“It is true that after the previous New York demonic incident, the crime rate in the whole world has reached a new low, but with the mysterious disappearance of the Holy Land, gangsters, criminals, aliens, blood tribes, and so on have begun to stir.” Coulson thoughtful.

“New York has recently seen a large number of people disappear, Natasha has gone to investigate, but the news that came back is very concerned.”

“Coulson, bring a bunch of agents to support.”



Hell’s Kitchen, New York.

New York is prosperous during the day, but at night it reveals its dark side, especially in Hell’s Kitchen.

Located in Midtown Manhattan, it’s only eight streets.

But there are countless criminals hiding.

Burning and looting happen all the time, and New York will be better after reconstruction, but unfortunately, the darkness will never be extinguished.

Since the disappearance of the Holy Land, evil has re-emerged.

At night, Hell’s Kitchen Street No. 3, the original new street has been torn to pieces, the walls are painted out of the frescoes, bullets hit bullet holes of different sizes, gunshots and roars continue to sound, countless people hide in their homes and shiver and dare not come out.

Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!

The muzzle of the gun in his hand spewed countless flames, reflecting a feminine face, and the burgundy hair was none other than the ace agent Natasha.

“This bunch of damn Bichi is like poking a horse’s nest.” With a wave of his hand, he saw that between the gunfire, a monster-like figure in front of him was hit in the head and turned into ashes.

And the dense crowd in front of the street is like a tidal wave.

Scarlet’s gaze was filled with a longing for something.

The afterglow swept through the equally dense crowd behind her, and Natasha smiled bitterly, “Have you created so many Blood Clan slaves in just a few days?” Damn it. ”

This is not the end of it.

She suddenly missed the teenagers now.

“Delicious blood.”

“I’m going to suck her blood.”

“No, she’s a rare beauty, turn into a blood servant.”

Willow’s eyebrows furrowed tightly, and Natasha thought about the solution.


However, at this time, the Blood Clan was already impatient, and with a roar, the furious crowd rushed towards Natasha.

The breath of bloody rage made Natasha feel cold.

Just when I thought I was going to die, I was going to die

Harsh sound waves burst out suddenly.


The gushing blood tribesman’s body paused, and the next second, the invisible force made the body explode like an explosion, and the blood and flesh spewed out in all directions.

Blood flowed from the streets in an instant.

Almost the whole street is infected.

The walls, the ground, the houses were eroded by terrible forces, all turned into ruins, and the sky was full of dust and smoke.

In just a short moment, the entire street was destroyed.

Natasha didn’t even pay attention to the feminine./ Charming’s face was stained with a few drops of foul-smelling blood.

Before he could react, he felt as if something strange was going on behind him, so he quickly turned around and pointed his gun at it.

But it was caught by a pair of iron pincer-like hands.

Looking up, it turned out to be a middle-aged man wearing a black and blue trench coat, close to a height of one meter and nine, with a tough face slightly cold, while beside him was a beautiful red-haired woman, who was completely unfamiliar with herself in terms of temperament or appearance.

“You saved me?”

As if sensing that the man had no ill will, Natasha put down the gun in her hand and asked.

The man nodded but did not speak.

The attentive Natasha noticed this and continued, “Thank you very much for saving me. ”

The man still didn’t speak.

“You’re welcome, these creatures are weird.” The woman next to her opened her mouth, and her voice was full of femininity.

Natasha already had a number in mind.

After some conversation, of course, she has been asking, and she probably knows something.

The man was unable to speak for some reason, and it had always been this woman named Medusa who was expressing herself and looking for a girl who had called Crystal away.

Suddenly, the man’s eyes lit up, and he excitedly pointed to the picture on the TV set inside the glass of the commodity street that had not yet been destroyed.

In the picture, it is a piece of news.

Footage on the news shows a girl in gold armor.


Medusa looked excited.


“Two, it looks like you and the girl are from the same place, maybe we can help you.”

The two men looked and saw Agent Coulson in a black Chevrolet SUV in front of them walk down.

Behind the car, a dozen cars stopped, and dozens of agents followed.

Coulson waved, and the agents began to move.

Coulson took a tablet and handed it to the man in the blue-black trench coat, “Are you looking for her?” ”

The man looked silent, thought for a moment and then nodded.

“His name is Blackcard Bert Gang and my name is Medusalis, Amagellin Portagan is his wife.”


The name is a bit long, Coulson and Natasha whispered.

“Please tell us where the crystal is now?” We must find her. ”

Coulson was silent for a moment.

Ten minutes later.

When they were told, the Black Bat King and Medusa looked at each other, full of disbelief.

Karen, Saint Seiya, Sanctuary?

What other demons have invaded?

Really fake?

When did the earth have any cowhide existence? Especially the Black Bat King was even more weak-hearted.

If what this fast-bald agent said was true.

So his brother still wants to try to conquer the earth? Isn’t it looking for death?

Medusa muttered to herself, “That crystal, the inheritance of the so-called golden robe of Ophiuchus?” Still inexplicably gone? ”

“Oh, it should be, but it shouldn’t have disappeared inexplicably, she should have been taken away and headed for the legendary Sacred Realm!”

“No, I don’t believe in this so-called Sacred Domain, no one knows what their intentions are to take away the crystal, we must retrieve the crystal.” Medusa gritted her teeth.

“I understand your mood now, ladies, but please, don’t provoke trouble, for the Holy Realm, they are simply the gods of this world, and some people have angered them, but the consequences have been.”

Coulson persuaded.

“Please tell me the location of the Sanctuary, we must find the crystal.”

With a wave of brain waves, Medusa opened her mouth resolutely.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the big guy of “Pointer to the North”, thank you very much Mo Da, thank you very much)

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