But if she did, she was in favor of it.

Without the existence of the Twelve Temples, the destruction of the three empires would make the galaxy chaotic, the three empires occupying the territory of the absolute part of the galaxy, the destruction of the three empires, other forces or mercenaries or even forces outside the universe will come to seize the territory.

This is not uncommon in the universe.

The destruction of one side of the power will attract the attention of countless wolves.

But with the suppression of this group of teenagers, even if the three empires are destroyed, what can be done?

For they are the courts of the galaxy, the order.

The existence behind this group of teenagers who are really in charge now, as long as he wants to make the rules, no one will dare to disobey.

Because that man is the real emperor.

“I really haven’t seen Your Highness in your mouth, I’m really curious.” Thinking of the man, Carol was curious.

To be able to cultivate such a supreme talent.

How strong is that man?

“Your Highness, he is the greatest being, words cannot describe it, and he has come before, but you did not have a good time.” Godanwe shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s a shame.”

“Unfortunately, you can go back, and Carol doesn’t seem to have gone back for a long time.”

“Well, it’s been a long time, and I’ve almost forgotten how long it was.”


Suddenly, the sea on the surface of the sea was swept back into the sky like a supreme power, and a huge sea creature of several hundred meters was thrown out.

The huge body and the huge mouth full of sharp teeth roared like a fortress.

Face the terrifying creatures that attack.

The gold was very calm, and Li Ang laughed bitterly: “Really.” ”

There was a ripple in his eyes.

A vast force of majestic thoughts swept through, imprisoning the huge sea creature in mid-air.

Before this huge creature could struggle, the power of the Radiant Mind invaded and directly shattered the inside of its brain.


Casually smash the creature on the beach not far away to raise the dust.

“Ha, this idiot wants to eat us, so we’ll eat it today.”

As the sea exploded, two figures broke through the sea and landed on the beach.

Looking at it, it was the young girl Li Yingna and the crystal, those treasures in the ocean, shining.

Obviously it’s exactly what girls like.

Looking at Carol with a smile on her face, Li Yingna waved her jade hand and smiled: “Yo, there are many guests on the planet, Sister Carol.” ”


“Just so you can try Benson’s cooking.”

“I’m looking forward to that.”


Earth. Ball Baker Academy.

It is the largest known orphanage in the world, located on the island of Antonia, covering an area of 300,000 square meters.

There are thousands of dormitories, each of which can accommodate ten orphans, and there is a surplus of them.

Equipped with the best teachers, medical staff and much more in the world.

After entering the Baker Temple, the two rows of willow trees gently swung their bodies, so that their hair swayed in the wind, and the leaves turned from green to yellow, which had a different strange scene.

The weak leaves, gradually falling in the bitter wind, fell to the ground, making people feel refreshed.

The environment is beautiful and exceptional.

Not far from Baker Academy, there is also a school built specifically for those children to learn high school, after all, Baker Academy mainly teaches elementary school and early childhood classes.

During class, outside the high school classroom, Karen looked through the windowsill at the small faces filled with young children from all over the world, and nodded with satisfaction.

After perceiving, he knew that these children were in good shape.

The physical fitness is no worse or even better than any of those children in the family.

And every child is in a very good mental state.

Apparently, these children, who had lost loved ones or suffered from war, did not have the after-effects, but were happy to work hard to attend classes.

And one of the boys paid him attention.

The other children all seemed happy and hardworking, but he was the only one, with worry between his eyebrows.

“The power to shield my perception, interesting.”

“Your Highness, his name is Pietro Peter Maximov, and he has a sister named Wanda Django Maximov, and the two brothers and sisters were originally children of a family in Kosovia, but because of a war, his parents died, and he and his sister went into exile.”

“The two brothers and sisters seem to have different abilities, they were captured by a mysterious organization and carried out an experiment, at the critical time of the experiment, he used his speed to escape with his sister, but he was constantly arrested, and finally the sister lost the news, and he was saved by one of our security company in Eastern Europe.”

“His superpower is to move at high speeds, to run on water or on vertical walls, to be physically stronger than ordinary people, to have bones that can withstand the impact of crushing ordinary people, and to have Achilles tendons that are harder than steel.”

“According to him, his sister’s abilities are very strange, and it is not clear what it is.”

“I felt the whole ground./ball but didn’t find the girl at all.”

Behind Karen, Ophi Lyra reported.

Listening to the report, Karen smiled softly: “Chaos magic, can rewrite reality, this ability.” ”

The future of the twins’ siblings has also changed.

The impact of his crossing and rise is really not generally large.

“Your Highness, that organization is looking for children with superpowers to experiment, are we going to…”

“The trauma caused by this organization to the brothers and sisters needs them to heal, it has been a long time since they have been active, this time I come, Chaos Magic, I am very curious.”

“It’s Your Highness.”

Orphie nodded respectfully.




In an abandoned ranch on a western suburb of Eastern Europe, only moonlight falls under the dark night sky, and in the afterglow of the moonlight, a brown-haired girl of about fourteen years old hides in the abandoned horse pen shivering.


The girl was wearing a thin white jumpsuit in a sub-zero temperature, her skin was pale, her little face seemed to have no blood color, she had been hungry for two days, she had been on the run only to drink some snow water, and she felt that she was about to die.

(Thank you very much for the support of the big guys of “Lonely Heart”, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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