The dazzling, unstained golden radiance rippled within a radius of several kilometers.

Like the petite / shyness of the golden lotus, there are ripples of light in the lotus pond under the moonlight, beautiful but containing terrible killing chances.

Beautiful golden ripples rippled through the bodies of Svich and thousands of others.

Their figures had disappeared into the ripples of golden ripples, out of Wanda’s sight.

Svech and thousands of others seemed to have come to the underworld of hell, the endless ancient yellow springs, the terrifying blood infestation the sky, and the gloomy world full of boundless fear and death.

They were in this world, and in front of them was a boundless wave of blood, and countless vicious and ugly undead and demons stared at them with greedy scarlet eyes.

At this moment, near the surroundings, a black mist emerged, and tens of thousands of figures surrounded them with steps, their eyeballs bursting and their skin dry, terrifying to the extreme.

In a trance, they all seemed to recognize that those figures were the ghosts they had killed before.


“Help, let me go, I repent.”

“O great Hydra, save us.”


Yikes! Yikes!

The terrible breath that filled the death made Svech and the others already full of despair in their hearts, and when they came to this terrible Yellow Spring World, they had completely collapsed, their faces had become extremely distorted, and they were frantically shooting with the guns in their hands under fear.

Crazy roars and screams made this originally blood-colored and terrible world even more gloomy.

But, in the end, it was pounced upon by the horrible undead ghosts.

Swech stood still in place, looking at the flesh-and-blood blurred faces of his men who were being eaten in fear and despair, saliva flowing from his mouth. Flowing down, he smiled foolishly: “It’s terrible, it’s terrible, I’m going to die, that man is a god, a devil.” ”

In the end, countless unjust souls drowned him, and only one hand stretched out in the wave of unjust souls, accompanied by the whispered whisper of regret: “In the next life, be a good person.” ”

Death is neither the end nor the end, they will be transformed into the unconscious ugly undead in this hellish netherworld.

There can never be transcendence in the blood.

Regret did not move Karen, for these blood-stained people, death is already the greatest mercy, he wants this group of people to endure countless years of torture forever.

But Wanda didn’t know what was going on for the man who was the devil to her.

With just a wave of her hand, the group had disappeared, and she vaguely sensed that she seemed to be still entering a terrible world.

But I didn’t think much about it.

Touching Wanda’s somewhat dry brown hair, Karen said softly, “Go, go find your brother.” ”


Wanda was well-behaved, and she knew that perhaps today she would be completely free from that terrible experiment.


The golden ripples under his feet turned into mysterious mysteries, and Wanda and Karen disappeared under the snowflakes.

The snowflakes bury the original footprints, and they also bury what just happened here.


A dark universe on an ancient planet.

On a barren mountain on the planet, an ugly tall man in metal armor kneels respectfully with a crown, and in front of him is a tall metal throne, on which sits a huge figure, and the dim planet looks so dark that it is impossible to see this figure, and the low and hoarse murmurs to himself.

“We’ve found it and it’s now a place called the Earth. Ball on the planet. ”

The huge figure was silent for a moment and said silently, “Earth/Ball, in the Milky Way?” ”


“What do you want to do?”

“My army is ready to launch against the ground at any time. In the war of the balls, we will occupy that planet and offer that treasure. ”

The tone was full of confidence and pride.

Beyond the planet, the endless huge battleships seem to fill the vast universe, which is his self-confidence.

And the next thing seemed as if thunder had exploded in his ear: “Stupid. ”

The terrible momentum swept the monstrous breath, and the whole barren planet was trembling and trembling.

The air shook, and countless warships outside the planet, which looked like giant flying insects, seemed to be afraid and whispered.

The man with the crown also kowtowed in fear.

“It’s stupid, the galaxy is guarded by twelve temples, and your so-called army is not worth mentioning at all.”

“Please forgive my ignorance, are they really that powerful?”

“In front of them, you are just ants, and you can be destroyed by turning your hands, don’t do stupid things.”

“So what do we do?”

“You need a helper… The figure above the throne waved his hand and saw an elegant man in golden armor suddenly appear in front of the throne.

Pale and handsome, graceful gestures like princes are incompatible with the planet.

“He will cooperate with you in opening the passage to that planet and keep your army ready.”

“The Twelve Temples.”

“I’ll fix it.”

“Got it, Lord Thanos, I’ll be ready.”

Standing up, with the blurring of the figure, disappeared in front of the two people’s eyes.

The huge figure above the throne was in a wisp of afterglow, purple skin and a huge vertical chin with blue and gold clothes and golden boots, and blue and gold helmets with gems on the forehead.

It is Thanos in the universe who thinks he is dead.

It was just that there was a long and indelible scar on his face.

“Loki, don’t let me down, you should know what the consequences of failure are.” Sanos’s majestic and terrifying eyes glanced at Loki, and the throne disappeared with the fluctuations of space.

Loki was left with a wry smile.

“It’s really getting involved in a terrible war.”

Loki said with a bitter face.


The storm of war was about to erupt, and the golds sitting in the Twelve Temples did not seem to sense it.

The vast Milky Way is a magnificent temple floating in the sun.

In the Virgin Palace, Zhuo Lu rarely practiced and stood on the top floor of the Virgin Palace to feel the beautiful starry sky.

“Ah, the war is about to begin.”

(Thank you very much for the support of the big guys of “Day and Night O.O.O.”, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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