I don’t know how long it has been, but suddenly in the temple, a mighty divine aura swept across the heavens and the earth.

It was as if the ancient will had awakened, as if the gods buried in the kingdom of God had come back to life, and the terrifying and vast breath instantly spread throughout the galaxy.

Whether it’s a bounty hunter on a planet, a bounty hunter hunting down three empires in the universe, or a pirate organization.

As long as it was a person in this galaxy, he suddenly and inexplicably felt a divine aura from above the life level, not stained with a trace of dust and filth.

This momentum is full of honor, ancient, and vast.

Even unconsciously, he fell to his knees on the ground, as if greeting a true god, and all this seemed to be taken for granted.

No one knows what’s going on.

But they also all realized that perhaps only the one in the temple could do it.

However, the next second, this terrible god-like momentum receded like a tide.

It was as if everything that had just happened was an illusion.

The source of everything, Karen wears a delicate white suit and steps on the blood-colored ground full of decaying blood-red shoes with his feet from Italian Dali’s private customized leather shoes.

It was as if it was being burned by the terrifying flames of hell all the time, and the whole heaven and earth were filled with scarlet and bloody light, which was a blood-colored world full of evil, decay, and misery.

It’s like another space on the ground/ball.

Space is distorted by the scorching heat, scrapped vehicles, collapsing blood-colored cities, and so on, and the dark corners are filled with a pair of greedy and evil eyes.

This is hell.

This is the terrifying but blinding dimension of hell that has been circulating in the world.

And Karen looks handsome, like the supreme god in the kingdom of God, emitting holy light all the time, which is incompatible with this hellish world.

In this terrible and evil world, ordinary human beings entering it are bound to be corroded, swallowed up, and become one of them in an instant.

However, Karen was not the same, he scanned this terrible and terrifying world, not afraid, but with a smile.

“I didn’t expect that breaking through the eighth sense would directly allow you to enter the Hell Dimension without spending any power?” Karen pondered slightly.

Generally speaking, if you want to break through the eighth sense, you need to understand life and death, and to enter the underworld alive, the eighth sense is the pass.

Marvel’s underworld and the underworld of life are obviously not the same thing at all.

He never took it seriously.

But unexpectedly, when he broke through the eighth sense, he found an interesting ability, that is, he could easily break the dimension and enter hell.

To know that the power it takes to break the dimension is not ordinary horror.

Look at Dormammu, for example, the Demon King who was killed by him, just opening the dimensional rift consumes a lot of power from the Hell Dimension to do it, but he can do it without any scruples to travel back and forth between the two dimensions without any effort.

Both, reaching the eighth sense, his strength level soared countless times.

It can be said that if he wants to kill his former self now, he can do it in an instant.

At this time, the demons and undead of the entire hell dimension also discovered the existence of strangers, and Karen’s holy and mighty breath was like a firefly in the darkness in the hell dimension, too obvious.

Especially the smell that made the undead extremely disgusted was enough to make the crazy want to tear this guy apart.

It was just instinct that the man was too dangerous, more dangerous than any demon king, so the undead only dared to watch from a distance and did not dare to move easily.


At this moment, in the depths of the Hell Dimension, a terrifying blood-colored breath swept through the sky, and all the undead near Karen were even oppressively bowed.

It was accompanied by an earth-shattering roar.

“There are living people who have entered the dimension of hell.”

“Who dares to invade hell?”

“The breath of disgust, I’m going to tear him apart and devour him.”

“There are living people, so nasty breath, I want to tear it up, I want to devour him.”

The extremely thick black breath of black pressure overwhelmed the originally miserable blood-colored sky, and the terrible black waves transmitted a sound that made people goosebumps explode, and they murmured.

This terrible whisper wanted to invade Karen’s mind, to erode his soul, to corrupt his flesh.

But Karen did not move in the slightest, and gently looked up, and in the black wave of black oppression, several evil and ugly huge figures appeared.

The terrifying and evil aura emanating from it was even worse than Mephisto, the demon king he had slaughtered.

Above the black tide of the sky, a terrifying figure looked at the human below, and the earth-shaking roar was transmitted again: “Invasion of the Hell Dimension, how do you want to die?” ”

“Nightmare, don’t talk nonsense, if you want to do it, hurry up, this demon king will give it to you.”

“Yeah, nightmare.”

“Boom, boom, boom.”

And one sound of other earth-shaking voices is transmitted, as if you want to give up the enemy to you.

The figure that spoke first was silent.

Being able to invade the Hell Dimension without any awareness of all the High Demons, and even without the slightest fear of being surrounded by many High Demons and even Demon King levels, is obviously not a simple character.

He would not be fooled into giving guns to these cunning demons.

A high demon or even a demon king level was silent, but the undead and low demons of the lower hell dimension could only shiver.

Don’t dare to flee, or even dare to speak.

I was afraid of offending these terrible high demons and even demon kings.

The atmosphere suddenly became eerie.

But Karen was impatient, and his icy look scanned the figure in the sky.

This garbage.

“No one can look down on me, do you want to die?”

If the ancient will awakens and the gods of the kingdom of God are revived, word by word it seems to shatter the dimension of hell and turn the heavens and the earth upside down.

The mighty breath swept through hell in a flash, centered on Karen.

The mighty golden ripples, without a trace of dust and filth, swept everything in the vicinity.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the “Tang Moyan” big guy, thank you very much, thank you very much, yesterday the update did not keep up with sorry.) )

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