It was like falling into a cold frost, and my whole body was in a cold sweat.

In the end, they still did not hold up, and they all fell to their knees on the ground, and their bones were making an unpleasant “creaking” sound.

Billions of Cretans throughout the planet of Hara fell to their knees.

How spectacular that was.

But the Kree people have only humiliation and fear in their hearts.

You know, as Kree people who can live on the Hara Star, especially the nationalist Kree people, only the most elite upper class of the Kree can live on the home star, and all the Kree people on the mother star can be said to have excellent physical fitness.

But everyone was shocked to find that under that momentum, they actually made themselves kneel, and there was not only one.

Many of the streets are filled with kneeling Creeers.

The spectacular scenery is unobstructed.

“Damn, damn, what the hell is that?”

“It feels like I’m going to die.”

“It’s hard to breathe, what the hell is it?”

They had no idea what this sudden change was, but they felt as if the air around them had become more solidified, like a mountain of hundreds of thousands of tons pressing down on them.

It is extremely difficult to breathe.

Even lifting your head takes a lot of effort.


Suddenly, a terrible momentum appeared above the parent star.

Along with the burning flames of energy, a Kree in a red and blue combat suit floats over the capital.

The blonde-haired human-like man had a cold sweat on his forehead, and the two golden bracelets in his hands emitted a thick energy, and his uncertain eyes scanned the vicinity around him.

He was the Cree fleet guard Maywell.

“This momentum…

As the top fighting force among the Kree people, but in the face of this terrible momentum, he actually felt a terrible death.

The most crucial thing was that his energy was suppressed only three layers, or even less.

But that glorious momentum was full of terrible malice, and in just a short time he felt the breath of life of millions of Creeans dissipate.

It also forced him to face the horror of the unknown.

Almost spreading his spiritual will perception to the maximum, trying to find out this unknown being, at this moment, an interested voice came from his ear and his body shook violently.

“Well, it’s funny, is the Kree Empire so technologically powerful?”

Not far behind him, his mental perception was completely as if there was no such person, and Maiwell’s cold sweat kept bubbling, and when he turned his head to look, his pupils shrank sharply.

Gorgeous and beautiful golden armor, slender body and handsome face.

And that noble temperament that is enough to make people move and surrender.

Those jewel-like eyes were looking at themselves with interest, emitting a powerful and terrifying aura that affected the disaster of the entire Hara Star.

Just this look can make him feel cold, and it seems that his thinking is going to be frozen.

And it just so happened that he knew this person, just because he recognized him, his heart sank again and again.

Gritting his teeth, he spat out the man’s name: “Golden Saint of the Twelve Temples, Charles.” ”

For this guy to know himself Charles is not surprised, he is still very interested in looking at this guy’s bracelet: “This bracelet is quite powerful, can act on the infinite amplification of spiritual power, can absorb solar energy, can be converted into superpowers, look, well, there is super physical strength, yo, you can also perform faster-than-light flight is good, emitting photon impact.” ”

“Some foresight abilities can also be granted, teleportation and illusion.”

“You Kerry technology is so powerful? Can this kind of thing be made? ”

Charles had originally planned to directly destroy Kree, and the other Kree people on the Great Magellanic Star had other people, so he didn’t have to worry about it, but he found that there was such an interesting thing on this planet, and curiosity came.

Mayer did not answer positively, but asked rhetorically, “People of the Twelve Temples, what have you come to do?” ”

Charles was stunned, he did not expect this guy to be quite bold, a little observation, by the way, activated the ability, found that this guy is completely different from ordinary Kree people, the skin is lighter and similar to humans.

He even saw some interesting images in this man.

Suddenly frowned.

This guy…

“Your Twelve Temples came to destroy Kerry?” Maywell knew in his heart how he could not know the great events that had recently become known in the universe.

He was also well aware of the plan of the Kree Empire to overthrow the Twelve Temples, and even stopped it, but the slightest word could not stop it.

When the extragalactic war was over, he was somewhat aware of something, but he didn’t pay attention to it.

But now it seems that the actions of the Kree Empire were indeed detected and even liquidated by the Twelve Temples.

There is only one golden sequence here, but the other two empires should…

“You don’t have to die.”

Charles was too lazy to talk nonsense, his right hand held high, and the vast little universe erupted violently.

Two huge meteorites composed of a majestic small universe, a beautiful galactic form emerged, and a wisp of stars murmured across the sky.

The terrifying energy fluctuations even shattered the nearby space distortions.

He also forced Mai Wei to retreat thousands of meters alive, and Mai Wei, who was rolling in the sky, saw a scene that made his eyes tear up.

The terrifying energy was released in an instant, and the two huge meteorites mixed with the earth-destroying energy roared towards the Kree Mother Star Hara, and everywhere it passed, all the space was destroyed and torn, tearing out a long crack.


With an angry roar, Mayll used the instantaneous movement given by the bracelet to reach the bottom of the two meteorites.

With his hands pointed forward, in the glowing light, the terrible photon energy turned into a pillar of light with a diameter of tens of meters and slammed into the meteorite.


Ripples and huge waves of air burst with them.

The photon energy beam collided with two huge meteorites.

Raging waves of air swept in all directions.

The collision of huge energies provoked a violent catastrophe, the vibration frequency of the mother star Hara became higher and higher, and a series of vicious and frightening cracks spread densely throughout the planet.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the “Six Realms of Gods and Demons”, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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