This is true for anyone.

“Out of thin air? Wouldn’t it be an outsider again? Coulson rubbed his forehead with a headache.

“Hey, sooner or later we’re going to age when dealing with these incredible things.”

Yet you’re aging, look at your indescribable hairline.

The other agents bowed their heads and whispered to themselves.

“I thought it was the inheritance of some god, but it turned out to be a Saint Seiya…” Coulson smiled bitterly.

How could he not be clear about the careful thinking of the senior leaders of various countries, and although the existence of that person and the Holy Land was a good thing for the whole world, it was obviously not the case for those high-ranking and powerful people.

They can’t tolerate a world where there is always a mountain holding on them.

Just as the sword of Damocles hangs above their heads, they could die at any moment.

That’s why these people are so keen to find a new lineage of God.

A moment of reverence is only surrender, but not forever, and the wilds can only allow themselves to stand on the top of the world, the peak.

Just like this time, originally thought that they could find a new divine inheritance, they even did not hesitate to send troops, and in the Atlantic Ocean not far from the mountains, several aircraft carrier groups were already ready to attack.

However, they miscalculated.

I didn’t expect that the new lineage was still the Sacred Realm, and it was still the thirteenth Golden Saint Seiya.


At this time, the low whisper fluttered inexplicably, as if to praise the heroes of the myths of ancient times, and as if to inspire the new inheritors.

Faint golden ripples constantly ripple in all directions.

The girl finally put on the golden robe that was said to be the strongest.

The whole is golden yellow, and the shoulders have shoulder armor like snake teeth facing the sky.

The uniform scales of the Moon are layered on top of each other, refracting the light from different angles.

The convex ./ raised Hungarian armor is combined with the upper body armor to unify the whole.

The golden pattern skirt armor covers the hem up to the knee, and under the feet are golden combat boots, the boots are slightly pointed, and the elbow and knee armor are engraved with scales.

There seemed to be strange tear marks under the mask, the edges of the two golden snake masks towered, the streamers flickered, and in a trance, it seemed as if they saw a golden giant snake looking down on you, fierce and noble, looking so contradictory.

There are four huge golden wings on the back, and a long snake tail swings from under the wings

A golden snake staff is held in his hand.

The tall figure and the golden armor complement each other, coupled with the domineering temperament and terrifying atmosphere emitted by the body, making the girl look like a mortal god.

The moment she put on this magnificent golden robe, the girl opened her eyes.


At this glance, it was as if God had opened his eyes, and the terrible golden ripples spread violently around the girl, breaking through the dark night sky, and the terrifying condensation overwhelmed the heavens and the earth.

The earth trembled, and the countless animals in the mountains knelt respectfully, while the countless birds were not afraid, but chirped around the girl, looking so beautiful.

And the people in the mountains are even more under the pressure of this majestic threat, kneeling thoroughly.

The pit bull was unclear so he shouted twice.

As if realizing something, the girl’s amber emerald jewel-like eyes blinked, and the terrible momentum of the sky dissipated.


At this moment, everyone relaxed their breath and patted the Hun with palpitations, thinking that they were going to be finished.


The girl’s figure fell, the tip of the golden boot lightly touched the ground, and the golden streamer shone to dispel the nearby night sky.

She waved at the birds in the sky that were not leaving, until the cute little ones flew away, and the girl smiled happily.

Woof! Woof!

At this time, the bulldog threw himself into the girl’s arms and cried out excitedly.

As if she could understand the words of the bulldog, the girl waved the golden snake staff in her hand: “Haha, I don’t know what’s going on, but there are a lot of things in my head.” ”

“Hey, please ask your name, beautiful lady.”

“Can you be a friend?” Can you take a picture with me? ”

“Beautiful girl, shall we have a beautiful date?”

At this time, people in the neighborhood have come up excitedly, shouting and praising the group photo, and even some boys have issued invitations to date.

As everyone knows, this is already the act of a copper alchemist.

Just when the girl was a little overwhelmed, countless soldiers had appeared behind the crowd.

“Hey, please borrow ok??”

Ladies and gentlemen, now that clock-in time is over, it’s time for you to leave.

“Please cooperate with the work, please leave immediately.”

Countless soldiers have begun to disperse the crowd, and countless people are extremely dissatisfied with this.

“Fark, what are you doing?”

“I have time to take a picture together, and you are driving us away for Mao.”

“I’m a citizen of the United States, you can’t do that.”

“Fark squid, you bunch of Bichi.”

Scolding, crying, and roaring roars rose for a time in the noise of the whole night sky.

The girl looked at the scene uneasily, and a message appeared in her mind.


A crisp sound sounded, and the golden snake staff in his hand lightly clicked on the ground, and in an instant, the heavens and the earth seemed to suddenly lose color, and time seemed to stand still.

Angry faces, excited postures, helpless soldiers with weapons in hand.

And so on everything is silent.

At this time, a slender and perfect figure did not know when it appeared a hundred meters away from the girl.

Dressed in exquisite costumes, with a beautiful face and jewel-like eyes.

It is like the temperament of the mythical gods.

It doesn’t fit in with those in the neighborhood who are frozen.

Woof! Woof!

The pit bull did not seem to have experienced the invisible force to become still, stretching out the dog’s head, four paws clutching the ground fiercely, screaming uneasily at this mysterious coming.

Trample! Trample! Trample!

The mysterious man walked over with his long legs and smiled softly, “Oh? You’re pretty funny. ”

To die, to die!!

As the man kept approaching, sweat dripping from the bulldog’s forehead, and it could feel the thick smell of death emanating from the man.

It is like the suppression of the life level.

It doesn’t even have the idea of doing it, because it knows that once it does, it may actually die.

“Who are you?”

(Thank you very much for the support of the Westeros guys are you stupid, thank you so much, first more.) )

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