At this moment, one of the Saint Seiya guarding the temple suddenly looked at the Queen and the High Priest of Soverin, and said, “You can go in.” ”

Queen Nova glanced at the High Priest and walked step by step towards the Arch Bridge towards the Aries Palace.

The circular arches and the corners of the stone are magnificent, white combined with light, continuous arches and cloisters, and the distance between the arches and bridges is not very long, but it is thousands of meters.

With the footsteps, the height of the arch bridge is getting higher and higher, and the height to the highest height is basically even hundreds of meters from below.

It is also fortunate that the people are not ordinary people, otherwise they would be tired and half dead just walking on this arch bridge.

I have to say that the city built here is indeed very beautiful, almost a small ecological nova, and there is a river under the landscape trees and even the arch bridge.

The more you go, the more you feel at ease in your heart.

Especially around the tower next to the White Rock Palace, the empty jade windows, semicircular arches, low roofs, and the extensive use of columns and vaults of various shapes have reached a kind of solidity and thickness.

Force and beauty combine to the perfect effect, the window and the interior of the vast same style, embellished with the ultimate hungry beauty.

Along the way to the white jade, the combination of landscapes and trees and buildings is incomparably compact.

The feeling is that the grace and luxury that come over the face are suffocating.

The most suffocating ones were the guards who came along the way, each guard grade was not large, even very small, but the cold breath emitted by the body was enough to make people feel terrible and depressed.

Queen Nova and the others were not ordinary people, and when they stepped on the arch bridge, they felt that there were countless pairs of cold eyes concentrating.

Every look is enough to make everyone’s fur explode and their hearts jump.

The more you go, the more alarming it becomes, especially the High Priest and Queen Nova.

I also secretly sighed at the strength of the temple, this is only one of the temples.

Queen Nova and the High Priest Ayesha were more and more glad in their hearts, even if they surrendered, it would definitely be of great benefit to their side.

Follow in the footsteps of the angels and come to the palatial front of the Aries Palace, which has thousands of steps.

Horrifying, solemn, solemn.

After sorting out her mood, Queen Nova and the High Priest took their own people and stepped up the steps towards the main hall of the Aries Palace.

And the young rising stars and the arrogant Sovereigns were uneasy.

I didn’t dare say a word at all.

This overwhelming majesty and holiness made everyone start to tense up.

Even I walked cautiously, raising my head and holding my chest high.

Not to mention these young rising stars, even the centurions are nervous.

This is no joke, you must know that they are facing an existence that can destroy an imperial power at any time, a god.

In the face of God, no one is not nervous and afraid.

Finally, the steps had been completed and came to the front of the White Rock Palace.

Just entering, the breath that emitted boundless pressure made everyone’s hearts tighten.

As soon as I changed my gaze, I found that in the empty and huge hall, the luxurious decoration of Aries Palace did not attract the attention of others.

It is the figure of the god who has his back to himself.

It is this peak that stands at the top of the entire galaxy, the existence of the peak, cloaked in noble and gorgeous golden holy clothes, gorgeous and noble, the white jade cloak is slightly fluttering, and the mighty shore is like a god, and every move seems to be enough to destroy this space.

It didn’t emit any breath, but it made everyone’s soul tremble.

This is the fear of the strong who stands at the peak life level, the fear that comes from the soul bloodline.

Everyone stood respectfully a hundred meters away, and Queen Nova and the High Priest both said respectfully, “Nova (Soveline Ayesha) has seen the honorable Lord Leon. ”

“Meet Lord Leon.”

The rest of the centurion behind him said respectfully at the same time as dozens of people including Sovereign.

A neat voice resounded through the otherwise silent Aries Palace.

And this figure turned around unhurriedly, revealing that extremely beautiful face, revealing a trace of calm but majestic breath.

“You’re very clever.”

The black eyes showed a smile.

Queen Nova and the High Priest and others felt a tightness in their hearts.

That nervous expression made Leon shake his head with a smile: “It seems that the destruction of the three empires of Skru, Kerry and Hia has caused you to have a crisis.” ”

As a person who had almost reached the late stage of the seventh sense, he could not see through the thoughts in the hearts of the High Priest and the Queen of the New Star.

The collapse of the Three Empires made the entire galaxy tense.

But the rest of the forces were either waiting or crazy for the technology left behind by the three empires, and he could certainly imagine that there would be forces that would surrender in advance, for fear of following in the footsteps of the three empires.

He was not surprised by the arrival of the new star.

It was just that Sovereign, who was known for his arrogance, would rush to express his surrender, which surprised Leon a little.

It seems that when Soveline “borrowed” metal in front of it, three empires and Thanos were destroyed, causing a crisis for Sovelin.

“With the will of His Highness Karen, the Sacred Realm will designate a new order centered on the Galaxy, and any force must abide by this order, and whoever dares to violate it will surely suffer the judgment of the Sacred Realm, do you think clearly?”

A voice full of incomparable domineering and powerful thunder shocked everyone’s heart.


As soon as this word came out, even the high priest Ayesha and the Nova Queen had already speculated, but to confirm this conjecture, they still couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, such a huge ambition.

Good strong style.

But with the collapse of the Three Empires and Thanos before the collapse, it is natural that the Sacred Realm will be domineering and powerful.

The rest of the people did not dare to say more, and they could not intervene in this level of dialogue.

“Nova stands for Nova and is bound to obey.”

“Ayesha is bound to abide by on behalf of Soveilin.”

“It was good.” Leon had no surprises.

As soon as the voice fell, he held out his right hand.

I saw the Queen of Nova and the High Priest Ayesha of Soveline with terrifying fluctuations in front of them, and two golden coins appeared, and these two golden coins were engraved with the mysterious and mysterious Athena goddess motif.

The two golden coins floated in front of the two people, and the void was filled with ripples, like ripples on the surface of the water, fluctuating in circles and around.

At first glance, the soul is as if it were sucked in.

(Thank you to the big guys for the flowers and monthly passes, tomorrow the update will be resumed.) )

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