“Who are you?”

“His Highness Karen has twelve Golden Saints, oh, now it seems to be thirteen Golden Saints.”

“Karen ~~”

“This time is your bureau?”

“A bit of nonsense, are you really Thanos?”

Benson’s sarcastic words grew colder and colder, and he said in a low voice, “As far as you people are self-righteous, thinking that what justice is, do you really understand the nature of the universe?” ”

“You’re just a bunch of stupid crap.”


With a roar, the majestic supreme power erupted, and the terrifying force caused the ground to explode in an instant, breaking and rolling backwards in all directions.

Benson grinned, “Haha, come, wrestle with the bull and let you taste the horns.” ”

Immediately the vast little universe exploded, and dazzling golden ripples burst out from his body.


The heavens and the earth seemed to have lost their voices, and the whole Qaida Star began to shake violently, and everyone was like a flat boat in the storm capsizing at any time under this vibration.

On the ground, tens of millions of meters of cracks cracked in all directions.

Across the capital, countless houses collapsed.

Countless civilians could only watch as the collapsed houses fell to the ground, desperately thinking that death had come, but they were pleasantly surprised to find that a gentle force covered the entire capital.

The boulder that had originally fallen down was actually floating in the air.


“Woohoo… I thought I was doomed. ”

“What just happened? How can there be an earthquake? ”

Many people have no idea what is going on and are confused.

And in the huge square completely scrapped, the gorgeous square became a huge pit with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters.

Queen Qaida and the Nova Legion, Ebony Throat and others withdrew without any hesitation.

They knew very well in their hearts that if they were involved in such a battle of the strong of this rank, there was no doubt that they would only be torn to shreds, whoever it was.

The Nova Legion spread towards the capital and began to evacuate the civilians.

In the huge pit, Thanos’s wrestling was still continuing, his pupils were shrinking, and his heart was terrified, he had almost exploded the physical strength of his whole body, and with his kind of strength, he was completely unable to suppress the other party, and even had a faint feeling of being suppressed.


Who the hell are these guys?

Thanos gritted his teeth.

“How? Running out of energy? Clutching the ice box, Benson looked up at the uncertain Thanos, a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Change me.”

The body squatted slightly, his left hand clenched in a fist, mixed with millions of tons of strength and slammed into the front of Sanos’s Huns.

The terrible speed and strength even made Thanos have no time to react.

This felt a pain in the mouth, and his body was already uncontrollable and flew towards the sky like a cannonball.


The terrible circular air wave exploded and raged, and the already shattered ground cracked again, and one stone after another was blown up in the air by the vast force.

Looking at the sky that had lost its figure, Benson casually threw the ice box in his hand that was about to break.

With the ripples of space, the ice box disappeared into the air.


At the same time, a dazzling golden streamer of light in the giant pit shot straight into the sky.

And Thanos, who was like a cannonball being blasted beyond Qaida Star, could not stop his own body, and the majestic force made him even smash everything along the way, especially the countless Thanos warships surrounding Qaida Star.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

As Sanos’s body continued to ram the fleet along the way, a ball of fire burst out like fireworks.


I don’t know how long it flew and how many planets it smashed along the way, but finally, Thanos’s body slammed into the surface of a barren and dark planet.

The terrible impact caused the planet’s surface to crack for tens of millions of kilometers.

The dense cracks are like cobwebs.

Embedded in the earth’s crust millions of meters from the planet, Thanos was washed into the underground lava, and the mark of the previous Hun fist was clearly visible, and the corners of his mouth were also spilling blood.


In the molten slurry, Thanos spewed out a mouthful of blood and looked shocked: “This power!! ”

He felt that his body was still being destroyed, and his muscles and cells were all damaged.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was the extremely powerful flesh and recovery ability of the Eternal Titan God Clan, it was estimated that he would have been killed on the spot with one punch.

Just by breathing, the body has recovered.


The molten slurry exploded, and his body had already broken through the ground to the surface of the planet, and jumped to the top of a mountain of tens of meters.

Only to see this planet drowsy and full of fog, the eerie dark environment full of decaying mountain stones, people are disgusted to the extreme, do not know what kind of water and molten slurry erupted on the ground.

Tens of millions of kilometers of dense cracks in the earth crack wantonly.

Countless corpses of ugly creatures were spread all around.

But Thanos didn’t care about any of this, because hundreds of meters ahead, a strong enemy had already arrived.

In the dark and dim environment, the gorgeous and noble golden holy garment emits golden fluorescence, lighting up the surroundings, which is incompatible with the dark environment.

The white jade cloak fluttered with the wind, his hands clasped in his hands, and his cold gaze looked down at Thanos below.

Majestic momentum burst out from the two strong men.

The boundless momentum collision made the space somewhat distorted, torn, and vibrate.

The rubble on the ground was suspended by the pull of this momentum.

“Drink ~~”

Without further ado, Benson was surrounded by golden flames, punching Thanos in the face, and in an instant, billions of beautiful meteors fell to the ground.

The terrifying light-speed fist was as sharp as a rainstorm, and the pupils of Sanos who watched shrank violently.


Hurriedly raised his hands in his hands to block the large knife in front of him.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The sound of terrifying explosions resounded throughout the world, the dust and smoke scattered in the sky, the terrifying light-speed fist of the planet shook wildly, and the almost unintelligent creatures also felt the danger of frantically escaping.

The terrible underground molten slurry continues to erupt with cracks.

The whole scene is like the end of the world.

And in space, the countless spaceships that followed, the Dark Order, the Nova Legion, looked at the apocalyptic scene hundreds of millions of square kilometers away from this barren planet, and looked shocked.

Everyone could see that the planet was on the verge of shattering.

(Thank you very much for the support of the “15506” gangsters, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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