“You, you, what the hell are you?”

Suddenly a ninja trembled and opened his mouth.


The teenager let go of the hand that was pressed against the corpse’s head, and as the rubble fell, drops of blood stained his hands.

Looking at the tragic corpse, the rest of the people suddenly felt a jump in their hearts.

The teenager ignored the miscellaneous fish, and his eyes were on the richly decorated gate behind the group, and he walked step by step towards this group of people who were afraid.

Trample! Trample! Trample!

With crisp footsteps and approaching teenagers, a group of people kept retreating.

In the end, before retreating to the gate, there was no way to retreat.

The crowd looked at each other in horror and gritted their teeth.

The young man’s eyes emitted a cold glow, and he didn’t even say a word of nonsense.


As soon as he stepped on it, the ground suddenly exploded and cracked into dense cracks, and his figure had already disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

The air waves exploded.


With a loud roar, accompanied by a terrible scream, the gate was also shattered alive.

Countless pieces of debris splattered into the interior of the gate, like terrifying bullets.

Smoke and dust erupt in the sky.


“Damn, shoot.”

“I must be kept, hear no.”

The interior of the originally silent gate became noisy, roaring and screaming.

Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!

The muzzle of the gun was constantly spraying gunfire, like a rainstorm, and the storm of bullets poured towards the door, and the dense bullets could almost make people desperate.

Inside the huge room, dozens of people wearing ninja suits and masks held weapons and sprayed bullets with weapons in their hands.

After running work behind them, a well-dressed old woman, dressed in ordinary clothes, emaciated, slightly curved back eyes slightly drooping, looking listless, the corners of the eyes are full of wrinkles, showing the traces of age, and the thin face is covered with old age spots.

A straight crutch in both hands.

If it weren’t for the terrible murderous intent and anger in her eyes, she would be no different from an ordinary housewife.

“This damn guy, who destroyed several of my factories, what the hell is going on?”

Looking at the dust and smoke at the gate, against the background of gunshots and roars, she seemed so calm, she was thinking, she did not understand why there was such a guy chasing her? Could it be some superhero again?

I don’t know how long it lasted.

The storm of bullets finally stopped.

Everyone looked nervously at the dust and smoke at the door.

Even the old woman frowned.

Trample! Trample! Trample!

The crisp footsteps came from the ears of the people, and everyone stared wide-eyed and saw that in the dust and smoke at the door, a figure that was not very tall but like the god of death loomed.

Everyone subconsciously wanted to continue shooting, and only reacted after pulling the trigger, the bullets in their hands had already been exhausted.

Finally, the figure passed through the gate and through the dust and smoke to the front of the people.

Black broken hair, a figure of one meter seven, three-dimensional and handsome features, wearing an ordinary black hooded jacket and sweatpants, just like an ordinary sports teenager.

However, the intense killing machine emitted from his body made the whole hall fall into a cold winter.

“What the hell are you?”

The old woman asked in a cold voice.

Seeing this old woman, the young man’s eyes flashed a trace of excitement, and as soon as he stepped on it, everyone had lost the figure of the young man.


The huge roar made a group of talents react, and they turned their heads in horror to see that the teenager who had disappeared had already appeared behind the old woman.

A powerful right hand grabbed the old woman’s head and smashed it in front of the table.

“Mrs. Gao.”

“Let go of Lady Gao, or I’ll kill you.”


“Eight Gags.”

Seeing that the old woman was caught, everyone roared with excitement, and even threw down the weapon in their hands and pulled out the knife behind them and aimed it at the teenager.

Unfortunately, the teenager did not pay any attention at all.


A photo is still on the table, above the photo is a young girl wearing a beautiful dress and a smiling face, smiling very sunny, very beautiful, let people feel good at a glance.

The old woman’s old eyes, which had been suppressed fiercely, glanced at the girl in this photo, and the original anger was suddenly poured with a basin of cold water.

The teenager finally spoke, and he didn’t know if he hadn’t spoken for a long time, his voice was a little hoarse, and his voice was cold and piercing.

“Where is she?”

Madame Gao looked complicated and said with a frightened face, “I can’t tell you, if I tell you, I will die.” ”

As soon as these words came out, the teenager couldn’t help the anger in his heart.

The burning anger mixed with the earth-shaking roar exploded in everyone’s ears: “If you don’t say it, I will not only let you die, but also let you die with the most terrible pain.” ”

The right hand, like an iron tong, slowly exerted force.


The head seemed to be split, and Madame Gao let out a heart-rending scream in pain.

Even if you want to struggle, but under the supreme power of the incomparable, you can’t do it at all.

The ninjas roared, suppressing the fear in their hearts and rushing over.

But the teenager was just a look, a sight glowing with red flames that broke into everyone’s pupils.


Just a look, all the ninjas who rushed over suddenly froze in place, what kind of eyes was this.

In a trance, they seemed to have come to a hell full of blood and endless undead.

The miserable world of the Blood-colored Shura was burning with terrifying red hell flames all the time, and tens of thousands of undead spirits were surging towards them like a tide.

They want to flee, and subconsciously they want to scream.

But he was shocked to find that except for his thinking, his body was not controlled by himself at all.

This can watch in despair as the terrible waves of the undead drown themselves.

Watch as the horrible undead eat their own flesh, arms, feet, muscles.

The sound of nibbling and chewing was transmitted in their minds, and they could only look at it like this.

That unparalleled fear completely broke them down.

(Cough, update in the evening, because the chase drama caused their time difference to change, really sorry.) )

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