The time in New York did not cause much of a stir.

Because it lasted quickly, almost the whole venue was solved in less than half an hour, and most importantly, the United States forcibly blocked this information.

There is too much information about the battle in New York to reveal.

And the most shocking thing is still the ground. Outside the ball.

The interior of the Milky Way has been surging with dark tides.

Before a large number of armies attacked the galaxy, the Twelve Temples were forced to fight, but they had already gathered a large number of armies ready to wait for the two gangs to be defeated and wounded, in their eyes, whether it was the hundreds of millions of battleships and thousands of trillions of warriors.

Enough for the Twelve Temples to drink a pot.

They mainly wanted to take the opportunity to destroy the Twelve Temples.

As the three great empires that dominate the galaxy, no matter who they want to have someone stand on their heads, make rules and order.

If it had been in the past, they would certainly not have dared to pick up the tiger’s whiskers of the Twelve Temples.

However, when the three empires gathered their armies at the same time, they found that the Twelve Temples had actually returned to the galaxy, and the dispatched vanguard flagship had directly penetrated back with a bad news, and none of the Twelve Temples had died.

By wearing back the image.

The masters and high-level leaders of the three empires suddenly felt cold in their hearts.

So is he really human?

The golden sequence does not mention, those little stinky ghosts with such terrible powers? Those battleship technologies are almost not under the three empires, and even quantitatively crush the three empires.

But did these little devils actually take the hundreds of millions of warships that were enough to destroy the entire galaxy as a bubble?

Smash a battleship with one punch?

When the gold was struck, it was even more direct, and the remaining battleships were all blasted into cosmic dust, how mighty was this, how terrible was this?

“Is this really human?” They’re gods, right? ”

“This is simply not comparable to man, so the huge army has been destroyed in an instant, and we estimate that this is the end.”

“Forget it, let’s be honest.”

“It’s not something we can provoke at all.”

The three great empires are almost now the same idea and directly admit it, hundreds of millions of warships and hundreds of billions of warriors have been crushed in an instant, do they have so many armies in the three empires combined?

Confirmed the look, is a person who can not afford it.

So, before the army could go out, everything was calm again.

Originally, when other large and small forces were still nervously waiting for the war to come, they found that it seemed that the three major empires would not fight directly, which immediately became confused.

The news was slow, and when they learned everything outside the galaxy, they were shocked and understood.

It is not that the three empires do not move, but they do not dare to move at all.

This is the standard who moves and who dies.

But then this information was shelved, and they were all discussing the horror of the Twelve Temples, and there was no need to think about whether the three empires would be blamed by the Twelve Temples.

Although unwilling to admit it.

They all knew very well that the purpose of the Twelve Temples was to balance the galaxy and suppress the war between the three great empires, and that the three empires were in a balanced position in the galaxy, and no matter who moved, the galaxy would be selected into unprecedented chaos.

That terrible chaos was enough to involve forces throughout the galaxy.

I believe that this is definitely not what the Twelve Temples want to see, otherwise, there would have been countless opportunities to destroy the three empires before.

This time it’s just a knock.

And the three high-level emperors discussed it and then panicked a little and did not pay attention to it.

In any case, if they are destroyed, then it will definitely cause chaos, there is no doubt about it.

However, what they simply don’t know is that.

The gold really does not put the three empires in their eyes at all, and the so-called three empires are just ants in the eyes of all the gold.

So, on this day.

An unprecedented catastrophe has struck.

The Great Magellanic Galaxy, one of the most massive of the Milky Way’s many satellite galaxies, is an irregular dwarf galaxy.

And the Great Magellanic Galaxy built a huge empire.

The entire empire encompasses the entire Great Magellanic Galaxy, and the population reaches a terrifying thirty billion.

As one of the three empires, technology is even more advanced to be frightening, artificial intelligence, warp speed drive starships, robots, cyborgs and control technology, genetic engineering, psychic technology, energy weapons and combat exoskeletons, and so on.

On the military side, tens of thousands of Brilliant Cruisers, thousands of heavy cruisers and carriers, hundreds of planet-class battleships, dozens of “World Destroyer” star-class battleships, etc., the military strength is close to one million warships, capable of releasing destructive weapons such as annihilation waves or negative bombs.

This terrifying military power is enough to allow the Kree Empire to dominate the Galactic side.

The Kree are cold-hearted and believe in nationalism and imperialism.

The vast cosmic empire has actively built its own colonial network, and the history of interstellar civilization has exceeded a million years.

That’s what all Cree people are most proud of.

They also believe that no one here would dare to invade the Great Magellarian Galaxy.

In the star Hara of the Kree Empire, the people of the Kree Empire are still living their own lives.

It would have been a nice day.

However, a terrible catastrophe struck.

As if the ancient will had awakened, the mighty Heavenly Power was instantly transmitted to the entire Hala Star, and a mighty and extraordinary momentum swept through everything.

This overwhelming momentum made Hara Star begin to vibrate violently in an instant.

Various natural disasters and visions erupted.

Dense cracks of more than tens of millions of square kilometers filled the whole earth, volcanic eruptions, terrifying tsunamis, and fierce winds that swept through everything.


“Damn, what is this?”

“Is it the end of the world? Quick, open the photonic energy barrier, the defense system opens. ”

In just a few moments, millions of Kree people died.

As a technologically advanced planet, how could they not have the means to deal with natural disasters, but then they were horrified to find that all their means were useless.

And the momentum of that horror and vastness had become thicker and thicker, and the glorious heavens were as mighty as hell.

Under this mighty heavenly might, all the Kree people could not disobey at all, and they felt death under this magnificent heavenly power.

(Thank you very much for the support of the “Stones in the Sea” big guys, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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