
Such a harmonious atmosphere made the originally nervous crystal relax a lot, and he was very envious of the friendship between the gold.

That kind of sincere friendship purely surprised her.

After letting go, Crystal is not so angry, and from time to time she chats happily with these brothers and sisters, and she is not an introvert herself.

It’s just not good that these brothers just like to tease her.

After eating, everyone lay on the beach chairs and watched the majestic waves in the distance, while the maiden dragged the crystal to the sea to adventure, the planet is somewhat similar to the earth./ ball, ninety-eight percent is the ocean, only two percent is land.

And the primitive creatures here are far larger than the creatures of the earth.

There has been no pollution such as sewage and other pollution, and the air is extremely fresh.

The rest of the gold were talking to the sky with beer, as for worrying about the two girls? So do you still have to worry?

Don’t talk about this planet, even if the entire galaxy has no place to go?

There are only some sea creatures, and it is good that the girls do not look for their trouble, and if they die, they can only be used as dinner.

While drinking and chatting, suddenly the golds frowned and looked at the blue sky.

“This breath is, Sister Carol.” Godanwe was surprised.

“There’s a lot of breath, it looks like it’s a native of a planet.”

Alonso sensed it.

“It should be the man-made sins of the Kree and Skrulls, and she should help the innocent people who have been affected to find a new home.” Godanway knew what Carol had been doing now.

Looking at Godanwei’s appearance, the rest of the gold was suddenly clear.

“I don’t care, there are a lot of primordial planets anyway.”

“After all, helping the innocent is also a good thing.”

“Haha, then I’ll let her know, she doesn’t seem to be very good at looking for these things.”

In the void hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the planet, a huge spaceship is carrying many dozens of spaceships flying around.

In the front of the main spaceship is a blonde woman in a red and blue uniform, burning with golden flames.

There seemed to be some irritability between the eyebrows.

“It’s been three days, and most of the suitable planets are under the rule of the three empires, and other planets are not suitable for them to survive.”

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from the ear: “Yo, Sister Carol, how are you?” ”


Carol was shocked, followed by a joy.

“Haha, it seems that you are looking for a suitable planet, and my planet is more primitive and very suitable for them to survive.”

“That’s great, where’s the location?”


Carol then felt a terrible wave of energy emanating from a planet hundreds of millions of kilometers away, and the familiar energy fluctuation was none other than Godanway.

I was overjoyed.

“Now you can relax.”

Pointing at the spaceship behind him, he immediately exploded with a wave of air, and the figure turned into a golden streamer tearing the air and soaring at the speed of light.

The ship’s engine behind him started and kept up with Carol.

It didn’t take long for Carol to see the blue planet and land with the spaceship behind him.

Find a land with very good resources, settle the alien remnants of the war affected by other wars, and fly to the unknown where Godanway is located, and she will have to thank you well.

Not long after, on the beach of a small island on the other side of the planet, a group of handsome young men in summer shorts and naked were lying on beach chairs drinking beer and chatting.

And looking at her, it was obvious that he had anticipated her arrival.

Carol was not surprised, after all, she was the Golden Sequence Saint of the Twelve Temples of the Mighty Universe, and each strength was above her.

Billions of miles can perceive their own existence.

Falling from the sky, extinguishing the golden flame burning on his body, he also took a bottle of beer from a nearby box, collided with the gold bottles, smiled and thanked the gold: “This time I really thank you, I have been drinking the wine to the ground for a long time.” ”


Seems to be a little impatient, and then unscrewed the cap and grunted and dried the bottle.

“Ah~~ this tastes, cool.”

At this moment, Carol felt very happy, she was a drunkard, and she had not rested for a few days.

The rest of the gold also laughed, they had also met Carol at the beginning, and they knew a little about this character, who was heroic, heroic, kind, and definitely a good friend, and they all admired Carol very much.

The most important thing is that the strength is also good, well, it is a little older, it seems that they can soon be their grandmother.

Carol didn’t know what these golds were thinking, or he was going to kill these stinky little devils, sitting on an empty beach chair and curiously asking, “Don’t you want to sit in the Twelve Temples?” Still free to party? ”

“Your Highness doesn’t have so many hard requirements, and sitting in the temple is just generally just our practice, and it is enough to have that group of little guys.”

“We’ll get together later when we have time.”

Benson took a sip of his beer and grinned.

“I really envy you.” Carol shrugged.

“But thanks to you, the three empires have also stopped a lot during this time, if it was before, sigh.”

Alonso was dismissive: “Those arrogant idiots, sooner or later they will kill themselves.” ”

The so-called three great empires were not like that, but the previous attention had been focused on Thanos, resulting in no attention at all, and now it seemed to know the terror of the Twelve Temples, so they had divided a lot, otherwise they would have been destroyed long ago.

Seeing the dismissive look of this group of teenagers, Carol also smiled bitterly.

When the galaxy will dominate, even in the universe, the three great empires that are quite prestigious in the universe will indeed be destroyed in the mouth of this group of little guys.

If it was anyone else, Carol definitely thought he was bragging.

But this group of teenagers is not, absolutely a real cruel character, if the three empires really anger them, it will really be overthrown, and it is the kind that has no hope at all.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the “Mo Lost” big guy, thank you Mo Moda, thank you very much.) )

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