It was already night.

The mountains at night are also extremely beautiful, with countless people setting up stalls, selling food, etc., and even countless tents in the mountains.

Countless bonfires are lit up during the barbecue on top of the food, and the aroma is transmitted in this mountain range.

The beautiful girl is innocent and beautiful, curious to see the mountains that come and go.

The girl smiled and said, “Tetanus, it’s so funny here.” ”


When the girl came to the temple door with the bulldog tetanus, tetanus suddenly bit the girl’s pant leg.


The girl paused to enter the temple and looked at the pit bull with some doubt.

“Wang! Woof! ”

The pit bull looked at the temple, his face full of jealousy, and even his own furry hair exploded.

The girl was a little distressed: “You won’t let me in?” But I’m curious. ”


However, at this moment, the temple suddenly burst out a terrible vision, and the monstrous golden light turned into a pillar of light and shot straight into the sky.

The earth seemed to be shaking violently.

The majestic and vast divine aura swept across the heavens and the earth.

Everyone was blinded by this vision.

So many days have been fine, how come there is such a change today??

Many people who were preparing to rest in their tents also ran out, staring at the temple shining with endless brilliance.

At this moment, the golden light rendered the sky.

A picture came to life in front of everyone.

In ancient mythological times, gods existed.

Under the sanctuary of the goddess Athena, there were not only twelve golden saints, but thirteen.

The Serpent is located between the Scorpion and the Centaur, the Guardian Saint of the Serpent is the most intelligent of the thirteen Golden Saints, his deeds are noble, heals all the wounded, redeems people from illness, his name is Aschlepius, he is the strongest of the Golden Saints, and his status is very noble.

Although Asclepius is strong, he only uses his power to save people, he is a healer, with his own strength to heal countless people, so he is also very respected by everyone, respected by everyone as the god of medicine.

But he hated war, hated the gods who were high above him, regarded humans as pawns, as ants, and did not even take Athena in his eyes.

He wanted to be the new god, to be the guardian of humanity.

But how can human beings become gods.

This violates the divine law of the gods.

Enraged the gods, the gods expelled Asclepius from the Sacred Realm and erased the golden garment of the constellation Ophiuchus, which was mercilessly destroyed by the gods and buried in the endless earth.

The golden rendering of the sky has disappeared.

But left a voice full of warmth: “Latecomers, only those who truly have a good heart can gain the approval of the Serpent, and when the new Ophiuchus Golden Saint Seiya appears, he will bloom his own light.” ”

“O new Ophiuchus Saint Seiya, please continue to guard humanity with the will of my Asclepius, to guard Athena, to guard the Holy Land.”


The sky slashed through a thunderous lightning bolt, and the golden light had dissipated, and the golden pillar of light had also disappeared.

Everything seemed to have returned to calm.

But someone found that in one corner of the temple, under the rocks full of ruins and collapsed, there was a faint golden glow, as if something was buried underneath.

“Look, what’s that?”

“Something seems to be hiding inside.”

Everyone tried to get close to the temple, but the invisible energy was dead a thousand meters away.


The bulldog tilted its head to look at its own sluggish princess and let out a questioning cry.

Poof! Poof!

The faint sound of a heartbeat gradually became louder, and everyone else in the neighborhood noticed the strangeness of this beautiful girl with a sweet and innocent appearance.

“Are you okay?”

“Look, what’s wrong with that girl?”

“What about her family?”

“Eh, she’s flying.”

People wondered, and suddenly found that the girl was slowly floating.

Woof! Woof!

The bulldog barked in a hurry, even jumped up and bit the girl’s pant leg, floating with it, and even anxious to activate the ability, but was shocked to find that his ability was invalidated here.


With a loud noise, everyone turned their heads sharply to see that the pile of waste rock under the ruins of the temple was thrown into the air, and a huge gold-colored metal box shot straight into the sky.

And the floating girl also seemed to be pulled by a strange force, and also rushed to the dark night sky.


The pit bull on the leg of his pants was thrown by this matchless force and slammed into the ground and screamed anxiously.

Endless ripples of golden light swept through the waves.

Without a trace of dust, the divine and majestic breath swept across the heavens and the earth, accompanied by a sound like the whisper of a hero in ancient times, and like the whisper of a god.

A terrifying tremor erupted.

With the golden light shining, the golden box opened violently.

I saw a humanoid metal armor sitting in the sky in the box, wrapped around a golden snake, the snake’s head stood on the helmet, and the red jewel-like eyes did not look evil, but so holy.


The sound of the heart beating of the girl who seemed to be unconscious on the side became louder and louder.

Echo with that whisper, with that whisper.

As if attracted to each other, the girl and the humanoid armor wrapped around the golden snake kept getting closer, and the breath became more and more vast, more holy, more powerful.

So powerful that even the people below couldn’t help but want to fall to their knees.

Everyone watched this scene in a daze.

This scene is also the scene that everyone is most looking forward to before coming to the mountains.

But now the protagonist is indeed the girl.

At the top of another high mountain, Coulson and the others looked up and couldn’t help but envy.

“Sir, we didn’t find any information about the girl, she seemed to have appeared out of thin air, and the first time she appeared was in Vancouver.”

Nearby, an agent spoke.

As an S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, he has been monitoring the temple, and when the girl appears to be different, she is only checked out in a minute.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the “c1966” big guy, thank you very much, thank you very much, ten is not finished, only nine more, see if tomorrow can be ten more.) )

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