
With a brutal roar, the Mantis Clan rushed towards the weak and desperate Mu with six pairs of terrible sickle legs.

The four terrible arm scythes had already cut through the air in the blink of an eye.

With this terrible speed, Mu had no time to react, and could only watch the sharp scythe fall, and his pupils were filled with despair and gray.

It’s over


The overwhelming momentum of terror suddenly descended, and the whole heaven and earth lost their color in an instant.

“You can’t kill him yet.”

The cold sound was transmitted to everyone’s ears, and the piercing breath made everyone feel as if they were in the endless frost, and their faces became pale.

The insect warrior who was originally going to tear up Mu was directly frozen in place, and his body did not dare to move.

A powerful instinct told him that if he was moving, then the next thing that greeted him would be death.

“What a man.”

“What a terrible momentum.”

“This kind of momentum is too terrifying, it’s simply not human.”

“Which overlord descended on the Bloody Gladiatorial Arena?”

“There is a good drama to watch, this is a subsidiary planet of the High Heavenly Ancestor, and moving here is basically challenging the High Heavenly Ancestor.”

“There have been man-made times before, and the result is either killed or become a gladiator in the bloody gladiatorial arena, and the end is miserable.”

“It’s so exciting, this time it didn’t come in vain.”

All had different thoughts, excitement, and speculation.

“Look, on top!!”

Suddenly, just as everyone was guessing, someone found it above and quickly pointed to the sky and exclaimed.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the audience looked up, and several figures wearing hoods who could not see clearly stood in the air hundreds of meters above, and their indifferent eyes looked down at the heavens like gods.

“There are intruders, all guards on alert, defense systems, weapon systems turned on.”

The Bloody Colosseum reacted extremely quickly, accompanied by the orders of the Arena Master.


The alert had reached its highest point, and when the inconspicuous sound was remembered, the entire gladiatorial arena was covered with a pale yellow energy shield, and countless dense small flying machines suddenly appeared in the nearby sky, and the gun muzzles emitting cold light were aimed at them.

Tens of thousands of soldiers, armed with weapons, aimed at the invaders in the sky.

The perfect encirclement is like a net of heaven and earth, enough to make people feel desperate.

And the whole arena instantly became silent.

The atmosphere was full of solemnity.

One of the hooded men in mid-air shook his head slightly, as if in disdain.

This attitude made the owner of the Bloody Colosseum extremely angry.

Just when he was angry and ready to destroy this group of damn intruders, his pupils suddenly shrank and his face became frightened.


“This, these are the lunatics?”

As the master of a planet, his intelligence network is not bad, especially during this time there are not many major events happening in the universe, and there are several powerful people in the universe who can easily destroy the planet, how can he not understand.

For a time, the principal was a bit difficult to ride the tiger.

As one of the planets under the command of Gao Tianzun, it is qualified to open a bloody gladiatorial arena, and its military defense is strong.

At least a few people under the command of several great powers in the universe have to come here to keep to themselves.

However, in the face of a few crazy people with great power, it is obviously not enough.

Several thoughts crossed my mind in an instant.

In the end, the principal shouted with his head on his back in the gladiatorial arena guarded by hundreds of heavily armed soldiers, “Don’t mess around, compared to you, you don’t want to offend Gao Tianzun, what can you ask for?” ”

“I’ve come to ask for someone.”


“I want him.” One of the hooded men pointed to a bewildered shepherd below.


Everyone turned their heads to look at the skinny Mu and began to guess the identity of the other party, was there any connection between this guy and this group of terrible guys?

Some people with considerable influence even plan to go back and investigate well.

After all, there are more than a few forces that are curious about the identity of these people, and the tough attitude shown by the strong people of this level, especially in recent times, has long made other forces vigilant.

The principal frowned, what is the identity of this guy?

It seems that he is just a guy who does not come out of the stream, and he has a connection with these people?

“Yes… Just a gladiator with no value, compared to these mysterious strongmen, it can also be regarded as a good relationship.

The other spectators were a little disappointed, and originally thought that they could watch a hilarity, but they did not expect that the principal was actually instigated.

But I understand it.

After all, the other party did not make excessive demands, just asked for a small gladiator, if a strong person of this level could win over or form a good relationship, even if he sent the entire planet out of the high heavens, he would not be distressed.


A golden beam of light fell from the sky, and Mu did not have any ability to resist and was slowly lifted into the air by the beam.

Nodding at the principal, with a face full of anxiety and doubt, several people instantly lifted into the air and turned into several beams of light tearing through the air and disappearing into the vast sky.

“Oh, I thought there was a big war.”

“Forget it, if there is really a war, it will be us who will not be able to die.”

“That is, if those people’s abilities really go to war, the planets will not be shattered, think about the previous achievements of these guys.”

In the discussion, this matter will also become a beautiful talk among the people in Happy Street.

The next second, however.

The sky suddenly darkened.

A dense shadow of black pressure completely enveloped the entire sky, and at this time, the Bloody Horn Arena Early Warning System issued a piercing alarm.

“Detect space jumps, identities, Temple Two.”

Temple Two?

The moment I heard these four words, a name popped into everyone’s mind.


One of the most powerful overlords in the universe, the terrifying mighty of the Eternal God Clan.

Ruthless, cruel, despicable, powerful is synonymous with Thanos.

It’s just that everyone wonders is that Thanos will never step into the territory of the High Heavenly Lord.

In the midst of everyone’s doubts, a mighty voice slammed across the planet: “With the will of Thanos, hand over this man.” ”

A huge hologram appeared in the sky.

And the person in the image is the pastor.

“What kind of person is this guy who actually let a tyrant like Thanos come and ask for people?”

(Thank you very much for the tip of the “c1966” and “18345” big guys, thank you very much, the jet lag is slowly adjusted back, and it is also on the shelves immediately!) )

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