“Oh? Benson seemed to be serious. ”

Above the Thanos battleship group, the rest of the gold stood above the void and watched the battle of the two strong forces with great interest, even if the distance was several square kilometers, they could still clearly see the next eyelash on the other side.

Looking at Benson’s look, Leo Alonso smiled.

“Cut, the lottery actually made Benson’s cow draw, it was speechless.” Aquarius’s high cold Charlotte skimmed her lips unhappily.

“When you first said the lottery, who made you more lucky than others?”

“Haha, I have to say that it is really worthy of Thanos, the skin is thick and thick.”

The other golds laughed leisurely.

“Well, since Benson is serious, don’t be kidding, don’t let him run.”

“Of course.”

As Zhuo Lu, who had the head of gold, spoke, all the gold, except for Alonso, turned into golden streamers to completely encircle the area, forming a mysterious battle formation.

Benson on the planet seemed to sense something, and a cold smile was smeared from the corner of his mouth.

With a wave of the cloak, the mighty momentum suddenly exploded.

The terrible golden light turned into flames burning on his body, and the stars dotted with stars surrounded him, and in a trance he seemed to be able to see a huge golden bull.

“Mega Horn!!”

With a roar, Benson threw a punch.

The brilliant golden streams of light in the sky seemed to turn into horns and instantly tear the air, and even beyond the speed of light slammed into Thanos.

The mighty supreme brilliance shone and even dispelled the dim sky of this planet.

Thanos faced this terrible power pouring out, his pupils shrank violently, he roared with rage, and threw a punch as if he was not willing to show weakness.

Driven by the terrifying cosmic secret, a terrifying energy beam erupted from the fist.

In a flash.

It was as if the heavens and the earth had crushed.


With the earth-shattering noise, the collision produced a powerful fluctuation, the violent and terrifying ripples of power spread to the surrounding areas, and the cracks in the ground under the feet continued to extend the entire planet.

A huge wind of air waves will blow everything away.

Space is distorted.

And the hot magma continued to gush out from the cracks, turning into a red canopy of sky and rolling upside down.


In the stunned eyes of everyone, the barren planet exploded.

The planet was completely unable to withstand such a violent collision of forces and turned into tiny pieces of dust.

With the destruction of the planet, the terrifying wind of the air wave broke out, and the mighty rolling ravaged hundreds of millions of meters, even the army of Thanos not far away was involved.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

In a short moment, Thanos’s army was destroyed by more than half of the double squeeze of the aftermath of the collision of the planetary explosion and the collision of the two powerful forces.

Clusters of fire bloomed like fireworks in the dark universe.

The screams of countless Thanos soldiers were completely annihilated by the flames in their desperate screams.

Queen Qaida on the mothership of the Nova Legion suddenly turned pale and shouted, “Hurry up and get out of here, hurry. ”

The starship started with the engine and immediately withdrew, but it was still too late.

The mighty air wave had already struck, but fortunately, the Nova Legion mothership had opened a defensive barrier, and the distance was far away, and it did not suffer too serious damage.

But it is still like a flat boat in a rainstorm that is constantly swaying, and there is a danger of being overturned at any time.

All the people in the Nova Legion subconsciously grabbed what was next to them to stabilize their bodies in the violent shaking swing.

And those who don’t catch it can only keep tumbling.

I don’t know how long it lasted, but finally, the terrible storm of air waves disappeared, and the Nova Mothership finally stabilized, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s almost over.”

“Good danger!”

With a palpitation in his heart, he glanced at each other happily.

Looking at the planet that had completely turned into dust, Queen Qaida smiled bitterly: “In the future, this level of battle should not be casually watched.” ”

“Yes, it’s a war between gods.”

A centurion as strong as an ox smiled bitterly.

This time it was too dangerous, even so far away, that it was only a aftermath that almost destroyed them, just look at the tragic situation of the Thanos fleet.

The battle between God and God is certainly not to be seen directly.

“They were miserable, and the fleet was destroyed by more than half.” Another centurion was schadenfreude.

Thanos’s arrogant appearance in Qaida Star before really made him unhappy, but he was forced to be angry with the powerful forces of the other side, and now he is good, and now the mood is simply cool. / Turning the sky.

“It’s a bunch of people who have no humanity, trampling on life at will, and they deserve to die a long time ago.”

“That is, to tell you the truth, I am quite grateful to the Twelve Temples now, because of them, even Thanos will be judged in justice.”

“Anyway, the mood is very happy.”

“I don’t know if Thanos is dead.”

“It should be dead, after all, this kind of explosion, even if Thanos wants to survive, it will be difficult.”

“Nako, no, look.”

In the middle of the discussion, a centurion pointed to the holographic projection in front of the crowd, as if from God’s point of view, and the picture kept shrinking, and finally captured the desired picture.

Everyone looked intently and saw the dim void in the picture.

Thanos was scarred, blood constantly flowing from the wound, floating in the vacuum, but only between breaths, the wound was constantly healing.

On the void ten thousand meters away, the young man wearing the golden holy robe did not have anything.

It’s just blood spilling from the corners of the mouth.

“The flesh is strong, and the strength in the body is not weak, that is, the speed is a little worse.” Looking at the somewhat embarrassed Thanos in the distance, the corners of Benson’s mouth curved slightly.

He knew that Thanos, though he looked a little embarrassed, had suffered some trauma.

In fact, he did not receive too serious injuries.

His giant horn was neutralized by the force collision, just some skin trauma caused by the aftermath, and with the powerful and variable recovery ability of Sanos, it was repaired almost instantaneously.

Thanos was secretly unhappy.

(Thank you very much for the flowers and monthly passes of the big guys, you are too powerful, you can only repay you with updates.) )

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