
On a planet, the sun was scorching, a purple skin, wearing a blue-gold dress with golden shoulder armor and golden boots, with a huge vertical chin, a body of about three meters, and a blue-gold helmet with gems on his forehead, who threw a punch in the front in anger.

In front of tens of thousands of pairs of terrified eyes on the ground on the knees, the majestic purple energy collapsed countless buildings ten thousand meters away into ruins.

“That’s the answer you brought back??”

A wave of anger was vented, and the gloomy eyes looked at the ebony throat and supergiant star kneeling on the ground.

“Lord Thanos, they are so powerful that our fleet can be easily destroyed.” Ebony throat lowered his head and trembled.

“Well, whoever they are, declare war on me and snatch the gems, and they will pay a heavy price.”

Thanos’s pupils flashed with terrible rage, and the extreme anger even suppressed the air nearby.

The warriors under their command lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at them directly.

One of the tall, green-skinned women had her head bowed and her eyes rippled.

“Who are you?” Maybe you can stop his plan. ”

But she did not notice that a scrutinizing glance swept by.

After a moment of silence, Thanos said, “Find out their origins at once, analyze all the information of the other side, gather all the troops, and be ready to go out at any time.” ”

“Yes, Lord Thanos.”

Sweeping his eyes to the point of trembling with fear, the natives who had divided into two teams continued, “Under the guidance of fate, start to decide.” ”


With a mournful wail and scream, Thanos turned and walked toward the mothership.


The sky is full of fire and blood splashes, and the picture looks so desolate and cruel.



Swaystar is a more technologically advanced planet, but it is in a special location, belonging to the direction that the three empires of the galaxy cannot cover.

It is rich in a thirty-green sap.

Thirty green contains some strange energy, which can enhance physical fitness and heal some injuries.

As a result, when it is discovered, it is not contested by other major forces.

But the perennial war, with no results, caused the planet to split into two halves, half of which were destroyed by artillery fire.

So much so that the major powers compromised.

The planet has no real master, and large and small forces are intertwined, dividing up the resources of this half of the planet.

Over the years, a strange order has been established, and all forces have an unwritten pact here that no force is allowed to be used on this planet, and that if they violate the rules, they will be hunted down and killed by all other forces.

So Swaystar became a transit station.

Trafficking in news, arms trafficking, space warships, slaves of various races and so on.

Somewhere in a bar.

Inside the half-hidden door of the bar, there was a faint light, and the smell of cigarettes and alcohol wafted everywhere.

Mixed with noise, laughter, music.

Jingle Bells ~~

A crisp voice sounded, the door opened, and a heroic blonde woman in a red and blue uniform walked out of the bar.

“Yo, Carol, do you want a fun date?” ~”

“Hey, Carol.”

“Yo yeah, see who this is?”

“Hey, Ms. Marvel.”

Nearby, people of different races who drank and danced cheerfully held up their glasses of thirty-green wine and greeted the women.

The woman known as Carol raised her middle finger in disdain to the ugly guy in love.


In a fit of laughter, Carol came to the bar and tapped her chin: “Here’s a cup of thirty green.” ”

“It seems that something is wrong with your emotions, what’s wrong?”

A green-skinned bartender asked with a smile as he placed a glass of green wine on the bar in front of Carol.

“Nothing, it’s not the same as it used to be, the war spread to a planet, and it took me a long time to settle the innocent races.”

“I really can’t understand you, you obviously have great strength, but you continue to help those natives, even at the expense of offending those two empires.”

Carol said dismissively: “Hmm, what empire, cruel and tyrannical, will be overthrown sooner or later, by the way, has there been anything big lately?” ”

As if remembering something, the bar owner leaned slightly and his head approached Carol and whispered, “There’s really been a big deal lately.” ”

“Lothar you know what?”

Carol was stunned: “That crazy general under Ronan?” ”

“Yes, he was killed.”

“Killed?” Carol smiled, these cruel and tyrannical madmen she did not have any good feelings, if it were not for the jealousy of the Kree Empire, and had been consciously or unconsciously hiding, she would have destroyed this bastard long ago.

“That’s right, on the southwest frontier of the galaxy, he was wiped out by a mysterious guy who was passing there with his Black Star fleet.”


Carol was stunned and wondered, “A mysterious guy?” ”

“That’s right, according to the mutilated images found in the wreckage of the mothership, it reveals a person with a golden glow, by the way, the image is a bit like you, is it not your race?”

“Ronan is said to have gotten furious with the news and has sent his own army to eliminate the mysterious fellow.”

“It’s really fun!!!”

(Thank you very much for the tip of the “Chaos Demon King” big guy, and thank you very much for the flowers and monthly passes of the big guys, immediately on the shelves and more up… )

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