yes, after that, there were also a few second-rate forces who were stupid, provoked them, and were also ruthlessly destroyed, but fortunately, they did not seem to be indiscriminate killers, but destroyed those more brutal forces.”

“In addition, according to the images that have been circulated, many people have analyzed a lot of abilities, this group of people can seem to be able to summon gold, white and silver armor, and can physically cross the universe, the speed can reach beyond the speed of light, the most basic is the speed of light.”

“Do some terrible tricks and smash everything to the point of atom.”

The alien women said that they were also amazed, as the people of Happy Street, they knew a lot of news, after all, the inflammatory possession is their ability, and understanding the information of the strong is one of the laws of survival.

It’s just that this level of strong people, they have basically not heard much.

“What a terrible race, this is better to be a hegemonic strongman, I have never heard of it, what do you say they are looking for??” The boss snorted, and the wine woke up, fortunately he didn’t provoke it casually, otherwise he wouldn’t know how to die.

“Well, it seems to be looking for stones or something.”

“It seems that this stone is also terrible, and a bunch of such terrible guys are used to find it…”

Pedal ~ pedal ~ tread ~

The crisp footsteps walked slowly, no one in the hood could see what it looked like inside, and the looming heavy pressure and the fame was enough to make the brave few bounty hunters lower their heads.

When several people passed by the eldest few people, it felt as if their hearts were about to stop beating, and they didn’t even dare to breathe. Gas.


When the footsteps slowly faded away, a little brother took a few sharp breaths and felt a lingering feeling.


“It’s not much worse than the one at the top of the universe.”

“Huh? Look, they seem to have gone to the gladiatorial arena. ”

“Boss, let’s go see the hilarity.”


In the face of this group of little brothers who were not afraid of death, the boss Shen Yin nodded his head in agreement for a moment.

Not only this boss, but people from other forces are equally curious about the purpose of these mysterious guys suddenly coming to Happy Street.

For a time, the whole Happy Street was surging with dark tides.

Bloody gladiatorial arena.

The largest gladiatorial arena in several nearby galaxies, belonging to one of the dependent planets of the cosmic overlord Gao Tianzun, attracts countless spectators to watch the terrible and fierce races fight and have fun.

It is also one of the most gold-sucking places in Happy Street.

The huge circular arena, the building is full of quaint and sci-fi colors./ blend, the center of the arena is tens of thousands of meters large, and the audience platform is directly 100 meters high, enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of spectators.

Countless alien spectators of different shapes frantically raised their arms, and their veins erupted with a loud cry.

The arena was covered in blood.

This is even more stinging./ Stirred those watching the audience, the terrifying sound wave spread, making people’s blood boil.

“The powerful and brutal Mantis Clan has once again brutally slaughtered a Shatan warrior and tore it to pieces, so who is the next unlucky egg?” What will he look like in the face of our four-time champion Mantis, let’s look forward to cheering… ”

A loud voice resounded throughout the arena.

It also completely aroused the tyrannical emotions in everyone’s heart.

“The goddess of death is on top, it’s wonderful.”

“Worthy of being a four-time champion of the Munitary Worm Clan, the scythe leg of death is sharp enough to cut any flesh and blood.”

“The money I made on the Mite Clan was enough for me to enjoy Happy Street for a month, haha.”

“The Mantis are worthy of the title of warrior who can compete for the championship in the Bloody Arena of the Star of Saka.”

The roar of excitement swept through the brightly lit sky, waving his arms, waving the wine in his hands, shouting wildly at the terrible monster in the arena that was four meters high like a huge bug, and they couldn’t wait for the next guy to be torn apart.

The bloody, tyrannical atmosphere had thoroughly stirred up their original ./original beast name.


With a muffled sound, the doors of the Bloody Arena were opened, and out came a small purple-skinned warrior who was not strong or weak, holding a giant axe, and his face was carved with despair.

“Such a thin guy, it’s just delivering food.”

“Shhh, a little stronger, this second has to be shredded.”

Not big at all, but fortunately not pressing the new guys.

“Look at that ridiculous expression, it’s amazing.”

Mu Shifu stood in the same place desperately wanting to cry, being robbed by the cosmic pirates is not counted, but also sold to the gladiatorial arena, and the first appearance in the face of this terrible insect warrior, sad and urged.


(Today’s mother’s birthday, noon to the mother birthday may be, the morning first two more, the remaining three more afternoons in the engage, love you guys Mo Da. )

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