Beyond the Milky Way, hundreds of millions of small spacecraft have converged, densely packed and covered as if they were trying to fill the starry sky.

A huge starship like a fortress of war stands in it.

In one of the main battleships.

Several blue-skinned alien commanders with a lingering aura stared at the big screen.

One of the female aliens said proudly, “Oh ~ this time to attack the galaxy, my tungsten molybdenum clan must occupy half of the territory.” ”

“Why are you farting, why do you tungsten and molybdenum clan occupy half of the territory?” Are you tungsten molybdenum is a first-class force remarkable? ”

“That is, your tungsten molybdenum is so big?”

“Less nonsense, nothing else, first knock down the galaxy and say, our opponent is not an ordinary person.”

“I admit that the Twelve Temples are indeed powerful, but what can we do with the number of warships we have added up?”

“That’s right, my Razzi are equipped with the most advanced anti-matter fighter star weapons, and they count as a ball.”

“In any case, there is absolutely no such a cowhide race in the universe, and it must be eliminated.”

In the communicator, the leaders of the major forces shouted, did not complain, and roared, but the convergence meant only one, that is, to completely divide the galaxy.

There is also a fear of the Twelve Temples, which must be eliminated.

Just as all the people behind the power were about to enter the galaxy, the fluctuations in space appeared in front of them.

I saw the golden light that was not stained with a trace of dust shining in the dark cosmic void, accompanied by the endless holy brilliance, the twelve directions of the Milky Way appeared in a beautiful and simple and noble temple, and the cold and majestic voice was transmitted to everyone’s ears.

“Retreat, or die~”

The huge temples were even larger than the starship-class motherships.

The most crucial thing is that above these twelve temples is a figure wearing golden armor, rolling hundreds of millions of kilometers of momentum, the void vibrates, and the terrible momentum is endless and majestic.

After each of these god-like figures, there stood hundreds of figures, standing in the void.

In the face of hundreds of millions of huge battleships covering the sky, like ants comparing elephants, but they have no fear at all, on the contrary, they are more like gods who dominate everything, looking down on all sentient beings.

The momentum that swept through everything made all the forces feel even a little afraid.

Cold and desolate, that vast breath even the commanders of the first-class forces were faintly trembling in their hearts.

“Damn, they showed up.”

“Such a terrible breath, just facing it feels like death.”

“Afraid, afraid of something, they are nothing more than those people, there is nothing to be afraid of.”

“That is, in the face of hundreds of millions of spaceships and battleships, thousands, or even trillions of warriors, what can they do?”

“That’s right.”

Although there was a faint fear trembling in their hearts, the commanders still cheered each other up, but they didn’t know why, looking at the cold and ruthless faces, they actually had a trace of regret in their hearts.

There was even a hint of bad premonition.

Today won’t be.

The terrifying battleship that covered the sky and the sun, located outside the galaxy in the direction of the Scorpion Palace, was cloaked in a beautiful and gorgeous Scorpion Sacred Cloak, Li Yingna was like a Valkyrie at this moment, emitting a domineering momentum, the index finger painted with red nails was aimed at the front, and said coldly: “The courage is very big, smash them, disturb the sunbathing of this girl and the crystal, how do you want to die?” ”

All the proud words of the sky were passed on to the ears of all the warships in front of them.

Everyone was furious.

“Forget the hassle to talk nonsense with you, my lovely brothers and sisters, it’s up to you.” Raising his jade hand and swinging forward, Li Yingna’s beautiful eyes were placed on the people above the interstellar mothership.

The huge body is nearly three meters, the dark black armor and the huge hammer in the hand, the vicious head has only a huge eyeball.

It exudes a terrifying momentum.

Being stared at by that huge eyeball, no matter who would feel the scalp tingling, so did Li Yingna, but she was not afraid, but disgusted.

“The ugly one annoys this girl.”

As these words fell, the terrifying air waves exploded, and hundreds of dense figures behind them tore through the void and rushed towards the battleship that was densely covered by the sky.

At the same time, the entire outer reaches of the galaxy are still in full swing.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!

A huge roar rolled and rolled, and a ball of fire continued to explode like fireworks, sweeping across the universe, and the war affecting dozens of forces finally broke out at this moment.

It can be described as earth-shattering, terrible air waves, explosions, sweeping through all nearby planets.

All the planets and planets that were affected were wiped out.

“Turn on all weapon systems, start a single-player combat spaceship, and open a barrier of light energy reflection.”

“Kill them for me and form a combat formation.”

“The encirclement net immediately followed.”

The commanders of the major forces roared at the communicators in the terrible sound of fire and explosions, and the tense and tragic atmosphere suddenly plunged the war into a high dynasty.

“Well, a bunch of idiots, what energy barriers, all have to be smashed under the fist of the Saint Seiya.” Constantly shuttling through the dense and endless battleships, casually destroying a large battleship, the teenagers couldn’t help but sneer in their hearts.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The terrifying warships were overwhelmed with fire at the Saint Seiya.

However, as the Saint Seiya of the Awakened Mini-Universe, both in agility and speed, far exceeded those of the small spacecraft, and those firepower either dodged with them or directly smashed things with one punch.

In particular, the physical strength of Saint Seiya, who had already excavated the treasure of the human body, was even more exaggerated and frightening.

Every Saint Seiya who participated in the battle even reached the subluminal speed, and even some silver levels reached the speed of light, and under the leadership of the leading Silver Saint Seiya, the slaughter began.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The cold sweat of the major commanders was constantly bubbling, and the reflection in their pupils was a cloud of fire and endless wreckage.

“Damn, damn, it’s so powerful.”

“Originally, not only the twelve golden sequences in the lead were powerful, but the group of little ghosts behind them were also so terrifying.”

“Damn, I should have thought of it a long time ago, the golden sequence is so terrible, and it certainly can’t be weaker underneath.”

“It’s too fast, I can’t catch the figure at all, I can’t hit it at all.”

(Thank you very much for the support of the big guys of “Sending You”, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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