The twilight of blood envelops everything in the world.

A terrible whisper echoed in everyone’s ears, and Coulson and the others were shocked to find that the blood in their bodies was already faintly uncontrollable and about to burst out.

When the people looked back, they saw the bloody coffin that had been nailed by the chain wrapped around the cross floating in mid-air.

The rubble of the collapsed manor also floated out of thin air.

Under the manor, dozens of blood clans who were not yet dead knelt on the ground in prayer, even ignoring the blood flowing from the wounds.


Above the dark clouds roared continuously, as if to anger the appearance of some terrible being.

The prayer became more and more intense, the breath of the audience became more and more dull, and every prayer was like a lightning strike that constantly bombarded the hearts of Coulson and others.

Almost make them vomit blood.

The teenager looked at the delicate face becoming more and more pale, the original young and lively sister looked so weak, looking up at the densely packed figure outside the manor, the cold light in his eyes crossed, and carefully handed the girl to Skye on the side: “Protect my sister.” ”

“That thing is already coming out.” Then he pulled a white-gold necklace engraved with a mysterious pattern from his neck and handed it to Skye, and said in a tone, “It will protect you when you are in danger.” ”

Just after the explanation, a huge change has occurred.


At this point the prayer reached a climax, and the devilish whisper finally ended, and with the eruption of the vast and terrible evil momentum, the chains of the bloody coffin broke and the crucifixion was melted.

The blood-colored mist gathered in the blood coffin.

The blood coffin opened, and in the fanatical eyes of all the blood clans, a man in a tuxedo floated out of the blood coffin, but unlike the other blood clan men and women.

His skin was dry and wrinkled, like an old man.

“Patriarch Marcus.”

“The Patriarch Marcus is finally revived, haha, the world is finally going to be ruled by us.”

“Your Honor.”

Whether it was kneeling on the ground in prayer, or the blood clans outside the manor roaring in surprise and excitement, the day had finally arrived.

The rain splashed on Marcus and spread down from his body, ignoring this, and his eyes were on the girl who fainted behind the teenager, and when he looked at the teenager, his eyes flashed a trace of surprise, and he pondered for a moment, and a low voice passed in everyone’s ears.

“I can feel the terrible power in your body, you are not an ordinary person, hand over that girl, I can forgive you for breaking the ritual.”

“Patriarch Marcus.”

The rest of the bloodlines were also very different, they had never imagined that the cruel ancestors who ate the blood of humans as ants would let this group of guys go.

Idris looked at her coldly and refused, “No way, that’s my sister.” ”

“If you don’t hand her over, you’ll all die here.”

Marcus roared angrily, he had already felt that the blood in the girl that made him crave contained a majestic potential power, as long as he sucked the girl’s blood dry, his strength would fully return to its peak, better than he sucked the blood of a pure woman.

He could never let it go.

If he didn’t recover as soon as possible, he had no doubt that the damn guy would take advantage of his weakness to kill him.

“Take care of my sister.”

Idris was too lazy to talk nonsense, and the other party obviously wouldn’t let go of his sister, and told him.

Stomp your right foot hard.


A wave of air suddenly exploded, mixed with the power of the air, tearing the air, and his figure had already come to Marcus’s body.

“You’re looking for death, damn stinky little devil.”

Marcus also roared angrily when he saw this, and slammed out his fist.


A huge roar exploded like thunder, and the collision of two huge forces bombarded a huge wave of air, and the terrible impact swept through everything in the vicinity.

The terrifying shock of the air waves made the air seem to twist.

The violent impact flew the blood clan kneeling in the ruins below, and the rubble suspended in the sky was directly shattered into dust by the majestic impact.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Before the rest of the Blood Clan could be surprised, they saw a terrifying roar in the sky, and their dynamic eyesight was tens of times higher than that of humans, and they could not see the figures of Idris and the Ancestor clearly.

There were only circular waves of air in the sky that were constantly exploding.

The terrible force and shock of the shock caused the pouring rain to roll up the sky, and even the nearby sky turned into a vacuum.

Even for a moment the rest of the bloodlines even forgot to attack Coulson and the others.

Dumbfounded watching this horrified battle.

Not far away, Selena also looked up in a daze: “Is this kind of power really something that a weak human being can do?” ”

“How can it match the legendary Marcus?”

The roaring battle did not last long, but within a few minutes the victory and defeat were divided, and a figure in the sky was seen falling like a planet to a hundred meters away from Coulson.


The terrible force smashed out a huge deep pit, and the dense cracks spread wildly.

Even the ground was shaken again.

Skye and the others were nervous, who won and who lost?

However, Marcus’s figure in the sky slowly floated above the deep pit, and everyone knew the victory and defeat.

The one who was defeated was apparently Idris.

Coulson gritted his teeth, this is not good, is this so-called blood ancestor so powerful? Can you defeat Saint Seiya?

He knew the identity of Idris.

Being able to defeat Saint Seiya, even if it is only a backup Saint Seiya, this guy is strong and terrible.

Marcus glanced lightly at Idris, who was still trying to get up with blood flowing from the deep pit, and the figure suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already come to Coulson and the others.

Coulson and several others quickly raised their guns and pointed them at Marcus.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless bullets poured into Marcus from the muzzle of the gun, but Marcus only glanced at it with disdain, and saw that the bullets in the sky seemed to have been frozen in mid-air by some invisible force.

With a gentle wave of his hand, Coulson’s men suddenly seemed to have been hit by a train, spurting blood and flying backwards tens of meters away.

Skye did the same, but the necklace in his hand did not grasp it, and landed on the girl’s body when it flew backwards.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the big guy of “Moon Phoenix i”, thank you very much, thank you very much, the magic changed a wave of dark night legends out of a few characters basically do not want to close.) )

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