“These two golden coins have divine power and are indestructible, and they have the imprint of my Aries Palace, and they will record your soul marks, which can be used to contact the Aries Palace, or they can be used to ask for help at critical moments, and when you are in crisis, there will be Saint Seiya to rescue you.”

Before he finished speaking, Li Ang’s pupils flashed a cold light and said in a cold voice: “But there is one point, it can only be used at critical moments, and there is only one chance.” ”

The will emanating from the voice makes it impossible for people to disobey.

The crowd tensed up.

Queen Nova of Qaida and Ayesha, the High Priest, nodded their heads and carefully reached out, while two gold coins fell into the palms of their hands.

The two felt the breath of vastness and holiness hidden in the coin, and their eyes were filled with ecstasy.

Sure enough, this time the decision was right.

With the assurances of the Temple, at least in the absence of a violation of the order of the Temple, the temple will be protected.

But the two were also very clear in their hearts.

The protection of the temple is not in vain, and they also need to pay a corresponding price, but this price is simply not worth mentioning for the protection of the temple.

With the protection of the Temple, who in the whole universe would dare to speak out against the sinner?

Just as the hawks of the Kree Empire had always wanted to destroy Qaida, if Kree had not been overthrown, with the protection of the Temple, it would have to be weighed to destroy Qaida.

Li Ang looked at the two of them, and the corners of his mouth curved a little.

“Relatively speaking, you need to…


Two months had passed, and within two months, almost all the forces had surrendered to the Temple.

Especially after learning the news that Sovereign and Nova had been protected by the Temple, the rest of the forces regretted that their intestines were green.

Say good wait-and-see the benefits of the results for the family to take over.

After that, he wanted to visit the temple, but the temple ignored it and his attitude was cold.

Regret, Li Ang and others did not bother to pay attention.

The thirteen golds are now all practicing in the Hell Dimension.

Hell dimension.


The vast golden ripples of the gloomy blood-colored Shura World fluctuated in all directions, and the terrible shaking caused the hell earth to set off a terrifying wind.

A roar of grief and resentment rang out.

Countless hell spirits and demons were wiped out in a terrible scream.

Several golden glowing figures stood in the blood-colored sky, and ahead, the black terror wave covered hundreds of millions of kilometers, almost enveloping half of the sky of hell.

And in the black wave, an inaudible whisper, whispers continue to reverberate.

It was as if the soul had been devoured.

One by one, the huge demonic shadows fluctuated vaguely, and the venomous and angry eyes focused on the several golden figures, but there was also a trace of fear that was slightly invisible.

Ever since the one who appeared in Hell made a big fuss, he said the words that made the demons of the entire high order angry.

That humiliation made all the Demon King-level demons furious, vowing to torture the food that was coming.

However, they are wrong.

In Hell, there is no concept of time, but when the existence of those “foods” comes, hundreds of millions of undead are destroyed, and that blind, powerful force makes the demons of the entire Hell dimension have a huge crisis, and even unite to tear this gang of guys apart.

However, even under the leadership of more than a dozen Demon King Levels and countless high-level demons, they still couldn’t pose any threat to these “foods”.

And what scares them the most is that these people are growing and getting stronger all the time.

Every siege, every battle, these people seemed to be able to absorb nutrients, and they kept getting stronger, and from the beginning of the siege, there was still some embarrassment, and now, their siege could not even pose a threat to them.

It’s something they’ve never seen in hundreds of thousands of years.

It’s too scary.

How much time it took them to become the Demon King level? Those are hundreds of thousands of years, and what about these people?

At most a teenager.

Basically equivalent to the so-called juvenile stage.

At an early age, he could overpower the Demon King Level, how terrifying.

One of the demon kings suppressed the resentment and resentment in his heart, and his cold gaze was placed on the figure in front of him that made him hate it, and his voice was hoarse in people’s ears: “Your purpose should have been achieved, can’t you still kill through hell?” ”


There is only endless silence.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely solemn.

And the undead of the whole hell were trembling and did not dare to go near the battlefield, and whoever dared to approach the battlefield covering hundreds of millions of kilometers would be mercilessly torn apart by the momentum of the collision between the two sides, even those high demons were not qualified to participate in the battle.

Finally, the golden glow dissipated, revealing gorgeous armor and handsome faces.

The more beautiful girl Li Yingna stretched out a lazy waist, the white jade cloak fluttered with the wind, the red lips were slightly opened, and the lazy voice echoed: “You tool people are actually quite good, elevating a large number of realms, so that I don’t want to kill you, but unfortunately, this world is annoying to me.” ”

For young girls, this kind of world, which exudes malice and evil all the time, has no necessary existence at all.

She liked primitive nature, if she didn’t want to improve the realm, she would have wanted to destroy the hell dimension long ago.

With the strength she now reached the late stage of the Seventh Sense, it was somewhat difficult to destroy one dimension, but three golden levels combined would be enough.

This time I must take a good shower and go to a primitive planet to relax.

Charlotte, the twin Charles brothers of several golds are also cold-faced.

“Too lazy to play with you.”


As soon as the words fell, the vast golden light shone brightly, and the extremely strong momentum erupted with the girl as the center, and the beautiful eyes froze, and the girl’s figure instantly tore through the void and rushed into the boundless black wave at a speed faster than the speed of light.

In the face of that mighty and mighty demonic shadow, she did not have the slightest fear.


Suddenly, a demon king with tens of thousands of tentacles was pierced by the fist of the inverted beam that was enough to easily destroy a planet, and this demon king was blasted alive without any reaction.

“The game is over.”

The stench of blood was flying all over the sky, and the girl stood spotlessly clean, and her beautiful face was as cold as winter.

(Thank you for the flowers and monthly passes.) )

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