Looking at the unconscious girl floating in mid-air, Marcus smiled with satisfaction.

“Ancient history inherited her bloodline.”

“Your only function is my blood food.”

The blood of the girl’s body is constantly spreading out of the skin, and the girl emits a painful moan/groan.

All the Blood Clans looked at this scene with a frantic look, and everyone knew that when the Ancestor regained his peak strength, then he would lead the Blood Clan to become the master of this world, and then they would not have to hide behind the scenes.

Or even just a legend of the human world.

The ambitions of the Blood Clan have never disappeared, and the prophecies in the Blood Clan Bible will surely become a reality.

Selena also sighed invisibly.


Lying in the deep pit, Idris felt his sister’s pupils and opened her eyes suddenly, among which the red flames were burning, and a mighty ancient demonic aura like the return of hell was rolling in all directions.

The majestic momentum swept through everything.

Even the rain in the sky stopped.

This terrifying breath was so astonished that even the ancestor-level beings like Marcus were amazed, and when they turned their heads, they saw that a terrible flame was burning out of thin air in the deep pit in the distance.

This fierce flame burned high and melted the nearby ground into magma.

The raindrops fell on the molten slurry and turned into wisps of white smoke, and the figure of Idris appeared in the white smoke.

Marcus’s scarlet eyes were full of interest: “Your strength is really interesting, your strength has increased several times, I have lived for tens of thousands of years and never seen it, your ancestors did not have such power, little devil, where did your power come from?” ”

“Want to know where I’m from?”

With a low, suppressed voice and the burning flames, Idris took one footprint at a time, and wisps of white eyes rose from his feet.

As the momentum continued to rise, one brilliant and dazzling star after another was formed behind him out of thin air, turning into an incomparably mysterious star pattern, reflecting in the eyes of all people, in a trance, as if they could see a proud phoenix singing in the sky.

See this pattern.

All the Blood Clan’s faces suddenly changed.

In particular, Selena, who was a deathwalker who was constantly on a mission outside, cried out, “So you are from the Sacred Realm?” ”


Marcus chewed on these two words, he had awakened from the endless slumber of time, he had never heard these two words, and looking at the shocked and frightened look of the rest of the blood clan, it was obviously not a simple organization.

“Your Honor, please forgive my powerlessness, or please don’t do it.”

“Yes, Your Honor.”

“Your Honor.”

Klein quickly knelt on the ground and shouted with a hint of fear.

The same is true of the rest of the bloodlines.

The rest of the Blood Clan even began to tremble when they knelt on the ground, and the deterrent brought to them by the word Sacred Realm was not generally terrible.

Although they are proud of their blood race, they consider themselves to be a race that stands on the head of mankind.

But a few years ago, all this understanding was broken.

The powerful demons invaded, starting the fourteen gates of hell, thirteen golden towns guarded the gates of hell, and the power of each golden sequence that destroyed the heavens and the earth, especially the so-called demon king Mephisto’s monstrous shadow terrorized the planet.

When the Demon King appeared, the planet shook, and at that time their blood clans all shrank directly into the manor.

And that god-like being can kill the Demon King and cooperate with the Golden Sequence to forcibly close the gates of hell.

That supreme power, that vast and mighty power, even the bloodline has a recognition.

The Sanctuary must not be provoked.

They hadn’t thought that this little demon was actually from the Sacred Realm, even if the Sacred Realm and the one suddenly disappeared now, but the unforgettable strength was indelible.

The proud bloodlines now only hope that the Ancestor will not be impulsive.

Marcus had a somber face, and the look of these descendants annoyed him.

They have forgotten the glory of the blood race, and they have forgotten their own strength.


Idris had already been unable to hold back, he had just awakened to the small universe, but his body had already been severely damaged, even if his will was strong, he did not have much time.

The terrifying figure tore through the air and distorted the space, and its mighty fist exploded into layers of air and slammed into Marcus.


However, this fist was given a hand by Marcus.

In an instant, the ground within a radius of thousands of meters suddenly cracked, the dense cracks spread layer by layer, and the stones were also irregularly shaken.

The wave of terror suddenly exploded.

The ground shook violently again.

Idris was shocked, his punch almost exhausted all his strength, hundreds of thousands of tons of strength was actually thrown at the other side?

The strength of this so-called Blood Clan Ancestor was much stronger than when he had just fought.


His eyes glanced at his sister floating behind Marcus, and sure enough, her face became paler and her breathing became weaker, and a drop of blood was drawn from her body into Marcus’s body.

Damn it.

“You bastard.”

As soon as the roar of the heavens fell, I saw a powerful hand grab Idereth’s neck and lift it high.

Marcus grabbed Idris’s neck with his left hand, and after looking at his right hand, which had been shattered and repaired, he said coldly, “It is really interesting that you can crush my hand, your strength is really interesting, although you do not inherit the blood of your ancestors, but if I suck your blood dry, I can definitely become stronger.” ”


Seeing Marcus’s move, the rest of the Blood Clan immediately wanted to cry without tears.

For the first time, they felt that their ancestors were playing with fire.

If they were to suck blood, they could find more humans, how could they suck the blood of the Sacred Domain people.

But Marcus, who was obviously attracted to Idris, could care about the thoughts of the descendants, who had just woken up from a deep sleep, and his thoughts were still the strongest blood kings tens of thousands of years ago.

Any Sacred Realm, when his strength returned to its peak, was all his blood food.

Opening his mouth, the vicious bloody teeth were already aimed at Marcus’s neck and were about to bite down, but he did not notice that a drop of the girl’s floating blood had landed on the necklace.

A dazzling white halo bloomed, and an indifferent voice suddenly came: “Let go of your dirty paws.” ”

(Thank you very much for the flowers and monthly passes, thank you very much, thank you very much)

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