
The terrible engine roared.

“Hand over the man!”

It seemed to have found the target, and for a moment, one of the densely packed and huge battleships landed under the cover of the sky and the sun with wings like a cloud falling from the sky.

The huge wings are covered with heavy naval guns, and the dark black metal shell reveals an incomparable coldness.

A mothership the size of a city is already a fortress of war.

At this time, all the tens of thousands of gun ports above the battleship completed the energy storage, shining a cold blue glow, and a wisp of electric arc flashed.

Carrying such a terrible power, the comers issued a strong and domineering threat of war.

Whoever faced such a terrible threat would be terrified.

Everyone on the planet was shocked, but also prayed that there would be no war in the future.

Once the fight starts, I am afraid that this planet will not be able to be saved, and everyone will have to die.

For a moment, the atmosphere became dignified.

Several men in hooded trench coats faced the terrible fleet that covered the sky, and there was no fear at all, and the corner of the mouth of the man in the center of the hood wiped a trace of disdain: “Thanos? Such a big name. ”

“Unfortunately, it’s not enough!”

In the millions of eyes of all the people, several people grabbed the corners of their coats with their right hands and at the same time threw their hooded trench coats away, revealing their real bodies.

When a few people were actually seen, all of them lost their voices.

What kind of style is that?

Unlike other strong races in the universe, not very strong, but wearing that gorgeous armor, a style that no one has ever seen, full of nobility, antiquity, and sacredness.

It seems to come from the nobility of instinct in the blood.

Even in the face of the world’s notorious Thanos fleet, it was full of contempt, as if these fleets that could easily destroy any planet were just a pile of scrap of copper and iron.


The roar of terror burst out in an instant, and the powerful and extraordinary momentum gushed out and swept through the entire heaven and earth.

Like a god like a demon, like a deep hell.

The heavens and the earth were shaking so far, and the planet seemed to emit a fierce wail and collapse in a flash.

Endless winds howling in all directions.

Under this terrifying momentum, mercenaries from all over the universe on the planet, bounty hunters and other battle-hardened strong people could not help but pale, and those who were slightly weaker fell to their knees without the ability to resist.

“Roll ~~”

The mighty sound of the mighty sound rolls and ripples, like the judgment of the gods on sinners, full of cold and murderous intent.

In the main cockpit of the Mothership of the Temple II, the face of the three generals of the Dark Order under Thanos suddenly changed in the face of the monstrous momentum that swept in.

There was a great deal of anger in the horror.

Shocked by the strength of these mysterious guys, but also angry at that disdainful attitude.

“What kind of people are you who dare to steal Thanos’s things?”

A gloomy voice came from the massive mothership.

“Karen. York’s Golden Saint Gomez. ”


“Li Yingna.”

“Let the leaf be.”

It turned out that in the past six months of active universe, it was Gomez and Leon’s brothers and sisters who broke out of the fierce power.

Since half a year ago, the three brothers and sisters of Li Ang first went to the universe and were ordered to find the Infinite Rough.

It’s just that on the way, I met some guys who didn’t know whether they were dead or alive, and they were easily eliminated, but they broke out of a fierce name.

The next few silver were sent out one after another to assist or experience.

A few days ago, Leon and the others heard that a person seemed to know the whereabouts of one of the rough stones, but unfortunately was caught in the bloody gladiatorial arena on Happy Street and became a gladiator.

So he went to Happy Street to save the man he was called Shepherd.

“No matter who you are, you have no idea what kind of existence you are facing, give you another chance to hand over that person.”

Ebony Throat issued a final warning, and with a wave of his hand, the deputy commander next to him nodded, giving the order to attack at any time.


The energy on a naval gun shone brighter and brighter.

“If you don’t roll, you die.”

“If you survive, go back and tell Thanos that the judgment of the Holy Land will come.”


With the terrible indoctrination, the four Silver Saint Fighters behind the three brothers and sisters of Li Ang instantly tore the air towards the terrible battleship.

A huge circular array of magic appeared at the feet of Li Ang and others, engraving cumbersome and exquisite inscriptions.

Along with the golden radiance shining, a golden pillar of light that spread through the heavens seemed to run through the universe, and the figures of several people disappeared into this pillar of light.

“I’ll let you know the consequences of angering Thanos, and you, and your so-called Karen, will have to be torn to shreds.”

At this moment, the battle that shocked the universe began, and because of this war, the people of the major forces in the universe also thoroughly knew the fierce people who dared to steel Thanos.

(These few pieces are written a bit crotch, not written well, really sorry… )

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