“No, I can’t fall asleep yet, I can’t wake up when I’m asleep.”

The girl exhaled a cold breath and squeezed her thighs fiercely, just trying to go out to find some food, when suddenly her little ears moved.

Creak! Creak!

The sound of stepping on the snow startled the girl.

“Damn, they’re coming after you.”

Those cruel and ruthless people made the girl resentful, but her people were so powerful that she could not deal with them.

She couldn’t sit still.

Just as the girl got up to flee, the footsteps suddenly stopped in front of the horse pen.

The girl’s body stiffened.

The look became frightened and was discovered.


With a harsh sound, the gate of the horse pen seemed to be about to be opened, and sure enough, it was discovered, and the girl erupted in despair.


A terrible red surging magic erupted from the girl’s hands.

The terrible crimson magic ball slammed into the wooden gate of the horse pen, no one could withstand her magic ball, and the girl was confident.

But in the next scene, the girl’s beautiful eyes shrank suddenly.

I saw that the crimson magic ball bombarded the wooden gate and only splashed a ripple of gold.

Her magic orb was so dissolved by the force.

When did that group of people still have such terrible abilities?

Before the girl could think, the door was opened, and in the girl’s terrified gaze, a slender figure stepped out.

In the moonlight, the girl saw the appearance of the person who came and was immediately shocked.

Not too ugly, but so perfect, so perfect that she couldn’t believe how partial God was to this man.

A handsome face like a knife carved into sculpture, a pair of Dan phoenix eyes, a slender and perfectly proportioned figure.

In the exquisite and expensive costumes, they are draped in mink coats, which look like ancient noble princes.

The girl had never seen the so-called prince, and she had fantasized about what her prince would look like, and now she saw that this man was exactly the same as or even more perfect than the prince she had imagined.

Looking at this perfect man, she forgot about the cold for a moment.

Shy, the original pale little face turned crimson, and the stupid look made the girl very cute, at least the man smiled: “Hey, my name is Karen.” ”

After saying that, he stepped forward and took off his coat and draped it on the girl’s body.

And the girl didn’t know why she wasn’t defensive, so she watched Karen’s movements.

The coat was so large that it could completely cover the girl’s small body of only one meter and a half, and it seemed that because of Karen, the coat was very warm.

Whether it’s the body, or the mind.

Pulling the girl out of the gate of the horse pen, looking out at the dark night sky outside, the snow shining in the moonlight seemed different.

Karen touched the girl’s somewhat dry hair and said softly, “Your brother is worried about you.” ”

“Do you know Pietro?”

Hearing her brother’s two words, the girl’s sluggish appearance suddenly changed, and she became extremely excited when she held Karen’s hand.

“Of course, your brother is safe in Antonia now.”


“Well, that’s my island, where there are no wars, no experiments, just a peaceful life, whether you want to go or not.”

“If you can.” Karen’s description made the girl look forward to it, did not refuse, but then hesitated: “You are a good person, but the person who arrested me is very bad, will it affect you?” ”

Very kind girl.

Karen laughed.

“Of course not, no one can be brazen on my island, I’m awesome.”

“Well, it looks like a guest has arrived.”


The girl was still wondering, and there were already terrible dense footsteps around her, and it was these footsteps that had become her nightmare.

In just a brief moment, thousands of men in black combat uniforms and armed with guns had surrounded the entire abandoned pasture.

“Wanda, I said I’d catch you sooner or later.”

Out of the crowd came a middle-aged man in a black trench coat, holding a pistol and sneering.


The girl gritted her teeth and her face was filled with fear and anger.

“Who are you?”

Still wanting to taunt the girl’s stupidity, Swech frowned when he suddenly saw Karen next to the girl.

At this time, the moonlight was obscured by a dark cloud, and under the dark night sky, he did not see the other party’s appearance clearly, but was a very slender black shadow.

But he didn’t bother to care who this guy was, and waved it casually: “If he dares to move, kill him.” ”

“It turns out that the person behind you is Whitehall, and Pierce’s Hydra was destroyed, but he took the opportunity to grow a lot.” Karen suddenly spoke.

The words startled Svech.

How is it possible that the other party actually knows his origin?

The pistol was pointed at Karen and he said coldly, “What the hell are you… ”

However, before the words could be heard, the dark clouds that covered the moon suddenly dissipated, and the moonlight sprinkled down, and he saw Karen’s face, the perfect face that looked like a god.

Everyone’s pupils narrowed.

The face that the world knows is actually him, the only man who is called the only god in our time.

Karen. York.

A terrible being who can be called a god, the uncrowned king of the world.

However, after the Battle of New York, he and the Sanctuary disappeared inexplicably, and only then did they dare to come out and move.

But now, he actually appears here?

Sweech’s heart suddenly froze.

In the face of a man like God, he did not even have the desire to move, because he and everyone knew that only death was ushered in.

“You’re smart.”

Karen smiled lightly, ignored it, and instead turned to the stunned girl next to him and asked, “Wanda, their life and death are between your thoughts, tell me, do you want them to live or die?” ”

The girl faced the choice and bit her lip.

Seems to be tangled.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent, and everyone looked nervously at Wanda, who was originally a prey.

“Please, Wanda…

The girl’s tangled gaze gave Svech hope, and the originally somewhat gloomy face hung with an ugly smile.

Karen shook her head: “Wanda, they don’t deserve your sympathy, they are cruel and ruthless, I can see tens of thousands of innocent souls in them.” ”

The right hand is extended forward.

“No, please…

Sweech’s pupils shrank and he roared in despair.


(Thank you very much for the support of the big guys of “Mo Lost”, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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