The lieutenant general ran to the interior of the manor without stopping.

Along the way, I saw the muddy and damaged ground on the road as if I had experienced a great earthquake, and when I looked at the ice sculptures, even if I had seen them earlier, my heart was more and more shocked.

With his scalp tingling and panicking, he plucked away the equally terrified soldiers surrounding the manor.

When facing the existence of the god level on earth, under the gaze of those blue eyes that saw everything, the suppression from the true life level came from the face, and he was almost on his knees as a lieutenant general.

With each step, that invisible heavenly power seemed to be increasing by one layer.

That kind of hardship is like carrying a mountain./ peak, the more you walk this mountain, the bigger it becomes.

But it was not close to a distance of 100 meters, and the terrifying killing intent came blatantly.

Charlotte’s eyes mixed with terrible indifference and ruthlessness made the lieutenant general dare not even take a step closer, his hair bursting, and he knew that the other party was warning him that if he approached, he would die.

The lieutenant general was a little overwhelmed, laughed dryly, and respectfully shouted in the distance: “The arrival of the Holy Land is my honor.” ”

Only the indifferent voice interrupted his compliment.

“Dirty creature, get out of my sight, or die…”

If the cold frost crossed the lieutenant general’s heart, he looked at the teenager in the distance, and the indifferent gaze told him that if he really did not leave, he would really die, and he would die very miserably.

The lieutenant general did not hesitate to turn and leave.

Shouting at the soldiers on the side, “Retreat, give me retreat.” ”

In just one minute, the helicopter gunship fighters or ground troops surrounded in the sky all disappeared, and the soldiers of these units could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when they left.

They knew exactly who the boy was.

If there really was a war, their troops would not even be able to plug the gaps between the teeth.

It is estimated that it is a matter of moving your fingers.

This tiger-headed situation Coulson several people looked at each other, dumbfounded, this is the position of the top of the field ./ The existence of the ball vertice.

In the face of such a god-like existence, human beings are just ants.

The Eagle Nation is also strong enough, and it is also the existence of a big country among the countries, but they have now reached the doorstep of the people, and this is only a few words that make these troops retreat without hesitation.

Even the tone of the tone is tinged with some insulting, insulting words.

But they don’t even dare to fart, this is the real strength.

Charlotte did not take the so-called lieutenant general just now seriously, and for him, the disgusting creature that took the initiative to become a blood clan with a human body was basically not a person.

Even people don’t do it, that’s just beasts.

He didn’t kill this guy on the spot and it was also very merciful.

Charlotte shook her head and turned to Idris, “Since you are all right, then I will leave first, and the Twelve Temples still need my guard.” ”

“Congratulations to Lord Charlotte.”

The corners of Charlotte’s mouth curved a little, and a brilliant golden pillar of light shot straight into the sky, and his figure disappeared into the vast night sky.

With his disappearance.

The rain that had stopped pouring down again, and time seemed to be running again.

Idris hugged his sister and walked slowly forward.

“Wow, Charlotte is so handsome, do you think so?”

“It’s really not an ordinary handsome, that golden holy dress is really gorgeous, but unfortunately I didn’t take a picture with my mobile phone, and I was intoxicated to think about it.”

“Sigh, that figure, that face, that temperament.”

A few of Coulson’s men followed behind sounded Skye’s lively chirping voice.


In a New York Ocean View Villa, Tony sits on a plush sofa and looks at the holographic projection in front of him.

The picture shows a video uploaded an hour ago.

The video was encrypted by the Eagle Nation’s military.

However, Tony himself asks to intercept all information about the Sanctuary, and eventually intercepts the encrypted video.

The picture of the video is not particularly clear, and there is even some shaking, and there is a noise.

The video screen shows that it is the short shot by the military of London’s Victor Manor, and the video footage of just one or two minutes is frozen, and the picture shows Charlotte and Idris wearing a golden holy robe.

Through the picture, you can clearly see that the ground has been damaged so badly that it can almost be said to be no different from the ground that has been earthquaked.

“Golden Sequence Pisces Charlotte?” How did he suddenly appear in London? ”

Tony was in his pajamas and had just gotten to sleep when Jarvis woke him up, and he was puzzled.

After all, since the New York Demon Incident, the Sanctuary had disappeared to the ground./ball, and basically there were no Saint Seiya except for Orphea Lyra, who guarded Antonia.

The Twelve Temples were established and guarded by the town.

But the sudden appearance of the gold level can make this level appear in person, obviously this time is not simple, especially when he sees Coulson, he believes it even more.


“Sir, I just hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. encrypted file file and nothing was found.”

“Didn’t find it? That’s interesting, what about the little devil and the girl’s profile? ”

“According to the data, the boy’s name is Idris and the girl’s name is Lan Ruisha, and she comes from a family on Queen Street in New York.” Jarvis began to report the information.

After listening, Tony became more interested.

“Are you saying that this little ghost named Idris suddenly has powers?”

“Yes, according to the analysis of the information that came from Hell’s Kitchen a week ago, his strength has reached at least tens of thousands of tons, and his speed has reached subsonic speeds.”

“However, through the video just now, the ability to generate this aftermath should be far more than that.”

“It’s interesting.”

Tony touched his chin, his eyes through a ripple.

After a long silence, he suddenly said, “How about the Anti-God series armor?” ”

Sorry sir, according to calculations, it is completely impossible to resist the opposing forces, the weapon system can not pose a threat to the other party, the opponent’s physical defense, strength, speed and flexibility are far from being solved by technology, and the addition of vibranium materials can not resist the fist of Saint Seiya. ”

(The time difference is adjusted back to restore the update, the upside-down jet lag is really uncomfortable, and the head is groggy.) )

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