Karen pressed down on the black side of his abdomen, smiled softly and said, “You’ve worked hard. ”

“For Your Highness, it is not hard to do anything.”

Zhuo Lu opened his mouth softly, and the rest of the people also looked like they were taking it for granted.

Karen nodded, “Very well, should you know that there is a realm above the seventh sense?” ”

“It should be the eighth sense, right?” The young girl Li Yingnayu supported the short hair of the red waves, and she changed her hairstyle again and cut off the long hair.

“You know that the spiritual power of human consciousness formed through exercise has the same essence as the consciousness of ordinary people, but the consciousness has been exercised, forming a high-quality consciousness force, the first feeling is the fifth sense, there is no distinction between high and low, eye awareness, ear awareness, nose awareness, tongue awareness, body awareness, respectively, corresponding to vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch.”

“The sixth sense ordinary people also have, that is, consciousness, if the person’s sensory organs are broken, the consciousness will be broken, so the sixth sense is dependent on the first five senses and exists, the seventh sense, called the last consciousness, ordinary people have the seventh sense, but generally do not feel, it is the root of consciousness, only through cultivation can you achieve the seventh sense, except for the small crystal you are in the whole realm, the so-called golden sequence.”

“Having reached the realm of the seventh sense, you yourself are well aware that by traveling alone in the universe beyond the speed of light, you may only have a vague idea of the small universe, thinking that it originates from the heart, spirit, soul, life, and instrumentality. This is also true, but if we continue to explore, the ultimate small universe is actually the seventh sense. ”

Karen said this, and his tone paused.

Zhuo Lu and the other gold people listened very carefully, and although they had been cultivated, they had never carefully studied the specific division of the small universe.

“But above the seventh sense there is also an eighth sense, and the eighth sense is a small universe of higher orders than the seventh sense in the source of human life.”

“Also known as Alaya consciousness, the divine essence of the small universe, beyond the ultimate realm of the seventh sense, beyond the feeling of life and death, people will lose all sensations after death and automatically awaken the eighth sense, but if they can awaken the eighth sense while they are alive, they can go back and forth from hell at will, without being bound by the laws of hell, and death is not the end of everything.”

“And the moment I disappeared, I went to hell.”

Speaking of this, Karen smiled softly.

Zhuo Lu and the other gold people suddenly understood, it turned out that they had just completely sensed the breath of His Highness, thinking that the realm of His Highness was too high, and everyone could not detect it at all, and there was still this layer of reason.

“Hell, that’s the hell that Mephisto the Demon King ruled?”

Leon suddenly spoke.

“That’s right, as the only demon king in the hell dimension who can sit on the throne of Satan, I have to admit that he is indeed very good, but unfortunately.”

“Your Highness specifically said that when he came to hell, there should be another meaning.”

“Your cultivation has almost reached a zero point, you are almost all in the middle of the seventh sense, and Zhuo Lu and Li Ang are also about to enter the late stage, and hell is a good place for you to practice.” Karen said his plan.

Then he smiled, “Without reaching the eighth sense, your strength will be greatly suppressed in the hell dimension.” ”

“You’re probably going to be suppressed to the early stages.”

The gold did not notice Karen’s black belly, but felt that His Highness was very concerned about his own cultivation and touched the jpg.

Only Zoru was a little suspicious.

“The Twelve Temples need at least three golden seats, who stays?”


The corpses of remote warehouses were everywhere, scarlet blood flowed, and deep pits of different sizes seemed to have been hit by a huge force.

Hundreds of people in overalls were skilled at testing, carrying corpses, and so on.

Coulson looked at the corpse that was almost integrated with the wall, took the communicator and said calmly: “Sir, this is the fourth batch, his means are getting more and more cruel.” ”

“It’s hard for me to imagine how that otherwise simple child could have changed like this.”

“Coulson, find him, the coordinates have been sent to you.”

The New York Underworld is very dark, and although it is best known for its Hell’s Kitchen, it also covers the whole of New York.

Although successive mayors have made heartfelt speeches on the state of law and order in the underground world of New York at the beginning of their term of office, and have made assurances that they will vigorously combat evil.

But to this day, the security environment here has not changed much.

Because the underground world contains more than just some criminals, the network of interests he brings with him can no longer be completed by just blowing.

But the recent underworld has ushered in a death-like figure.

According to legend, no one knows what he looked like.

Because all the people who saw him died, some time ago in a certain transaction, a warehouse in New York traded underground Emperor Jin and was attacked by him, resulting in almost countless deaths.

This also made the reputation of this god of death resound through the underworld.

What is even more frightening is that this god of death is still frantically creating massacres, and he will never spare his men for those criminals.

Die with unparalleled fear.

And today, he appeared at the time.

A splendid hotel in southwest New York’s Chinatown is full of corpses, full of corpses and bullet holes.

The corpse mountain and the sea of blood are like hellish scenes.

On the very top floor of the hotel.


A powerful arm grabbed the head of a muscular blast white man in a suit and slammed it into the wall, directly smashing the wall into a huge crater, and the dense cracks spread wildly.

Rubble splashes.

And scarlet blood flowed out of the walls.

Not far away, hundreds of ninjas armed with weapons and dozens of ninja suits looked at the dark-haired teenager in horror.

Too powerful.

With the ghostly speed that the naked eye could not see clearly, and the invulnerable body, the guns in their hands could not bring any sense of security.

It was full of death-like breath, so thick that it made vomiting murderous breath.

It was as if the outside world had given him the title, Death.

And the teenager turned his head violently, and the cold eyes stabbed at everyone’s heart, and in a trance, everyone seemed to be able to see the shadow of the god of death behind the teenager.

(Update update, restore update today, add more to go you… Or inflated. )

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