The top floor of a building on Happy Street.

More than twenty imposing men looked at each other.

A middle-aged man with white hair dressed in black and brown raised his eyebrows worriedly.

“This is so terrible, just four people have destroyed thousands of Thanos’ warships, including interstellar class motherships, what kind of race is this?” A strong man with Mohican hairstyle and a naked body scolded with trepidation.

“I’m also a day old, and Lao Tzu will definitely sleep and dream when he goes back.”

“Yeah, Taiyima is horrible, is this really human?”

Several other men couldn’t help but scold.

A good time to relax turned out that Nyima encountered this kind of scene that could not be encountered for decades, and their organization was also one of the huge forces in the famous universe, with forces all over the galaxies of the universe, but it really made them face the cosmic overlord.

Then you have to kneel honestly.

Now it is good, a few young children shoot and ruthlessly destroy each other.

And it’s a massacre.

Can this make their group of dozens of years old men stand it?

After so many years of living to the pig beast.

“Safi, what do you think?” The middle-aged man looked at the deputy on the side.

“The origin of this group of people is very mysterious, the strength is extraordinary, obviously the four children who shot should be one level lower or more in that group, and the three people who go first are the leaders, and it is estimated that the strength is stronger.” The deputy shook his head.

Then he added: “The speed reaches at least the speed of light, maybe it can be higher, it can fly in the universe, the physical strength is even stronger than some of the top races in the universe, and there should be some kind of energy source in the body.” ”

“The power system is the same root, the system is clear, and obviously the armor they wear can be analyzed, especially their leader, named Karen. York, I am afraid, is also a hegemonic being, perhaps, they are really from a certain race in ancient times, or a descendant of a certain divine lineage. ”

Under the analysis, even the white-haired boss couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

Descendants of the Divine Lineage!!!

The previous analysis has been appalling, not to mention these four words, the gods themselves are synonymous with invincibility in the universe, and although Thanos is the overlord of the universe, he is definitely not a god.

This is evident.

If this is the case, and he is still hostile to Thanos, he is afraid that a war will break out to shake the universe.

This level of war is only afraid that whoever gets involved in it can only be torn to pieces.

“The next thing is to roll up a storm, the war between the two hegemonic forces will break out, which may affect several galaxies, who is involved in it and who dies, go!!”

Anticipating the next situation, the boss could not sit still.

Immediately give the order to evacuate directly.

When he returned, there were bigger choices still waiting for him, and he watched Thanos’s actions next, and the group of guys who were suspected of being descendants of the gods.

Once the war began, he would have to retreat far away with his own forces.

He didn’t want to be caught up in this storm and be crushed to death, the consequences of those forces who didn’t know whether they were dead or alive were involved in the interstellar war of the big forces and were torn apart were vividly remembered, and with this kind of experience, he was really looking for death when he was not ready.

Not only him, but many people of power also anticipated that a terrible war might break out next.

You must be prepared for this.

For a moment, the dense spaceships on the planet left like locusts.

The principal looked at the almost empty street on the top floor of the tallest building on Happy Street and took a deep breath: “Battleship Ready, Destination, Saka Star.” ”

“Yes, Chief!!”


In just one day, the army of Thanos was slaughtered, the black dwarf in the Dark Order died, and only the Ebony Throat and the supergiant star survived the news that they had survived was completely transmitted among the major forces in the universe.

For a time, it caused a monstrous wave.

Even the planetary transit stations in various galaxies delivered messages, whether major forces or small groups, bounty hunters got the news.

Who is Thanos?

The overlord at the top of the universe, sinister, cunning, and cruel.

Even the top powers dare not provoke the existence.

And this time, a few guys from unknown sources went so far as to blatantly destroy a fleet, kill a member of the Dark Order, and put down their words to put them to trial.

Many people believe that this group of people is afraid of death.

Facing the mighty Thanos was only afraid of being torn to shreds.

However, when everyone saw the image of the massacre, they all lost their voices in shock.

Too strong, too strong to be feared.

What kind of race could cultivate such a terrible young and strong person, and with a little eyesight, it could be seen that those people were not very old, or even fully developed.

At an early age, he almost reached the level of the Heavenly Father, and the three who went first were only afraid of being stronger.

Heavenly Father?

Even if it is not, I am afraid that it is not far away, right?

That is equivalent to, three heavenly fathers, four sub-heavenly fathers?

What kind of freak race is this?

That among these populations is His Highness Karen. What level of existence does York have?

(Thanks to the big guys for their monthly flower pass, Mo Mo Da ~)


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