The universe is in chaos, but no matter which faction, from a first-class force in the galaxy to a mercenary hunter, it follows one condition.

In the process of hunting absolutely does not cause large-scale wars.

Don’t even think about the life of a certain planet when hunting.

They all knew that as long as the innocent were not affected, then the existence of the Twelve Temples would not be provoked, and in the practice of everyone’s hearts, the Temple did not directly suppress it, but only sent a few silver and hundreds of bronze to maintain order.

This also made all the forces breathe a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that the innocent would be brought to the attention of the temple during the pursuit.

Now the entire galaxy has unconsciously equated the temple with the Supreme Court, although it is not clear, but for such a long time everyone knows the order of the temple, naturally will not touch it.

The guy who touched it has been extinguished.

They’re not stupid enough to follow in their footsteps.

Even now the Cosmic Pirate Organization is beginning to shrink.

However, at this time, what they did not know was that the gold that had originally sat in the Twelve Temples was gathered in the Sacred Realm at this time, and at this time, the Sacred Realm was also on the highest alert.

Thousands of square kilometers away from the Sacred Domain, on all sides there was a silver-level Saint Seiya leading the bronze town guard.

Dozens of enclaves open.

A state of affairs in which the mountain rain is about to come and the wind is blowing all over the building.

Earth, above the ball.

The rich magic power emitted from the hands of the Gu Yi mage in the mage temple room that had originally been entrusted to the future supreme mage suddenly sudden, and the mysterious and mysterious magic array in front of him suddenly collapsed uncontrollably and disappeared.

The mirror-like mirror space around it has a faint feeling of shattering.

The future supreme mage who was taught magic was full of doubts, “Oh, what is the ring of Raggardor, is this?” ”

This ancient mage wouldn’t teach overturning, would he?

Just like when he was still a doctor, he operated on people to turn over the car, but this Raggadot Ring is not a subtle magic, with the ability of the ancient mage to overturn?

However, Gu Yi mage did not have time to pay attention at all, but waved his hand with a solemn face.


The crisp sound like the broken mirror surface saw the mirror space around them dissipate in a flash, and the two returned to reality.

Gu Yi looked up slightly in disbelief and muttered, “His soul fluctuations are gone.” ”

“What soul?”

Meng Xin Mage continued to look confused.

“Once you can’t feel it, your fate has changed again, what happened?”

“It actually brought together the twelve golden sequences.”

“Did something big happen to him?”

Gu Yi walked out of the room and looked up at the blue sky, his face full of shock.

The new mage is still in a state of blindfolding.

What soul fluctuations, what kind of thing it was, but when Gu Yi said the word Twelve Golden Sequences, Slant suddenly realized that it was Saint Seiya.

He also longed to become a Golden Saint Seiya, that armor, that strength, as long as it was a man, he dreamed of becoming a Golden Saint Seiya.

However, he only became a new mage in a hurry.

Although he had the heart to ask, looking at the look of the teacher Gu Yi, he also knew that he could not ask anything.

“No, a very strange breath, a thick breath of death, and the faint but exuberant fire of life.”

“Weak and exuberant seem to be the opposite of the word.”

Meng Xin mage secretly complained, this contradiction is it.

Feeling for a long time, Gu Yiyi wiped a smile from the corner of his mouth: “It seems that he is going through a real transformation.” ”

If that person dies suddenly, then even she can’t predict the consequences.

She couldn’t predict how much madness the Saint Seiya under the man’s command would cause.

But now it seems.

Seems like a good thing.

In the Sacred Domain Female Shrine, the thirteen golds almost surrounded and guarded the Female Shrine, and their looks were full of worry.

Worried eyes looked into the temple,

In the majestic and sacred temple, a thick and extremely dead breath emerged from the huge perception of everyone.

It was as if life had come to an end, and the faint fire of raw rice was about to be extinguished, emitting a thick breath of death, just like an old man in the temple who was about to die.

“This thick breath of death, Your Highness.”

“It’s too risky.”

“Experiencing life and death can break the cocoon, is this the way that must be experienced to break through the eighth sense?”

“No matter what, absolutely no one is allowed to set foot in the Sacred Realm.”

“From now on, even if a bug steps into the range, kill.”

The faces of the dignitaries of the gold became solemn, and at the most critical time of His Highness, they absolutely did not allow anything to be disturbed by anyone.

The rest of the Silver Bronze Level Saint Seiya didn’t know what was happening yet.

But the adults who saw the golden sequence were so nervous that they were confused and strictly carried out the orders of the gold.

The atmosphere became extremely serious.

In the temple, sitting under the huge statue of the goddess Athena, Karen closed his eyes and looked like jade, as if he was still the ruler of the temple who was famous for shaking the universe, but the breath on his body was getting weaker and weaker.

The surging and terrifying little universe began to burn little by little.

Endlessly, as if to completely burn the small universe to the end.

I don’t know how long it has been, the breath is getting weaker and weaker, and the fluorescent flame of the gas around him is slowly extinguished, and finally, his breath is gone.

Breathing, too, stops, and the heart is not beating.

It’s like really dying.

Just like a bolt of lightning streaked through his mind, dressed in a gorgeous and beautiful golden holy robe, the gold around the solemn town guardian temple suddenly looked up at the same time, and their looks became extremely solemn.

“Your Highness’s breath is gone.”

Li Yingna, the most beautiful girl in the southwest of the town guarding the temple, was full of uncontrolled momentum, ignoring the crazy swing of the white and cloak, and the silver teeth clenched, if it were not for the brother Li Ang who noticed her strange drinking.

The maiden would absolutely be tempted to rush in to check on His Highness.

Above the level of gold, the breath, the soul, and the fire of life are extremely sensitive, and the disappearance of one of them means that the person’s life has reached the end.

However, His Highness all three of them disappeared.

What does that mean?

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the “Strange Cat Monster” big guy, thank you very much, by the friend Amway a stroke of IU TV, addicted to it, my wife is really beautiful.) )

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