Thinking about it, Charlotte didn’t pay attention either.

Since His Highness was able to hand over the Phoenix Divine Cloak to this boy, he must have known it all, and it was useless for him to care.

“You have awakened to the little universe, and if you want to go to the Sacred Realm to practice, and use your small universe to instill it into this holy cloak necklace, it will guide you into the Sacred Domain.”

At the same time, several people from Coulson helped each other and walked over.

Coulson was grateful: “Mr. Charlotte, thank you so much for taking our shots. ”

Charlotte nodded and didn’t speak.

Coulson did not feel embarrassed, after all, the existence of the real god on earth, according to the analysis of the long ago, every gold has the ability to easily destroy the planet.

The arrogance point is nothing.

The same goes for several other people in the squad.

Charlotte’s eyes swept over the crowd, paused slightly on Skye, then looked into the distance, pitch black, and said coldly, “Moving very quickly.” ”

Just see the roar whistling.

Dozens of helicopter gunships surrounded the sky under the dark night sky, and dozens of tanks and hundreds of armed vehicles surrounded the entire Victor Manor, and tens of thousands of soldiers were fully armed and waiting in strict formation.

Apparently the vision of the battle at Victor Manor alarmed the military on the London side.

“That’s a lot.”


Coulson and a few people laughed bitterly, originally just infiltrating the operation to rescue Lan Ruisha, but they did not expect that these blood clans had awakened the blood clan ancestors and turned the infiltration secret operation into a frontal hard steel.

But fortunately, with this one, everything is not a problem.

I don’t panic in my heart.

Outside the manor, the voice of the loudspeaker came: “Everyone listen to me, lay down your weapons and surrender immediately, if you refuse to surrender, you will be attacked by force.” ”

Outside the manor, in one of the armed command vehicles, a tough middle-aged lieutenant general said to the adjutant next to him: “Let everyone be ready and open fire at any time.” ”

“One team, two teams come forward, and if they are arrested, they will all be killed.”


The winner looked at the scene on the big screen on the armed car, and his look was extremely gloomy.

He knew very well who was in the Victor Manor, those blood clans almost controlled several consortiums in the Eagle Kingdom, and even had some involvement with the royal family, otherwise, it would not be possible to have tens of thousands of soldiers coming to guard the manor at this time.

As a result, a few minutes earlier, Victor’s estate had been invaded and a horrific battle had broken out.

The huge roar and vibration already showed the thrilling level of the battle.

It’s just that now I don’t know exactly what is inside, and at this time, the scene of the helicopter gunship shooting in the sky in real time has also reached the large screen inside the armed command vehicle.

At this time, nine hundred of the tens of thousands of soldiers stepped out and walked towards the interior of the Victor Manor, each with a miniature camera hanging from his body.

As they approached the interior of the manor, the shock in the hearts of all the soldiers grew stronger.

The exterior of Victor’s Manor seemed to have been shaken, cracks were rampant, delicate roads were shattered, and the beautifully decorated trees and flowers on both sides were as messy as a storm.

The most frightening thing is, what kind of ghost is that ice sculpture?

Especially when a soldier approached one of the ice sculptures, turned off his night vision goggles and turned on his headlamp, he couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air and shouted: “Sir, inside the ice sculpture are people.” ”

“Sir, I am also a human being inside the ice sculpture here.”

“So is the sir.”

As the debriefing, coupled with the footage overlooking the manor and the footage of the soldiers’ miniature cameras, reached the armed command vehicle, the lieutenant general and several lieutenants on the side could not help but lose their voices in shock.

Divided into several pieces, the thousands of ice sculptures on the outside of the manor stand tall, and the gloomy and messy background looks so eerie, as if watching a horror movie.

And what shocked several people the most was that the interior of Victor Manor seemed to have been hit by some kind of devastation.

The historic old castle has been reduced to ruins, the ground of 100,000 hectares has almost been cut off a layer, the vicious and dense cracks are like cobwebs, and the large and small pits are wanton.

There are also quite a few ice sculptures.

“Here, what exactly is happening? How could this group of people do this? Aren’t they performing the awakening ritual? ”

“O my God.”

“This, what a terrible battle this has been.”

Several lieutenants were shocked beyond belief, and this billion-dollar manor was destroyed alive, which was baptized by missiles.

Don’t say anything else, they all feel the pain of the destruction of the manor.

Suddenly, an adjutant pointed to one of the large screens and shouted in horror: “Look at the winning adult, that, that’s… ”

The lieutenant general and his lieutenant subconsciously fixed their eyes on it, and when they saw the blue-haired teenager in the picture dressed in a beautiful and magnificent golden holy robe, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his hair involuntarily exploded.

Especially when the picture is zoomed out to see the face of the teenager.

The lieutenant general even stood up violently from his chair, not even noticing that the chair was thrown down.

He wiped his eyes in disbelief, and when he saw the teenager, his face became frightened.

“Yellow, gold, golden robes?”

In the midst of the shivering and panic, even the voice became stuttering.

The frightened voice also became sharp: “How could it be that the golden sequence appeared?” Didn’t they and the Sanctuary disappear? Aren’t they out of the ground/ball? How did they end up here? ”

The winner suddenly felt his teeth swinging.

The rest of the lieutenants behaved similarly to the lieutenant generals, and were filled with confusion in their horror.

Suddenly remembering something, the lieutenant general picked up the communicator in front of the table and shouted: “Everyone stops me immediately, no one is allowed to open fire, and anyone who dares to open fire will take me to a military court.” ”

“Savi, you inform me of the General Command immediately.”


After saying this, the lieutenant general hurriedly knocked open the door of the command car and ran towards the interior of the manor.

Although several lieutenants were afraid, they gritted their teeth at each other and followed.

Only the aide-de-camp, named Savi, hastened to begin communications to the General Headquarters.

(Thanks to the big guys for the flowers and monthly passes, adjusting the time difference, originally wanted to sleep forcibly at night, but couldn’t sleep, climbed up the code update, the code finished sleeping, staying up late really Jill pain.) )

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