“Before His Highness learned of his plan, the three Golden Sequence Lords Leon, Gomez, and Li Young-na took four silver to the cosmic obstacle, and finally under the plot of the adults, planned a trap to lure Thanos to the bait, and finally killed Thanos under the siege of the adults.”

Listening to Orphie’s story, a group of people could not take care of the shock, and Tony quickly said, “You said that Thanos was dead, so this time?” ”

“But Thanos did not die, he was rescued, and his thirst for gems far exceeded your imagination, and he united dozens of forces in the universe, including his army, ready to enter the galaxy at any time.”

“It’s a big deal.”

Fury suddenly felt like he was on the ground./What the ball was doing was a bit of a little fussy.

And the eyes of the Sacred Realm were already on the universe.

Especially this time when the war began, in contrast, my heart was even more bitter.

“The three great empires within the galaxy are also stirring, so the Sacred Realm can’t help too much, and in addition, although Your Highness didn’t say it, I have to warn you that the Sacred Realm doesn’t want to wipe your ass for you, and don’t let Your Highness bother with this, and the next time, you have to die!”

Orphie seemed to see through Fury’s heart, his terrible gaze full of murderous intent, and his tone became extremely cold.


The furious cold killing intent made the entire Sky Carrier vibrate, and Tony and the others were shocked, it was obvious that Fury’s self-asserting behavior this time had angered the people of the Holy Land.

This killing intent is definitely not a joke, if there is a real next time, Fury will undoubtedly die, even them.

“Got it.”

Fury was not afraid, but only annoyed at his own stupidity, said bitterly.

“I have explained so much to you in order to tell you that don’t be arrogant, everything you do is sending a signal of war to the universe, you have no ability, don’t try to touch what you are not qualified to touch, otherwise war will come again and again.” 」

Orphie shook his head, and the figure disappeared into the dark world.

“Don’t take my words as a sidekick, doing stupid things, I will kill you one by one, earth. The ball does not need any unstable factors. ”

And with his disappearance, Fury and the others disappeared in front of their eyes, and the scene that originally seemed to be a vast starry sky disappeared immediately.

“Find Loki as soon as possible, and you must not let the war happen on the ground, the ball itself.”


At this time, dozens of large and small forces sent together hundreds of millions of warships completely surrounded the galaxy.

A war of this magnitude still attracts the attention of all forces.

Soveline Star.

In the high priest’s temple, the high priest sat on the throne, and when he heard the news, his brow furrowed, and there was not a hint of joy.

“High priest, such a huge scale of war, I am afraid that the Twelve Temples will not be able to hold out.”

A man of gold said with schadenfreude.

“Yeah, disaster struck and punished those damn guys.”

“The arrogant guy should have been destroyed a long time ago.”

“I’d like to see how they’ll be destroyed, but I’m afraid the entire galaxy will be divided.”

“I don’t know whose handiwork was able to unite so many forces to attack the galaxy together.”

“Yeah, it’s ambitious.”

“High priest, let’s send an army too.”

“Yeah, how can we say we can take revenge?”

Listening to his subordinates’ discussion, the high priest’s face was like frost, and he scolded: “Shut me up.” ”

A cold voice relayed throughout the temple, telling everyone to shut up.

The noisy atmosphere became silent.

“Didn’t you suffer from the last lesson?” And you really don’t think those terrible beings will be destroyed. ”

A golden man wondered, “But High Priest, according to the galaxy, the United Army has hundreds of millions of warships participating in the battle, and the interstellar motherships are even taller than twenty ships, not to mention a force, but I am afraid that the entire galaxy will be destroyed in an instant.” ”

He was completely puzzled as to why the high priest did not seem so pleased.

“Do you really want them to perish?” The high priest asked.


This moment left everyone speechless, and it would be strange if they destroyed their pride and arrogance at the beginning, and almost trampled their dignity on the ground.

“Stupid, do you really think those stupid guys can destroy those beings?”

The high priest sneered dismissively.

“Their strength is far beyond anyone’s imagination, look, just afraid that this battle is enough to make the Twelve Temples completely establish the position of overlord.”

“And not all of them are stupid, don’t you see that none of the really big forces are involved?”

“If we are easily involved in this war, I am afraid that there will not even be ashes left.”

The rest of the people looked at each other instantly.

And the existence behind the scenes of the major forces of the universe is also watching.

“It’s really funny, there’s a good drama to watch.”

“Gao Tianzun, don’t we participate?”

“Those people are obviously just cannon fodder, a bunch of stupid guys, and the real game is still to come.”

“If you have a big enough hand, you can do it all hard, and if you lose, you will be alone.”

“This is obviously a meat grinder, whoever gets involved in it dies, I would like to see if I can force out the most mysterious Karen of the Twelve Temples, and this battle will determine the final position of the Sacred Realm, if it wins, I am afraid that all the forces will have to be respectful.”

Many people of great forces watched one after another, and they knew very well that those forces were only blinded by some small profits.

Just cannon fodder.

And the real war is only afraid of the people behind the scenes and the twelve temples.

They just didn’t know if they could open the bottom card behind the Twelve Temples, and they were looking forward to it.

In the Sacred Realm beyond Earth, Karen stood on the top platform of the Temple of the Goddess, and a voice came from Zoro’s ear: “Your Highness, no figure of Thanos has been found, but a large army has surrounded the entire galaxy.” ”

“There are some moves among the three major empires and some small forces.”

“Never mind, the Sacred Domain will send some people to suppress it, and when the war is over, it will be their end.”


The voice disappeared, and Karen smiled softly with his hands behind his back: “It is indeed a good idea to restrain the Twelve Temples, and even because the interior of the galaxy also needs to be suppressed, then who will restrain me?” ”

“It’s always you who loses.”

The mighty war is about to begin.

(Thank you very much for the support of the big guys of “Piano Criminal”, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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