Disasters are also becoming more frequent.

The endless volcano in the center of the earth erupted from the cracks as a curtain of crimson molten lava, and the tsunami swept through and destroyed all life.

Typhoons, storm surges, frost damage, mudslides and countless other natural disasters have suddenly fallen.

A terrified scream resounded throughout the home planet, and some Kree people saw the terrifying sight over the home planet’s capital.

“What’s that?”

“Those are two planets?” So who’s stopping it? ”

“That kind of planet would be doomed if it fell on the parent planet.”

At the same time, the supreme accusers of the capital Cree were not suppressed by the momentum in the strong energy barrier, and the Kree royal family and others came to the outside of the platform, under the defense of the energy barrier, looking up at the shocking picture in the sky.

“That’s it, Golden Saint Seiya?”

One of the supreme accusers, the Kree let out a loud exclamation.

The rest of the people suddenly had a giggle in their hearts and a chill in their hearts.


Before he could speak, he saw that the energy barrier in the sky was almost unable to withstand the rupture under the strong momentum and the terrible aftermath of the air waves and natural disasters.

“Quick, reinforcement energy output, must give me a solid energy shield.”

A high-ranking officer yelled at the Kree guard behind him.

The rest of the people have long been paying attention to this, they are concerned about the full range of images in front of them, the number of Kree people in big data reality is rapidly declining, and the percentage of planet damage is also increasing.

“Damn, how dare they.”

“How dare they really make enemies of the Kree Empire?”

“Are they crazy?”

“They’re really a bunch of lunatics.”

Whether it was the royals or the supreme accusers, their faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

Even with the oppression of the Twelve Temples, they still had the pride and arrogance of the Kree Empire.

They have self-confidence, even if they want to destroy the Twelve Temples?

Anyway, before taking action, this idea was extinguished, and rounding up would not equal the honest duty of the Kree Empire?

Even the wars of colonial expansion had stopped.

What else does the Twelve Temples want?

Surely they couldn’t do anything, and of course they didn’t pay attention to it, but they didn’t expect to directly dispatch a gold-level existence, and even nonsense didn’t directly start without giving them the opportunity to negotiate.

It’s crazy.

As the modern leader of the royal family, Dork IV was even more chilling, and he knew how powerful the gold-level Saint Seiya was before he knew it.

That is the existence of tens of millions of warships that can be destroyed in an instant.

How many warships did he have in his entire Kree Empire?

Gritting his teeth, he would never allow the Kree Empire to be destroyed in his hands, and civilizations that had been more than a million years old could not be erased in his hands.

Even Maiwell’s incomparably strong flesh could not resist the squeeze brought by that energy, and he kept spewing blood and insisting on death.

On the contrary, Charles was quite surprised, although the galactic starburst he casually shot was not something that ordinary people could resist.

I didn’t expect this guy to be able to block it for a short time.

“It’s very scrappy.”

But then he shook his head, and he didn’t talk about how to insist, but the next second, he saw a fierce eruption of dazzling light somewhere in the capital, and a vast terrifying star-level beam of light bombarded out.

Charles’s eyes moved.


The majestic energy of the terrifying stellar-level beam cannon instantly slammed into the energy meteorite, even directly covering Mayer.

Accompanied by a huge roar and explosion.

The two wanted to collide and burst out an incomparable energy, the aftermath of destroying everything swept in all directions, and the rolling heat and energy distorted space and erased everything.

Even the surface layer of the Hara row is covered.

And the Kree people on the Hala Star even watched in despair as the scorching heat and the terrible aftermath of the destruction swept by, and even the screams could not be uttered, and they completely turned into ashes.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

In the apocalyptic scene, this terrible explosion of huge energy did not know how long it lasted.

Finally, the terrible outbreak of catastrophe dissipated.

I saw that the surface of the mother star, Hala, had completely turned into a flat ground, and even a huge sinkhole of tens of thousands of square kilometers appeared, and the lives of hundreds of millions of Kririans were erased under this level of disaster.

Only a huge and noble royal palace stood in mid-air.

A looming energy barrier protected the palace from the rest of the Kree people.

In the palace, even if there is a barrier protection, because of the powerful energy aftershocks, the palace almost completely collapsed, and the royal family and high-level people of the entire Kree Empire were also shocked to death in the center of the storm.

On the huge platform of the palace, Dorke IV scanned the surroundings in a dusty manner, looking at the bottomless but red molten sinkhole.

“Did I survive?”

Not only Dork IV, but also more than a dozen surviving supreme accusers and royal men looked horrified and joyful.

But look at the planet Harrah, which is on the verge of being destroyed.

Everyone was silent.

The cost of blocking that energy meteorite was too great, and the great cost almost cost the entire Kree civilization a heavy loss.

At this moment, a cold voice shook everyone’s ears like thunder.

“It’s very beautiful, stellar-level technology, in the use of all energy maximum power delivery in the surface of the planet to form an energy barrier to block most of the aftermath, there is courage.”

As soon as this sound came out, Dorke IV and all the high-ranking people froze and looked up like an instrument.

Shocked to find that Charles was standing in mid-air, still clutching Maywell, who was supposed to be annihilated in the collision.

Charles said coldly, “Under real power, everything is useless. ”

Just as he was about to destroy Kree once and for all, Dorke IV stepped forward, fell to his knees under terrifying pressure, looked up at Charles, and said, “Your Honorable Lord Charles, we are willing to pay any price, and ask you to spare us.” ”

The other high-level people behind them looked at each other and all fell to their knees.

“Ask Lord Charles to spare us.”

Charles snapped his hand and raised an eyebrow: “Let you go?” ”

(Thank you very much for the support of the big guys in the Absolute Realm, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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