“Start the first level of protection ~~”

At the critical moment, a metallic sound is transmitted.


Amid the terrible explosion, the giant sky carrier exploded a huge hole.

Only to see accompanied by firelight, black smoke billowing in, a huge gap in the center point of the aircraft carrier.

The sky carrier eventually couldn’t bear it and broke into two pieces.

Head towards the crash below.

Multiply! Multiply!

“Damn, Jarvis, is anyone still alive?” At the edge of half of the carrier’s breakout layer, watching the two falling carriers, Tony roared loudly in the vaguely arcing Mark fighter.

“Sir, thirty-five life features have been detected.”

“Scan immediately to calculate the route.”

“Sir, Mark’s armor is badly damaged, and you blocked more than ninety percent of the energy bursts head-on behind the energy barrier, losing seventy percent and impairing your ability to fly.”

Tony’s face turned blue: “Walter? ”

This bad news makes Tony want to die, how to drip, this means not only can not save people, perhaps his own life is in danger?

“Seven thousand meters, six thousand six hundred meters, six thousand meters…

As Jarvis reported the heights, suddenly, Tony thought of something.

He remembered that after the last battle in New York, the Lorraine guy had given himself and Pepper a metal nameplate and told him that smashing it could be used to save his life.

This was a reward for his contribution to the Battle of New York.

Thinking of this, Tony opened the hood, took the nameplate necklace from his neck with his right hand, and squeezed it hard.


The moment the nameplate was crushed, a brilliant golden light burst out from the nameplate.

The dazzling golden light made Tony close his eyes.

Dazzling golden light ripples in waves.

A figure suddenly appeared in this light.

“What’s going on here?”

A familiar voice sounded in Tony’s ear, and Tony opened his eyes sharply and turned his head to look at Luo, who had disappeared for a long time.

At this time, Luo was still wearing the same emerald green and beautiful holy robe.

But it seems to be a little higher, and the original childish face has become a lot more mature.

“Hey, man… Tony said hello, suddenly thought that now seemed to be the time to continue: “Save people. ”

Luo raised an eyebrow.

After the perception, the brow locked, how many people died?

“I just learned some mindfulness in the Sacred Domain…


The majestic spiritual power erupted like an endless wave, and the faint emerald green fluorescence covered the entire broken sky aircraft carrier, being dragged by a gentle force.

And the aircraft carrier that had fallen rapidly actually stopped in mid-air.

The index finger of Luo’s right hand was gently lifted.

Only to see the two inclined aircraft carriers begin to return to their original balance suits, and those who were debristed metal also levitated under this soft thought, so that the living people would not be crushed to death by the living.

“Tony, they’re in a bad situation right now.”

“I know, we’re in the Pacific Ocean right now, and the carrier can be held in the water, can you put those people on deck?”

“The little things”

At the same time, a huge luxury cruise ship in the Pacific Ocean is slowly moving, and some merchants and rich people are leisurely chatting and drinking wine.

“Hey, Sheldon, I heard you’re in a good pharmaceutical business.”

“Of course, the world has changed a lot lately, and I’ve made a lot of money for that, and you’re not bad, and your construction company made a lot of money in New York before.”

“Haha, it’s just a pity that there is still a final payment that has not been called.”

“By the way, I recently took a fancy to a business, how can I be interested?”

“Oh? Let’s hear it. ”

The rich were chatting business on the deck, some children were playing, some couples were talking about love, everything seemed so calm and peaceful, but suddenly everyone felt a huge black shadow covering the sky, even blocking the soft sun.

Everyone looked up in amazement and saw a huge black shadow slowly falling.

This cruise ship is like an ant in comparison.

“Even buy karma, what’s that?”


“Oh my God.”

“Look, there’s still a green light on that thing?”

Everyone suddenly exclaimed, and some of the wine glasses in their hands even smashed to the ground unconsciously.

As the dark shadow slowly approached, everyone could see clearly what it was.

Is this an aircraft carrier?

An aircraft carrier that can fly in the sky?

What caught everyone’s attention, however, was that the carrier seemed to be smoldering with smoke and was even exploding in some places.

The point is, does this aircraft carrier emit green light for Mao?

A glowing aircraft carrier?


In the sound of a huge wave, the aircraft carrier finally landed on the surface of the sea, setting off a wave that made the cruise ships not far away sway a little.

“Even buy Karma, look, what about you Iron Man??”

“That’s Saint Seiya?”

“I’ve seen him, he showed up during the Battle of New York.”

Everyone was lying on the railing looking at the aircraft carrier, and the sharp-eyed people even saw the conspicuous red armor on the deck of the aircraft carrier and Luo wearing an emerald green holy robe.

Above deck.

Nick Fury, Hill, Bruce Banner with only shorts left, and dozens of agents had all fainted, blood flowing from wounds large and small.

Tony struggled to take off Mark’s armor, but fortunately, after upgrading, Mark’s armor could open automatically: “Thank you Luo, you saved me again.” ”

Luo shrugged his shoulders, not thinking.

“You guys are this a technical failure?”

“Don’t say, by the way, have you ever seen a couple, not ordinary people.” Tony laughed bitterly, as if remembering something.

“No, what, you guys are like this because of this couple?”

‘Yes, yes. ’

“Then you are really weak, how do you protect Sister Pepper like this?” Luo seized the opportunity to mock mercilessly.


Tony suddenly threw himself backwards, and he was completely speechless.

“It’s just a pity that I don’t know much about the means of treatment.”


Luo snapped his fingers slightly, and the gentle little universe covered a group of fainting agents, and in Tony’s stunned gaze, the wounds were repaired with visible to the naked eye.

(Thank you very much for the support of the C1966 gangsters, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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