This little girl has such a talent, it is really worthy of the legendary Ophiuchus.

Well, I won’t bother with your party, Shell Yard has recently come with two funny little guys.

Karen turned and walked backwards, waving goodbye as she went.

“Your Highness.”

Looking at the figure that slowly turned into transparency, all the gold was thoughtful.

“Well, this dog is very interesting.”

Godanwe suddenly pointed at the restless and trembling giant bulldog, and even ran to the bulldog to pat it, this big guy was able to reach his waist, it was really huge enough.

“Strong bite force, telepathic teleportability, and even open dimensional cracks, and cosmic secret energy, the Inhumans are really interesting races.”

“Well, it’s really good.” Leon nodded.

As if thinking of something, he asked his sister, who was whispering to the little crystal ball, “By the way, why don’t you bring Cosmo with you?” ”

“Moscow is haunted by the little guys in the Scorpion Palace, and it likes life in the Scorpion Palace.”

“There are two more interesting dogs and more and more members.”


Looking at a group of big guys whose focus is not on themselves, Tetanus is secretly relieved, scared to death dogs, a lot of big guys.

The powerful biological instinct had already told it how terrible these big guys were in front of it.

Even the strongest Black Bat King in the Inhuman race basically couldn’t beat one.

Facing one almost didn’t scare him, let alone a dozen, and it was a disaster for its extremely powerful perception.

It is like an ordinary human being facing natural disasters that can easily destroy the world in all directions.

I was scared by a bunch of little guys in the Sacred Domain, and now I am scared by more cowhides.

Dogs are tough.

Tetanus sighed helplessly, and suddenly, a huge plate was placed in front of him, and the huge roast meat with aroma prevented it, and Tetanus looked up to see the man with the huge size and smiled: “Try my craft, it is delicious.” ”

“By the way, I don’t know if you eat seafood or not, but if you want to eat it, you can find me.”

Dumbfounded biting the roast meat, looking at the smiling man, Tetanus suddenly felt that the dog was actually not difficult.


It’s delicious

At the dinner table, the gold was eating and chatting.

While chatting, suddenly Godanwe asked Leon and Gomez curiously, “By the way, have you spent more than half a year in the universe?” ”

“Have you ever come across anything interesting?”

Godanway was still curious about the galaxy, after all, there must be a lot of interesting things in the vast universe of billions of races.

“Interesting is actually not particularly interesting, at most it is some forbidden places, those forbidden places do have their wonderful places, there are a few places that we almost can’t come out when we explore.” 」

“Then there’s some power in the universe and something.”

“Oh, yes, there are a few well-known strong people and so on, but most of them feel like that.”

“It’s funny, I can see a lot of different races, but anyway, most of them don’t feel very good about me, full of dark laws, fighting, robbery, interest and so on.” 」 Leon said something simply.

“I’ll play when I’m free.” Godanway laughed.

“Huh? His Highness had said that he would sit in the Twelve Temples. Leon suddenly made a strange noise.

Just now this boy laughed the happiest, killing him.

“Hey, the galaxy is like that, the universe thinks we destroyed Thanos, and now who dares to be a demon in the galaxy, I am saying, is not you here, I am very relieved.”

Godanwe shook his hand, looking like I didn’t care if I had it or not.

“You just want to go out and play, you’re a slut.”

Leon was dismissive.

Godan Weiyi said: “Haha, you see what you said, the heart of the villain, of course, I am to explore the way for the universe for His Highness, to collect those rare treasures in the universe, for Your Highness, I sacrificed precious time.” ”

“Nor are you afraid that Your Highness will hear that you have been beaten, and that you are too badly beaten.”

“Ha, haha, how come, Your Highness likes me the most.” Godanwe smiled weakly twice.

Li Yingna, who was on the side, rolled her eyes disdainfully, ignored this idiot, and took Crystal’s small hand and whispered, “Little Crystal, do you have anyone you like in the Inhuman Race?” ”

Put on the posture of a sister.

The crowd of people who watched was also laughing.

“No, I don’t have anyone I like, those guys are too stupid.” Crystal shook her head, if she had thought that the Inhumans men were still relatively good.

But after coming into contact with His Highness Karen and those excellent peers, it was found that the boys were actually like children.

“Ha, that’s right, where in the world is there any better than the Sacred Realm, look at my excellent brothers, such as Luo, the little guy in the Draco constellation, mature and stable, just like a little adult, just don’t like to talk, don’t like girls should be.”

“Pegasus Max is also very good, also very handsome, can talk, Moby Cheren is also very good, have reached the sixth sense of the middle and late stages, Joyson in the white bird is a bit like Charlotte, is also a paralyzed man, crazy worship of Charlotte.” 」

“Orphie is very good, gentle and mature is a big warm man, back to introduce you yo, very suitable for you, people have been in Antonia to protect His Highness’s property with Grandpa John and Sister Louise.”

The young girl Li Yingna’s twittering and enthusiastic appearance of helping her sister solve the big things in her life is really cute.

Crystal blushed, and her shy little hand pinched her fingers.

Charlotte, who was suddenly stabbed in the back by the girl, was angry and could not hang on to the cold arrogant appearance of paralysis: “Inna, you still introduce to the crystal, you see how old you are, why don’t you solve your own sentient affairs?” ”

“Ha, how old am I?” Am I only sixteen years old? ”

The girl was also angry.

“Inna, you’re seventeen.” Li Ang helplessly reminded him.

“What seventeen, not yet seventeen, that is sixteen, always a beautiful girl.”

(Thank you very much for the support of the big guys of “Lonely Heart”, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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