“You don’t know what you call it?”

Tony was speechless.

There was a hint of pride in the teenager’s eyes, which could make the narcissist suffer a blow, and he was simply happy.

“But I can’t do anything about the dead, and if I can bring the dead back to life, I’m afraid only Your Highness can do it.”

Tony didn’t answer, looking at the agents on deck who had lost their breath, their eyes filled with blood.


At this moment, amid a low groan of pain, Fury and a group of people woke up.

Opening his eyes, Fury glanced around, and the dead agent, looking at Tony and Rowe not far from the deck, paused slightly.


Standing up, Hill first went to look at the dead agents, confirmed that he had lost his life features, and shook his head at Fury.

Taking a deep breath, Fury walked over to Luo and said, “Thank you for everything you do.” ”

At a glance at the scene, Tony’s Mark armor has almost exploded, allowing the broken sky carrier to land safely, apparently by this sudden teenager.

Luo nodded, not modest.

“Sir, only we survived, the other agents.” Ciel walked over, a cold pretty face brushing across a trace of sadness.

“Hill, the moment they became agents, they had this realization.”

“I know, sir.”

After a moment of silence, Fury spoke, “Luo, do you know anything about the Moon Inhumans?” ”

“What I didn’t know, I know now!!”

Fury understood that, according to the previous analysis, these Saint Seiya were able to read thoughts and memories when they reached a certain point.

Apparently the teenager had read a memory of someone.

“But the person who shot it, I know you should also know that O’Fi, the Silver Saint of Lyra, looks like his strength should be about to break through the seventh sense.”

Luo frowned, paused in his tone and continued, “If you blame him for this, then I urge you to extinguish this idea as soon as possible.” ”

“If it weren’t for him, the war would have begun.” Fury shook his head.

Moreover, let him blame a strong man who can easily destroy a fleet, and what is the difference between finding death.

He wouldn’t be so stupid.

“Can you find them?” Fury continued.

“They are no longer on Earth, and I don’t know where they are, but from your last memories, those two people must have been teleported away by someone, and it is not clear where they were.”

Luo waved his hand and turned to leave.

As if considering what was going on, he continued, “Also, your better target now is not to focus on the Inhumans, Lord Zoru has predicted that a new disaster is coming, and you have to be prepared for it.” ”


With a ray of light, Luo’s figure shot straight into the sky.

“What about your attitude?”

Fury looked up and shouted.

“The Golden Sequence is already in the galaxy, and the armies outside the universe will be blocked, but if there is a small invasion, it will depend on you.”

Luo’s figure disappeared, leaving behind a sentence that shocked everyone present.

“Sit in the Milky Way?”

Fury chewed the words repeatedly and looked up sharply, looking shocked.

“That is, beyond the galaxy, there are more powerful forces? Or even need a golden sequence to guard? ”


Meanwhile, Qaida Star.

In a house.


“This is the reward you want, give money ~~” Quill slammed the ice box in his hand on the table, looking at the blue-skinned slightly treacherous old man in front of him.

Rockets are watching from the sidelines.

When the old man saw this ice box, he was shocked, and he quickly waved his hands and shouted, “Are you kidding?” Did you know that this gem has spread throughout the universe? ”

“Whoever dares to accept this thing, the reward for publishing the task has been canceled.”

Quill looked sinister, grabbed the old man’s collar and yelled, “I don’t care, something for you, give money immediately.” ”

“Even if you kill me now, the Twelve Temples slaughtered half of the three empires in the Morag galaxy, and the Marauders are just for this gem, and now the whole universe has its eyes on it.”

“The point is, if this jewel was fine in the hands of the people of the Twelve Temples, but now it is in your hands.”

“I can tell you very clearly that you are finished!”

The old man sneered.

Rocket said impatiently, “What are you doing staring at us?” Anyway, isn’t it a big deal to just throw this thing away? ”

“Do you really think it’s just this gem?”

The old man smiled and said, “In the Morage Galaxy, the three empires plus the marauders were slaughtered, but you survived and got the gems.” ”

The latter words were not spoken.

But Quill and the Rockets had realized something.

Damn it~~

However, before the two men could run away with their things, they saw a group of soldiers in front of the door holding weapons aimed at the two men.

“It’s over.”

One person and one raccoon smiled helplessly.

Along with the seizure of the ice box, the two were also imprisoned in Chaidar Star, where they would be imprisoned in the highest military prison when the sentence was pronounced.

In the tallest building, a group of generals of the Nova Legion were arguing.

“You must not imprison them, you know what this means, directly offend the three empires.”

“That’s right, that gem is a scourge, and if you are not careful, the entire Qaida Star will be destroyed!”

“But they have broken the law and must be detained!!”

Queen Qaida sat on the throne and rubbed her forehead, patted the armrest, and said, “Well, it’s not a way to continue to argue like this… ”

A middle-aged general in military uniform said bitterly: “Queen, those three criminals are okay to say, but we really can’t leave this gem, there are too many forces to fight for it.” ”

Honk! Honk! Honk!

“Queen, a large number of ships have been detected to have made a jump and are approaching Qaida Star, and the number is more than tens of thousands!!”

The alarm was loud, and a soldier came to report with a panicked face.

What the?

At this moment, even Queen Qaida could not sit still, and led a group of generals to the conference room.

In the projection screen, we saw that a large number of densely packed warships appeared in the outer space of Qaida Star, and there was even a mothership, covering the sky and the sun, and the target was Qaida Star.

“That’s !!! Templar Mothership? Thanos coming? ”

Queen Qaida’s pupils shrank violently.

(Seventh, it seems that the preparation is a bit much, I will improve, the plot will speed up… )

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