
On the mothership of the Nova Legion, a centurion next to Queen Qaida star.

As the centurion of the Nova Legion, he was not weak in himself, and even very strong, but compared to this level of fighting, he felt that just a little closer, the aftermath could shock him to death.

He now truly understood what the Cosmic Overlord represented.

It not only means that there is a strong force, but also has a matching strength.

Another centurion said in a deep voice, “I am not at all surprised that Thanos has such strength, but that teenager, at a young age, has a strength comparable to that of Thanos, which is also terrible.” ”

“The key thing is that it’s not just one.”

Finished, the chin against the mothership trait outside the glass.

Everyone looked in that direction, not knowing when, beyond the planet, above the fleet of the Thanos army, a group of teenagers in gorgeous golden armor watched the battle on the planet like a supreme god.

“I don’t know who that so-called Karen is.”

“It is conceivable to cultivate this group of terrible teenagers.”

The others shook their heads, compared themselves to themselves, and felt that they had lived on the dog’s body for so many years, sighing.

“In any case, if you can kill Thanos, it is also a good thing for the universe.” Queen Qaida sighed.

Before Thanos came to Qaida Star, she had a premonition.

With what the other party did, she would definitely kill half of Chai Daxing’s life coldly, and even she wouldn’t know what to do.

Fortunately, the teenager appeared, otherwise, the consequences might be unimaginable.


Queen Qaida suddenly realized something, and her pupils shrunk.

“When Thanos dies, the Twelve Temples will become the supreme court of the galaxy and the entire universe, they will dominate billions of lives, and the mysterious Karen will truly become the ruler of the universe.”

What a terrible thought.

On the temple number.

Ebony throat a group of people with gloomy faces.

“Lord Ebony Throat, the antimatter cannon has been fully charged.”

“This is obviously a trap, just to lure Lord Thanos to the bait, and you can’t wait.” Dark Night Proxima Centauri Anxious Road.

Seeing the battle on the planet getting worse and worse, it could be seen from the molten slurry erupting from the barren planet.

And according to Ebony Throat, it was a group of people, and now only one appeared to put Thanos in a bitter fight, so what about the rest?

“Calibration, ready to fire the antimatter cannon ~~”

Ebony Throat did not hesitate and gave the order.

I saw countless dazzling lights shining on the temple like a war fortress, containing terrible powers, waiting to erupt at any time.

“The target has been calibrated.”

“Send me… Just as Ebony Throat was about to give the order, an unmistakable teasing sound came from everyone’s ears.

“You’d better stay honest and peaceful, or you’ll die.”


The overwhelming pressure swept across the entire temple in an instant, and the majestic god-like pressure suddenly made the ebony throat group of people completely unable to resist and fall to the ground.

The heavy and terrible pressure even made the ebony throat kneel a crack in the hard metal ground.

The bones of the body make an unpleasant harsh “creaking” sound.

Ebony Throat and the others knelt on the ground, cold and frightened.

“Who the hell is that?”

Time and time again, this humiliation almost drove Ebony Throat crazy.

“Don’t worry, when that one is dead, as a loyal person, you should also accompany him to hell.”


The pressure of terror swept through the tens of thousands of ships of Thanos in an instant, and tens of millions of warriors all fell to their knees as if they were repenting.

The other Thanos soldiers felt like they were carrying a huge mountain on their backs.

The body is to be crushed into a meat paste.

Completely unaware of what’s going on.

For a moment, tens of millions of soldiers throughout Thanos became extremely panicked, and they knew exactly where the terrible pressure was coming from.

Damn, damn.

Proxima Centauri was kneeling on the ground, sweat constantly falling from his forehead, and his gray face was full of terror.

“Is this the kind of enemy that Lord Thanos is facing?”

All the people of the Dark Order finally understood how terrible the enemy they were facing, no one had seen it, but just by the momentum, they had crushed all the Thanos army out of combat effectiveness.

It’s like a piece of meat on a sticky board, mermaid meat.

The sickle of death falls at any moment.

They remembered the life on the planets that had been slaughtered before, as if they were now.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The battle on the planet became more and more fierce, and a golden and purple figure intertwined like two rays of light, colliding, and each collision could cause a terrible wave of air to explode.

Every collision can shatter the earth.

During only a brief period of fighting, the surface of the planet was even cut off alive.



A kick mixed with millions of tons of power exploded layers of air, kicking hard at Sanos’s big knife, and the two-headed knife that was directly bombarded with extraordinary strength shattered and shattered alive.

Thanos seized the opportunity to bombard Benson’s Hun mouth with his right hand.

Benson was suddenly slammed into the ground like a cannonball, and the powerful force made the hard ground look like foam until it reached the center of the earth.


Looking at the teenager who was thrown into the ground, Thanos breathed lightly, looked at the broken knife in his hand, threw it casually, frowned and thought, “Speed, strength are not inferior to me, and it has a strange destructive system, a power system that has never been seen before.” ”

“In particular, the armor that was wearing on that body also had a divine nature, and every time it struck, a huge part of the power was blocked by the armor.”


The next second, the golden figure broke through the surface of the earth and fell thousands of meters away from Thanos, accompanied by the molten syrup canopy that rolled up the sky, and the picture had a strange beauty.

“Good fighting skills.”

Benson wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned.

Feeling that his blood was boiling, he really deserved to be the cosmic overlord Thanos, his speed was worse than his, but his strength was not weak, especially in terms of combat consciousness and experience, even above him.

After a short period of hand-to-hand combat, he also learned a lot.

(Thank you very much for the support of the “Hello Tomorrow” big guys, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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