Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

One by one, the flames bloomed like beautiful fireworks in the dark universe.

Accompanied by four or more dazzling silver figures weaving through thousands of battleships, each shuttle is the destruction of a battleship.

Heavy artillery fire poured down, but it could not cause any damage at all.

The defense and its powerful metal shell have no effect at all in the face of a fist that is enough to crush everything.

Rumble! Rumble!

In the four beams of light that tore everything apart, a figure suddenly stopped.

The tall and beautiful Celestial Crane Maiden stood in the void, looking at the three figures of the battleship and the countless explosions of brilliant fireworks, lazily stretched out, skimmed her small mouth: “It’s really full of vitality, then I can’t fall behind.” ”

Drink ~~

With a sigh, a wave of air exploded, and the beautiful shadow turned into a beam of light, instantly tearing a huge battleship in half.

The screams of the people in the battleship turned into ashes in the explosion, and more people were sucked into a vacuum in the fault and frozen into popsicles.

The ebony throat and the others in the mothership looked at the fireworks in the sky, and the original anger was instantly extinguished.

“Damn, these guys are too fast to be tracked at all…

“And the battleship energy barrier has been destroyed, and the power is too strong.”


Ebony Throat began to analyze frantically in his mind, but found that there was only one conclusion, that is, it was impossible to stop at all.

The opponent’s speed is too flexible, and the weapons equipped by the battleship cannot even hit.

And the flesh is so terrible that even if he is hit, he doubts that even the other party will not be hurt.

“Withdraw, start the space jump immediately.”

“Yes, the space jump begins, time, ten, nine, eight…


The tail flame of the Temple II engine was great, and spatial fluctuations were generated.

This sudden change caused the four Silver Saints who were happily slaughtering Jean Ye and the others.

“Want to run??”

One of the teenagers with high-like muscles exploded casually exploded a battleship, turned his head to look at it, and his eyes were cold.

With the terrible eruption of the small universe, with the left hand extended, a delicate and perfect golden bow emerged, and the bow body was engraved with inscriptions mysterious and mysterious, containing a magnificent and vast energy.

Pulling the bowstring, an arrow formed by pure gold-colored energy was formed.


The moment the bowstring was released, a terrible roar resounded in everyone’s ears, and a vast golden pillar of light tore away toward Temple Number Two with an arrow as the center.

The terrible speed is even faster than the speed of light.


Ebony Throat and the others could only watch death descend and let out a desperate roar.

In the blink of an eye, accompanied by violent explosions and fire, terrifying golden arrows pierced through the huge war fortress.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The famous war fortress of the universe exploded, and the terrible aftermath swept in all directions, and countless warships along the way were also implicated, torn apart, cut, and destroyed.

Seeing the mothership destroyed, the eyes of the other Thanos warriors in the battleship were filled with fear.

“Lord Ebony Throat is dead?”

“Thanos is on top, it’s terrible, they’re not people, they’re gods.”

“I don’t want to die, who can save me?”


Watching their companions and other warships being mercilessly torn apart one by one, the despair in everyone’s hearts was filled, and they could only continue to cry and scream.

This desperation almost drove them crazy.

In previous wars, in fierce wars, they would not despair, because there was the Dark Order, there was Lord Thanos, and the victory would be theirs.

It’s just that this time, they don’t see any hope of victory.

Only death.

In their eyes, those figures were like the god of death wielding a scythe, trying to harvest everyone’s life.

They were really scared.

Beyond the planet, the wreckage of countless battleships, the corpses floating.

And Temple No. 2, which was originally like a fortress of war, has completely become scrap iron, tragic and desolate.

All the people on the planet had cold hands and feet, and they couldn’t help but shiver when they were stuck in place.

No one expected that the result would be like this, it was simply a massacre.

“This, what is this power?”

A three-meter-tall alien warrior full of muscles pursed his lips, his face full of disbelief, as if he had seen something incredible.

“What a terrible guy.”

“Death is on top, is this the power of those people?” In just two moments, the fleet of thousands of warships of Thanos was destroyed? ”

“It’s terrible, it’s terrible.”

“That kind of speed, that kind of strength, why do I always feel that the other party is not using full strength at all?”

“Can physically cross the universe and fly at the speed of light, this physical intensity, what race are they?” Could it be a race from ancient times in the universe? ”

“I’m afraid it is, otherwise, how can it be so terrible, and that power is too vast, too sacred.”

“Or it could be a descendant of some deity.”

“There is a good drama to watch, no matter who they are, not only destroyed Sanos’s Temple Two, but also said such arrogant words, with the heart of Sanos, only afraid that a large interstellar war is about to start.”

(Thank you very much for the tip of “Walking in the Rain” and “18345”, thank you very much, the jet lag is slowly adjusted back, and it is also on the shelves immediately!) )

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