“Who are you?”

The girl asked curiously, not knowing why, she felt that the big brother’s breath smelled very good, and there was also a strange good feeling.


Finally, the man’s footsteps stopped, and he came to the girl’s body, and a pair of admiring eyes were placed on the girl’s body, or on the beautiful golden holy robe: “I didn’t expect that it would resonate with you.” ”

“Introduce yourself, I’m from the Sanctuary, called Karen.”

“Karen? Hello big brother, my name is Crystal and it is my partner called tetanus. The girl named Crystal chuckled.

Karen’s eyes rippled.

There were originally thirteen golden chests in the Broken Sacred Realm of the Space Dimension, and he had originally planned to cultivate thirteen Golden Saint Fighters, and he had indeed succeeded.

But unfortunately, the other golden vestments have found their masters, but this Serpent is different.

No one can fit.

Even he himself is the same, the Serpentus Cloak seems to have its own soul and will, and only those who fit it best, and who have been most recognized by it, can wear the Golden Cloak.

For this reason, he buried the serpent man in the golden holy garment to this mountain range.

Wait for its owner to appear.

I just didn’t expect that its new owner was actually Crystal.

Who is this girl?

A member of the royal family of the Inhumans, with superhuman physical abilities.

It can drive and control the four elements of earth, air, fire and water.

She can manipulate a single element alone, or combine four elements into various forms.

In other words, the girl just escaped to Earth, did not expect to appear here, and even got the recognition of Ophiuchus, even Karen himself did not expect it.

It was actually the crystal that was recognized by Ophiuchus.

At this time, the Crystal Princess obviously remained innocent and kind, and did not suffer from those things in the future.

“You have it recognized, you will become the new Golden Saint in the Holy Land, go, you will become the new Serpent Golden Saint Seiya.”

Woof! Woof!

Seeing that his own crystal lord was abducted, Tetanus hurriedly shouted, but he saw those eyes.

What kind of gaze is this.

Indifference, ruthlessness, warmth, and majesty are all-encompassing as if they were the gaze of a god, as frightening as the devil, and as holy as the shame of self-shame.

Tetanus couldn’t help but snort, and turned into a boo monster.


“Your fear, when you become the new Ophiuchus Golden Saint Seiya, your fate will change, you will become the new god of the Inhuman race, but now you are not a Saint Seiya.” Karen smiled softly and his index finger lightly touched in front of him.


With the crisp jingle bells, the two dogs disappeared into the mountains with a golden mysterious circle at their feet.

And the still time that had originally turned heaven and earth into gray seemed to be functioning again.

The shouts of scolding, the roar of anger resounded again.

But someone was horrified to find that the girl who had received the golden holy garment seemed to have disappeared.


At the same time, the mountains shook violently, and the originally mysterious temple did not know why it began to collapse.

The smoke and dust spread out from the sky.

“Cough cough cough, damn.”

“What’s going on? Who saw the girl? ”

Left behind a group of blindfolded people.

Not far from the top of the mountain, Coulson did not realize what had just happened, but just felt as if some force had affected the world.

The disappearance of the target made Coulson vaguely guess.

Looking at the watch on his wrist, he was shocked to find that what should have been 8:30 had turned out to be 8:31.

For the time-sensitive agent, Coulson was pretty sure that the time was an extra minute.

“Is it … Sizzle.”

With speculation, Coulson inhaled a cool breath.

Then he laughed bitterly: “Since that one has appeared, then obviously there is no need to pay attention to it next, withdraw it.” ”

A bunch of idiots.

Rolling his eyes, he glanced disdainfully at the crowd of shouting people in the distance and turned away.


The rest of the people looked at each other, and although they didn’t know what had happened to make Coulson’s face change their faces, the order was the command.

For a time, but within a few minutes, all the instruments were packed.

A group of people were also evacuated in a very short time.

The disappearance of the girl and the legend of Ophiuchus have also caused the world to be detonated again, and some people have become the new Golden Saint Seiya.

Both realize one thing.

That girl is about to become the existence of the Golden Sequence.

That meant that the Sacred Realm was about to add a terrible strongman.

And how the girl mysteriously disappeared made all forces speculate.

However, after the investigation, everyone found that the world seemed to have no such girl at all, as if it were an alien visitor.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident headquarters.

“Hey, those guys at the top should have a headache, a bunch of idiots think about this and that.” Fury sat down in his chair and rubbed his forehead, a headache on his face.

In front of them, Coulson and Hill looked silent.

“Sir, that temple has been looted by other countries.”

“Leave that idiot alone, isn’t that obvious?” Fury shook his head, “Apparently the Bureau of the Cloth, whoever got the Ophiuchus Golden Cloak, there is only one result.” ”

“If you want to hit the girl, I’m really not afraid to annoy that one.”

“Sir, it’s a little strange, with his current background, if he wants to cultivate new Golden Saint Fighters, because he can solve it himself, why do you want to set up this game?”

“With his current layer, his eyes should have been on the mysterious and vast universe long ago.”

Coulson was puzzled.

“As the saying goes, don’t speculate about an extraordinary being, especially one who is no different from God.”

“No matter what, now the world has a dark tide, blood tribes, inhumans, super criminals, superheroes have emerged in an endless stream.”

“From the point of view now, those small-scale destruction events will not attract the attention of that person at all, unless it is a big world that destroys the world, which also means that under the rules of not touching that one, no kind of storm will cause the Holy Land.”

The deep voice is full of meaning.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the “White Domain Dragon” big guy, thank you very much, thank you very much)

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